The flat brain theory (Flat earth)

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. you seem to be beating up a straw man here. my question was directed towards the cyclonic flow of pressure systems, not storms, so I'm not sure what "affects most storms, but not all storms" means when nobody was talking about storms in the first place. a hurricane is the main meteorological event used to illustrate coriolis because hurricanes ARE low pressure systems, and their cyclonic patterns can be easily tracked and visualized using Doppler radar, but that doesn't mean we will see the same patterns from an isolated airmass thunderstorm associated with a cold front. so, it's important we distinguish pressure vs storm as they are two very different things. maybe you were thinking of hurricanes here, but I'm not sure

    secondly, you referred to storms that "escape the effects" of coriolis. if you were referring to pressure systems, then I am completely unaware of any such event taking place. to my knowledge, no clockwise flowing north American hurricane has ever been recorded, so I am unsure of what you mean by storms "escaping" coriolis

    lastly, the difference in deflection of these events is due to the inward flow of low pressure systems. low pressure is dominated by converging air (since high pressure seeks low), which when altered by coriolis, deflects them clockwise in the southern hemisphere, and counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere. you can use any picture/Doppler radar of a hurricane in Florida to see this pattern

    here's a visualization of this effect


    if you would like to see this visualized further, this MIT video on coriolis does a good job. notice how both balls deflect in different directions when inwardly thrown simultaneously (just like low pressure)

  2. If the earth was not round it would not automatically mean it was flat. If it was flat it would still not "destroy" atheism.
  3. @LiquidShoes Idk if you are a troll or what, but I'm to lazy to read your post.
    I have too many books to dive my eyes in to right now.
  4. So basically there is air going up and down (hot and cold) and the Coriolis effect mix those up and make winds? I am not good at understanding fluid systems.
  5. TheLoneDanger

    TheLoneDanger Fapstronaut

    You’re right, it is speculation. Maybe it’s over generalization too. But I’m confident that my opinion is not far from accurate. At the end of the day, all we have is our opinions. And my opinions are formed from 42 years of life experience and the knowledge I’ve obtained from it in both education and practical application. And my opinion on this is not going to change until the flat-earth supporters can answer the real question that most people have. It’s not about explanations of how a flat earth model makes sense. It’s not about the plethora of “what if” theories and pseudoscience presented on YouTube.

    No, I just need one question answered. Why would our scientific foundation based on centuries upon centuries of learning, trial, error, research, development, and technological advancement all be some sort of cover up by a perceived “establishment”? You see, when it comes to critical thought, this is what makes the least sense out of all of it. And until that question can be answered in a way that makes reasonable sense rather than stating over and over again that people shouldn’t belive everything they’re told, no amount of debate tactics can change that opinion.
  6. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    I asked you to find me the diameter of the sun and the distance from the ocean level, why are you still here?
  7. I think the OP might be right - I most people believe what they want to believe until they don't want to believe it. Proof for or proof against is not applicable. I actually heard someone say that WWII never happened and that it's been invented by the governments of the world so they can control us.
  8. pretty sure if you go on the teacups ride at the "fun" fair then you don't stop feeling the motion thanks to inertia.

    You have to believe you're on a spinning ball. Your everyday experience is of a flat, stationary earth. The ball earth is purely imaginary.

    There is no scientific foundation, there's just a bunch of scam artists, conmen, charlatans, and overweight buffoons like Neil "Disgrace" Tyson who insists wishy thinking and scientamagistical gravity magic sticks everything together.

    You're not moving at 666,000,000 miles per hour. That's just something you have to close your eyes and believe to make the Big Bang, expanding universe baloney make sense. Gravity isn't real, it's just a subterfuge by "Sir" Isaac Newton to make his heliocentric model of the universe work.

    Einstein was a plagairist to begin, but I'm not sure even Einstein would have the audacity to claim that the earth is "an oblate spheroid, a little chubbier around the middle, infact kind of pear shaped."

    "Don't you know how pressure works?!?! Gravity pulls air away from a vacuum further from the earth, so a vacuum can pull air away from the earth closer to the earth..."

    I guess gravity gets stronger the further you go from the earth, right?? Do you know how little f- sense this makes??

    I don't have a problem with normies who want to carry on believing the spinning ball earth. It's what they've been told and if they wanna stick to it, fine. It's dumb but whatever.

    But if you want to throw shade on flatlanders you better put up. The earth is flat and stationary. The curvature is like Macavity the Mystery Cat, wherever you look for it, the curvature ain't there. Wow some "photos" all different colours and photoshopped images supposedly "from" the aluminium space can Imaginary Space Station supposedly "prove" we're on a globe.

    If you believe you're on a spinning potato shaped rock surrounded by vacuum because some mischief making little gremlin told you it was based on "centuries of science" you'll believe anything. Snap out of it
  9. But you wanted people to have open mind, but yet you call flat earthers, "the flat brain theory." That's messed up, man. That's like if i called round earthers , "the round thick skull theory." I just hate discussing the size of the earth because of the argument going on. So seriously count me out of this one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Rebooter45674

    Rebooter45674 Fapstronaut

    In this day and age when photos of earth from outter space are available, People want to "believe" earth is flat that is outrageous and these people should be thrown from the end of the earth.
  11. Your limited sense of humor is not a limitation for argument.
    Anecdotal jokes are ok, it was bad if I said that they were completely stubborn or whatever.
    If someone made a joke about one bias of mine, let's say I used a lot of the black and white falacie, and they said "The black and white life theory", it would not matter to me.
    Do you think that any humor will make people defensive? If so I think that I need to be more supportive and understanding than explanatory for others. ;)
  12. Hey man, let's keep this conversation light hearthed and peaceful. Don't strawman others and don't offend, also don't expect someone to answer or listen to you when you do so.

    I say so because there is no need to offend and doing so makes other's subconsciously defensive (and more "close minded").
  13. Whatever. Have a good life.
  14. todaysresolution

    todaysresolution Fapstronaut

    pretty sure a government company that makes a billion a year can make low res movies and pics of earth
  15. Ahh, but how can one be thrown from the end of Earth, if it is not flat? I think we're getting somewhere in this conspiracy, I'm in too deep.

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2018
  16. HatePorn

    HatePorn Fapstronaut

    Chocolate doesnt exist.
  17. :(
    Deleted Account likes this.
  18. todaysresolution

    todaysresolution Fapstronaut

    real short video
    just look if you wanna see how the sunset works

  19. Lol. Should I answer this? Hahaha.

    Ok. There are other clouds in your video. They block the light, you can see the sun disappearing before going down the horizon.

    In your video we can see that the sun appears to shrink but it's only it's brightness diminishing as there is more atmosphere to cover, and we can clearly see that it goes gown, does not follow a path it would follow in a flat earth, we would always see it in this model.

    Deleted Account likes this.
  20. Ugh, this YouTube evidence sucks. First time lapse you can't see the sunset because of all the clouds/mist. Second one you can actually clearly see it set over the horizon, look closely at the sun and you'll see it at the end dip down...
    Deleted Account likes this.