Physical Symptoms of too much PMO

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Nulife77, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. Nulife77

    Nulife77 Fapstronaut

    Hey all I am kinda new and wanted to throw out a question that has probably been posted before (if so please post the link!). What are some physical ailments that have been cured by your abstinence? I ask because after doing the PMO thing for 20+ years there's no telling which of my physical problems are caused by my addiction or not. And I know everyone's different and your advice may not be medically-guaranteed help for others but I am very into lifestyle healing and would love to hear your stories.
  2. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    First thing I noticed is I started standing and walking straighter than usual
  3. I don’t sleep for 16 hours and don’t wake up feeling sleepy anymore now I need at least 8, which I am working on being not need to sleep so much down
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2018
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  4. VirilitySupreme

    VirilitySupreme Fapstronaut

    Once I stopped masturbating I finally got my Test levels to raise to high levels.

    I always had spotty beard growth, whereas now my beard comes in fuller and thicker.

    My brainfog and depression dissapeared. I gained muscle easier and lost fat at a faster rate.

    I need less sleep.
  5. How’d you raise your test levels?

    How often were you doing pmo before reboot and for how many years? How long have you been attempting reboot? What’s your longest streak
    Nulife77 likes this.
  6. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Check out yourbrainonporn or smthing like that
    Nulife77 likes this.
  7. Trucker925

    Trucker925 Fapstronaut

    My skin is looking less oily and I can sleep all the way through most nights instead of waking up in the middle of the night. I look straight ahead when I walk instead of with my head down like before.
    Truegamer007 likes this.
  8. Female on 18 days

    I have a general feeling of wellbeing. My skin is nice & clear and my hair has stopped falling out everywhere.

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  9. VirilitySupreme

    VirilitySupreme Fapstronaut

    I stopped masturbating and I stopped looking at Porn. I also made sure to exercise diligently and I started reading up on how hormones are produced naturally within the body.

    I don't know how many years. Since I was a teenager. 2-3 times a day.

    I also don't know how long my streak is, I haven't jerked off well over two years (don't know the date). I have plenty of sex though.

    Edit: I quoted you twice.
  10. Hey Truegamer,
    What day was it when you felt you could walk up straight?
  11. MR_Sanji

    MR_Sanji Fapstronaut

    My list gonna be long

    IT starts by meesing my digestion system
    i relapse now and i can say goodbye to toilet for 24-48 hours
    When theres no digestion it atacks my nerves Heavy Headache & neck pain
    after that i lose sleep and it causes me too feel sluggish for days (today at 4 pm i was like a crack addict )
    it also causes stress and makes me lose many things (confidence , focus , contol"i lose hair due to that")


    i visited num,erous doctors but all they said was {IF YOU GET THESE PROBLEMS AFTER FAPPING THEN WHY DO YOU FAP?}

    I"m keeping a daily log so 90 days later i can confirm how much of my words are true i suggest you to do that also
  12. Truegamer007

    Truegamer007 Fapstronaut

    Not sure, I think it was a few a weeks in. I only noticed it for a month or so. Now I'm used to it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. zakes

    zakes Fapstronaut

    I also noticed that today! More upright posture.
    Truegamer007 likes this.
  14. Haha all good, but how are hormones produced naturally? I know exercise, eat well, sleep well, maybe take some supplements here and there, but is there anything out of the norm you can share with us?
    Truegamer007 likes this.
  15. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    My testerone was higher my family doctor told me to stay away from terestetone replacement therapy he knew that it was stress causing it but I didn't tell him about the pmo but after I stopped my numbers went up it's not a coincidence
    Truegamer007 likes this.
  16. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    too much dopamine messes up your body chemistry so even if you do excercise and sleep normally you will not see the results because pmo depletes all those things raises the prolactin in your body and that essential kills your ability to produce testerone
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2018
    Truegamer007 likes this.
  17. Stress kills testosterone? Because I am stressed for sureeeeee. 24/7 in my head crazy for 6+ years now...

    also you said something about dopamine, it was in your next comment but I’ll just talk to you about it here. So high prolactin kills testosterone. High prolactin also lowers dopamine. Low dopamine means low testosterone. So currently we have high prolactin and low dopamine. So how long does it take prolactin to lower and are the dopamine issues basically the receptors? Answer the best you can please or ask me to rephrase things because it’s hard for me to explain what I mean
  18. VirilitySupreme

    VirilitySupreme Fapstronaut

    The problem lies in the fact that we are living an "unnatural" life as men. We are constantly being poisoned by estrogenic compounds and the fact that we are living a sedentary lifestyle unlike our ancestors certainly doesn't our T levels.

    Yes, everybody says to "exercise", "eat well" and "sleep well" but to me those things sound meaningless.

    I wanted to know "how to exercise", "what foods to eat to help natural hormonal output" and "how to optimize sleep".

    A heavy lifting session that lasts 45 minutes and that leaves you exhausted is 100 times better than cardio.

    Eating meat like we are supposed to (and supporting protein synthesis which will increase Testosterone in the long run) is infinitely better than going Vegan because it is the latest "fad" diet (I got nothing against Vegans on an ethical ground, I appreciate their moral goals and support them even though I don't think it is healthy for men).

    Taking extra supplements and adding them to your diet is extremely important since the food today is mass produced (and therefore lacking nutrients): You NEED Vitamin D3, Zinc and Magnesium to stay at optimal T levels !


    Hope it helps !
    D. Jigen and (deleted member) like this.
  19. I agree with everything you said, except the eating meat part, but that’s a topic for another time! Let’s say I have all those things you mentioned in check, what else is there? Heavyweights, eat some meat and lots of fruits and veggies, get 8 hours with quality sleep; what’s next??? Shine sunlight on my balls?