Urgent Help

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Believer10, Jan 26, 2018.

  1. Believer10

    Believer10 Fapstronaut

    Hey, So sometimes I get this overwhelming feeling that I need to fap or do something sexually related. When times like this come I feel like if I do not masturbate or cum, I might die or would not be able to sleep. I try to take my mind off it but It is so hard. It happens some times when I am with my girlfriend. I just dont know what to do. My greatest streak was 9 days and that is shameful to be honest. I feel like I could do so much better. If anyone has any advice, please do respond.

    Thank you.
    MAVERICK$ and Anurag12 like this.
  2. Anurag12

    Anurag12 Fapstronaut

    Bro!! During those moments take your mind off with some thing healthy like playing, showering or even you can take 5-8 deep slow breath, when you keep denying to your brain to not to act out Sexually, it will loosen up on you then the severity will b less and that's why Porn Addiction has withdrawals but if you paas this strong desire then you can slowly make yourself free from porn and these strong overwhelming feelings.
    Keep yourself busy, appreciate this life Goad has gifted you, take out time for Mother Nature and Earthly Beauty, I know its hard but that whats makes your addiction pathways in your brain weak.
    Try Practicing Meditation Daily for 10 min.
    These things helped me too and I am someone who was hypersexual, but now Porn doesn't rule my life, I rule on my life.
    All d best.
    Knighthawk and Believer10 like this.
  3. Kris456

    Kris456 Fapstronaut


    Try not to beat yourself up. This is a journey, a process. Rewiring your brain will take time, be patient with yourself. You can do it, have faith that progress can be made!

    Now on to the practical issue: I noticed in previous post you said you installed blockers. Think about how you were able to access P with the blockers on. How did you get around them? Think about that and then while you’re not in the midst of a strong urge, go do whatever it takes to those blockers to prevent porn from getting through. If you the password, change it and give it to someone else. Or make a crazy one you’ll never remember and throw it away so you can’t uninstall when tempted.

    Get an accountability partner if you don’t have one. So helpful.

    In the moment of an urge, realize that this is your addicted brain pushing you to do something that the real you does not deep down want to do. Fight the urge with a mantra about why you’re leaving P behind, then do something in the moment — walk, run, get up and call a friend, go engage in an activity that has a dopamine producing effect.

    When with your girlfriend try to think about being a better partner and how PMO will keep that from you in the short term and in the long term.

    You can do this.
    Believer10 likes this.
  4. Believer10

    Believer10 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice at Anurag12 and Kris456. I will keep to the advice.

    MAVERICK$ Fapstronaut

    Initial days will be tough. Never give up