I need help to make up my mind

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Feb 1, 2018.

  1. For the recent one year I've been keeping m in the interval of one week, and recently I've made several progresses by making the streaks more than 10 days or even 20days. However, after today's relapse, which ends my latest streak of 11 days, I found that the key to annihilating m for me is to make up my mind to totally quit it. I've seen people posting tips like you have to realize that m is not a choice, not something you can sneak to under any condition, but I just couldn't find a reason to make up my mind. When I have urges that are so strong, like the one today, I would be like "I just do it one time every 10 days and it won't hurt me a lot". So now, of course I understand that I have to quit fapping totally, but I guess I just haven't made up my mind since I would feel it's OK to fap to stop the urge at times.

    So, could anyone who had survived longer than 90 days or more help me to find a reason that can make me believe from the deepest of my heart that I cannot have even one single m from now on?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. one thing for sure is that you are absolutely crystal clear about your problem.

    Get spiritual or philosophical

    do exercise.
  3. Emmm.... Firstly I'm an atheist. After stating this, could you please give more details about what kind of spiritual or philosophical approaches, or could you please briefly share some experience or something? Thank you.
    Tony Greenshrine likes this.
  4. Hi @Lionel on the road
    Yah...i can speak from my experience and tell you that pmo ing has its charms killing time and energy in pleasant way ,but if thats what you want ? I was trying to get out of pmo for 25 years ,and i made over 30 days before 5 years.First month I didnt see lots of benefits exept clearer mind and sometimes energy.Actually first few months were tough for me ,becouse it was taking long to change my sexual thoughts ,which poped up in my mind quite often . But after few months i was glad to notice ,that they decrease significantly and if i wanted i could deal with them immediately.But dont forget ,that you will get sexual thoughts no matter how long your journey was ,and if you let yourself to their influence..its likely you will fail. You are right..before seing the benefits its harder to start...but let me tell you that i dont want to go back on what it was. Im thankful that i experienced long streak and the benefits. I know that i will always what to be where im now .
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Well it seems that 20 days are not enough to fully reveal all the benefits of rebooting....that seem to be a motivation... Also I wanna share my experience today. I actually resisted the urge for about half an hour and for the last 5 minutes I could not even continue doing my work. So I gave up, thinking that I would waste hours resisting the urge without doing what I should have been doing, but I guess I was simply giving up to urges...
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Oops sorry man I forgot to say thank you for sharing you experience.
  7. We get urges because deep inside in our subconscious mind we don't want to let go of PMO.
  8. you are welcome...im sorry to hear about your struggles...more power to you to overcome them.
    I was reading that the urges is the roots of your energy...you dont want and you cant get rid of them ,but only to control them and to use their energy not for M ,but for something constructive in your life.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  9. Tony Greenshrine

    Tony Greenshrine Fapstronaut

    Stoicism is always an advisable secular entry into philosophy, from the good old days of Thor and Zeus.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Tony Greenshrine

    Tony Greenshrine Fapstronaut

    So are you implying indirectly and subconsciously perhaps that by programming our innermost aspects of mind we can come to abhor PMO and eliminate urges for the most part?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Well I think urges are inevitable but if I try to find a way to fully exclude PMO from my options to eliminate urges it’l be fine I guess.
  12. Thanks man. Maybe I’ll try to do something constructive whenever I have urges.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. OK sure. Thanks.
  14. Hamze

    Hamze Fapstronaut

    What helped me very much are cold shower when U have extreme urges take a cold shower and u feel much better. I am in the same train as you mate i am now at day 4 my longest streak is 17 days.
  15. Oh cool. Thanks man.