Eating 1 kg egg whites a day

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by riz_, Feb 8, 2018.

  1. riz_

    riz_ Fapstronaut

    I'm going to eat 1 kg of egg whites in a day for 7 days. I am around day 50 on NoFap and I want to see how eating that many egg whites will benefit me physically and mentally. I don't care what you guys think, Imma just try this out. Follow the thread for updates. Btw, 1 kg of egg whites are around 30 egg whites and 110 grams of protein, with 0 cholesterol.
    Choca007 and Optimum Fortitude like this.
  2. Optimum Fortitude

    Optimum Fortitude Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Hahahaha. Never heard of anything like that. Sounds extreme but keep us posted xD
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Supermarron

    Supermarron Fapstronaut

  4. Dr. Jekyll

    Dr. Jekyll Fapstronaut

    just for laughs:
  5. why would anyone do this
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    Yeah I guess you would need to eat a lot since it's not a lot of protein by volume, each egg is like 6g. I understand egg protein is high quality but it can get expensive, are you cracking open that many eggs and cooking it yourself or buying the carton of eggwhites? They have egg protein powder too.
  7. Ongoingsupport

    Ongoingsupport Fapstronaut

    Oh from the 6g number 30 would be 180g though.
  8. HooEmAi

    HooEmAi Fapstronaut

    I can end the suspicion. I get in about 80g of egg protein a day, with there being four total yolks in that content. You'll assimilate them easily. You won't see any miraculous benefits. It's clean, cheap protein. I take in about 170g protein daily. With the other amount coming from lentils, nuts, tofu, and fish.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. StraightEdge3616

    StraightEdge3616 Fapstronaut

    I eat 6 egg whites every day but no way would I ever do that much.
  10. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Then why make a topic about it? You should just do it and not say anything to anyone.
  11. I would rather take some avocado's, much healthier :)
    Deleted Account and pezzer like this.
  12. Or why don't just eat 4 skinless chicken breast (approx. 800g). Same amount of protein but whole a lot less stuff to eat.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Are egg whites that good? I love eggs and I'm curious about egg whites.
  14. Optimum Fortitude

    Optimum Fortitude Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Egg whites pretty much taste like an egg without the yoke.

    Avocados are good but the nutrients are completely different.
  15. That's right, avocado's have a lot of fats.. for more protein I would give nuts and seeds a try, hemp seeds for example are packed with nutrients :)
  16. First what led you to deciding on this diet?
    What do you hope to achieve?
    What else are you doing for your micro and macro uprights?
    Please keep us updated on status (mood, weight loss, etc.) As we are curious

    You stated you don't care about others opinions so to people reading this, the yolk is not that bad. It contains a lot of beneficial nutrition and 'good' cholesterol. Yes there is good cholesterol.
    Optimum Fortitude likes this.
  17. Well... you can look it up on google, but meat and animal products are associated with all kinds of increased risks (heart diseases, arteries diseases etc. tons of studies.. of all diets, with the vegan diet one has the highest life expectancy). I dont want to be holier than thou or go morally preaching everyone, but I do believe it's more ethical to eat plant products, and very important also way better for health. For proteins there are so many plant-based products.. where do people think plant-eating animals get their protein from lool :)
  18. I'm a huge meat eater...but can agree there are benefits to consuming a lot of non-animal products. However humans are by nature omnivores and require different nutritional demands than herbivores.
    Macro and micro nutrients are very important and I've found it's easier to get both when I have a balance of meat and produce in my diet.

    Iron balance, the right fatty oils ratios, etc. Are often easier through animal products.

    Also processed foods and some vegan alternatives are much less than healthy. That being said binging on animal products may be worse (but tastier).
    For those who wanna go smart and go all in
    Mike Bonanno likes this.
  19. These days it seems like pretty much everything you can get from a local grocery store is gonna give you a cancer or a heart attack. Probably both ;)

    I'm sorry Bro, but I'm not gonna get into that "vegan vs. meat lover" argument. We all make our own decisions. Some of us eat everything that's green or breaths, while others stay solely on the greens. Both sides has their pros and cons.
    I'm willing to let everybody decide what ever they want to eat, as long as everybody keep their hands off my rotisserie chicken :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 12, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Mmmmm... Bro, you just described my perfect Saturday :D