Relapse after 13 months, REBOOT TIME!!!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by rgiuca, Jan 17, 2018.

  1. rgiuca

    rgiuca Fapstronaut

    Was going strong for 13 months, relapsed twice this week and feel horrible. Want to get my streak back. Deciding right now that I’m not going back to that life so today starts my reboot. Here we gooooooo!!!!
  2. joyful bob

    joyful bob Fapstronaut

    Whoa, 13 months is really impressive! After that time I wouldn't even call it a relapse anymore..
    But keep going buddy! Fapping feels great, fun and easy but in reality it's the complete opposite. And you know that!
  3. rgiuca

    rgiuca Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the encouragement man! And yeah I kinda have the same idea as you - I have gone so long without PMO that I don’t even rly consider it a “relapse” anymore, maybe just a minor setback. But yeah thanks again man, I rly appreciate it!
  4. Did you use P? Or just mo? How addicted were you before, your frequency and for how many years? Any benefits?
  5. rgiuca

    rgiuca Fapstronaut

    I used both P and MO. And I was very addicted before, I would PMO almost daily and many times I would PMO multiple times a day. This went on for about 3-4 years. I’m assuming you’re asking about benefits of quitting, of which there were many: I became a lot happier, had more energy, social interactions became better, and I started respecting and honoring the women around me. My Christian faith was a big part in my journey and it definitely played a big role.
    noonoon and Deleted Account like this.
  6. Ooo do you think that it’s wise to still use P after a long time of abstaining? That may be a bad idea

    And yes, I was asking for the benefits haha thanks for answering them. How were you before reboot? Opposite of all the benefits you just described? When did you see the most benefits (in which month) and is it getting better after such a long time
  7. Napav

    Napav Fapstronaut

    I feel sorry, for you too bro..
    But its great that you have completed 13 months..
    Its really awesome.. 13 months is not so easy.. till now I have only gone upto 52 days.
    Dont worry bro, and please give tips for us.
  8. thetinman

    thetinman Fapstronaut

    13 months is an Incredible accomplishment. I’m just starting my no PMO journey, and getting to 7 days was a struggle. Remember you are not starting at square 0 again, you’ve already come so far and can keep going. We all make mistakes and aren’t perfect... this sucks sometimes.
  9. rgiuca

    rgiuca Fapstronaut

    Maybe I didn’t say it the right way but I am not going back to using P. My 13 month streak was abstaining completely from PMO and I’m not going back to any of it at all, no P, no M, no O. I agree, going back to P after such a long time of abstaining from it is a bad idea, so I’m definitely not doing that. To answer your other questions, yes I was the opposite of all the benefits I described before the reboot. I started noticing benefits around month 2 or 3 and it just got better from there. As time went on, it became easier to control my urges and eventually it was almost effortless. But I let my guard down and “relapsed” at month 13, so I’m gonna make sure to never let my guard down again!
  10. rgiuca

    rgiuca Fapstronaut

    52 days is great man! Don’t give up! For me it got easier over time, but make sure you never let your guard down. The main tips I can give you are these: get an accountability partner and keep up with each other DAILY, avoid situations that usually lead to PMO (like being alone on your phone in your room late at night, etc), find a way to keep yourself motivated (I use Bible verses), and whenever the urges rise try to remember all the shame and regret that you used to feel and use that as motivation to resist the urges. Tbh my Christian faith played a huge role in my success but the tips I gave you can be used by anyone, religious or not. Good luck bro!
    Napav and Deleted Account like this.
  11. rgiuca

    rgiuca Fapstronaut

    I gave @Napav some tips that are quoted above ^
    Fee free to read them!
    Napav and CTRL + DEL like this.
  12. rgiuca

    rgiuca Fapstronaut

    7 days is huge man, trust me. For me it only got easier from there on out! Thanks for the encouragement man, good luck to you!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Nice, thank you for your answer. It’s okay, a couple of slip ups after 13 months is nothing, I bet you feel back to normal already. Just keep up any healthy habits you have and only MO once a month max, and I think you’ll be fine. Push for longer if you can! But you’re golden!!

    Okay, last question and I’ll leave you alone, because it is something I deal with and it troubles me a lot. But how is your memory? Do you have brain fog? Was it bad before reboot and has it gotten better or completely gone away?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. 13 months is a really long time, good job. But get back to your plan man, you don't want to get hooked up on PMO anymore. The urges would probably feel stronger in the next couple of days after such a long time of abstinence but you should always remember you're not the same person you once were. Relapse is not an option. Stay frosty! Get :emoji_back::emoji_on::emoji_top:
  15. rgiuca

    rgiuca Fapstronaut

    Ummm maybe I’m misunderstanding but I don’t think I’ve ever had issues with my memory. Or maybe I used to have issues before reboot but never noticed it? The only issue I’ve ever noticed that deals with my mind is what I call “flashbacks” which is when random images from P that I used to watch will pop into my mind and it’s rly hard to get them to go away. It rly sucks when these flashbacks happen but they’ve been getting less and less frequent as time goes on. Hope that helps!
  16. rgiuca

    rgiuca Fapstronaut

    Wise words bro. Thanks for the encouragement! Stay strong!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. I took what you can offer so thanks :). And as for the flash backs, all I can recommend is don’t play with the thought or kindle it’s flames. Let it be and don’t attach to it, you’re free now, don’t fall back! Good luck brother and I wish you the best. Again, thank you for your responses
    Deleted Account and rgiuca like this.
  18. noonoon

    noonoon Fapstronaut

    Good job getting back to it!
    Deleted Account and rgiuca like this.
  19. rgiuca

    rgiuca Fapstronaut

    Thanks bro I appreciate the support!
    Deleted Account likes this.