90 days!! Low mood, social insecure and anxious. It just starts

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Guybrushgood, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. Guybrushgood

    Guybrushgood Fapstronaut

    Hi friends!!

    I thought that today I was going to be better, but no. Fuck porn!!!
    It is more harmful than I expected. I think i need several month to get rid of all these fears, anxieties, insecurities, brain fog. Just a little sad cuz that, Im still cant connect with people, i dont feel like get social, not talkative, all is forced. JUST WANNA GET HOME AND NOT TALK TO NOBODY, MY ONLY FRIEND INVITES ME EVERYDAY TO HANG OUT BUT I REJECT IT OR TRY TO EXCUSE MYSELF, ALL BECAUSE I FEEL ANXIOUS WHEN MEET PEOPLE, TOTALLY UNCOMFORTABLE, AKWARD. Just wanna get rid of this feeling, and feel calm and enjoy being around people,
    I dont wanna you feel scared or unmotivated with my post, just wanna show you that many of us need several months to recover, It is one step into the self-control-
    p/d: I play soccer, and train almost always, alone or with mates.I work as checkout boy at walmart. so, I do lot of things but always I am trying to escape because anxiety. thats my issue with this.

    Go ahead boys, Dont look back and believe and have the strenght to overcome this hell forever.
    I hit drugs, tobacco, and this is porn turn.
  2. paologabbers

    paologabbers Fapstronaut

    Stay strong friend! Life sometimes it's tough . Did you fapped?
  3. Guybrushgood

    Guybrushgood Fapstronaut

    Yes, 90 days ago hahaha. No mate, i didnt. how are you doing?
    paologabbers likes this.
  4. Keep going brother, 90 days is a very good milestone, but it isn’t the end for most. Keep going and don’t give up now, just keep doing what you are doing and maybe socialize once in awhile if you can (I know it’s hard, I am like you too)
  5. Guybrushgood

    Guybrushgood Fapstronaut

    thanks mate! im happy there is men struggling with the same issue, your comment is really valuable not because the hell we are going trough , if not because sometimes i think I will be sick for ever and have no cure for this anxiety. So I sum up this is normal for many of us. Big hug, God bless you mate!!! god bless us...
  6. Blake V

    Blake V New Fapstronaut

    Congrats on the 90 days bro! And even if you don't notice it, you mind is getting much stronger. But remember, just because you don't watch porn or masturbate doesn't mean you'll be able to take on the world. The trick to cure being nervous around new people is to really stop caring about what other people think. To stop caring what people think, just remember this. No one cares. Whether you do something insanely cool or something insanely embarrassing, people are gonna forget about it in 10 seconds. Just go out and be yourself. People are drawn to confidence. Stand tall, don't be afraid to speak your opinion, make others feel welcome around you. Trust me, if you follow these steps, people will be flooding around you.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  7. I’ve read around a lot and there are people that are like this, so that gives me hope. I understand where you’re coming from and it’s scary. If you weren’t always like this, there’s a chance you can revert back. But if you weren’t always outgoing, then you may be one of the guys that aren’t extroverted but I assume they can at least talk one on one to people, that’s where you can gain fruition perhaps. In either case, keep going and never look at P again, many people have problems with P and that’s a fact, at least. So throw P away and don’t M too much. I say not to MO too much because I believe in Chinese medicine
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. PedroCalrissian

    PedroCalrissian Fapstronaut

    Don't worry or overthink your awkwardness. If your in your head a lot I'd recommend reading the power of the now. It really helped me be less anxious.
    Guybrushgood likes this.
  9. Akt1

    Akt1 Fapstronaut

    You could Read up on cbd oil and social anxiety. Its not psychoactive. Its not q Quick fix either, but it calms /balances the nervous system.

    Ive used it for a year with good results in the long run. I might be having some autistic traits which it seems to balance out, which is quite remarkable since ive tried many things.

    Peace mate
    Knighthawk and Guybrushgood like this.
  10. Prashanna

    Prashanna Fapstronaut

    @Guybrushgood , I'm roughly your age as well. Almost hitting 31 in 4 months. Can you tell me the reason you joined noFap? I joined for ED reasons most probably caused by porn. Did you have such problems? And if yes, how is the situation now in that regard after 90 days?
  11. Little kitty

    Little kitty Fapstronaut

    do not give up your friends. you also deserve to be happy. . . . I pray for your success
    PedroCalrissian and Guybrushgood like this.
  12. Guybrushgood

    Guybrushgood Fapstronaut

    So thankful for your words mate!!! Blesses
  13. i feel you man, stay strong.
  14. Guybrushgood

    Guybrushgood Fapstronaut

    I never had a ED issue, but have PE issues. Its so bad like ED. My main problem is social anxiety, I live hyperaccelerated, cant get calm, short attention, ita horrible, ill give to nofap 1 year to do its job. The difference betwen you and me ia that your ED is porn induced, but my social anxiety and foggy dumb mind I dont know if iya porn induced...
  15. Timel

    Timel Fapstronaut

    Keep trying, man. You are doing it great. I have also anxiety and depression problems and, after trying different things, I found that stoicism (the philosophy) is a good companionship. It helps to use our thoughts in the good direction. Meditation and tons of exercise tend to help with hyperactivity too.
  16. MikeM444

    MikeM444 Fapstronaut

    I have one recommendation, try out weight training. I've been combining weight training with NoFap and found it to be amazing, as it releases antidepressant endorphins to the brain and it usually puts me in a great mood for the next couple days. I suppose it doesn't necesarily have to be weight training but some form of exercise that is intense enough to release endorphins. The first time I mixed the gym and NoFap, I was insanely euphoric, even at work, I had so much energy, a positive mind set, music sounded damn-near orgasmic, and I was really happy. Maybe the answer for some people doing NoFap isn't just one thing, but a couple, the brain is very complex afterall, especially from individual to indivdual. Meditation is also good for stress and anxiety reduction and I've read articles saying it boosts testosterone as well. Oh, and diet is another factor that could help too, I've been staying away from garbage food (also due to me hitting the gym.) and heavily reduced my intake of sugar.
    Anyways, don't let it bring you down, keep up the fight, you seem to be doing very well with this, all the negatives are your brain figuring out your new way of living.
    Knighthawk likes this.
  17. ceetee9559

    ceetee9559 Fapstronaut

    First off,

    Thank you for opening up and saying what you're saying. Here is the good news - YOU HIT 90 DAYS! WOW! Holy s**t that's incredible! God bless you for displaying more strength than someone such as myself.

    I've spent years beating off, watching porn, using vices and nothing ever works. You may not be in the flesh, making yourself comfortable around people, but you are around great people on this site.

    I can relate to your reclusive lifestyle because I also am a recluse. I'm just hours away from day 19, but I can tell you this site is changing my life. I believe it is changing yours too. You mentioned that you've turned to drugs and alcohol... Not a good idea. That could be porn away from porn. A true reboot does not work unless you commit, so can I get your commitment? Because you sure as heck have mine! I'll follow you, and we can hold each other accountable, but how often do you hit up the panic button feature? It works for me every time.

    The truth is, you're doing a fantastic job. You know the definition of insanity is repeating an action over and over, expecting a different result, but the same one keeps occurring. You're being completely sane to manifest a paradigm shift within yourself. You believe there's discomfort in not wanting to be around poodle. I also have isolated myself, but I can tell you - it may be for the best.

    When you grow, you mature (hopefully), so when you believe others are changing around you, it could be the opposite; you may be changing around others. I recently came to grips with this myself. Perhaps who you considered your friends, were in fact not your friends. You must put yourself out there. Do community service, go to church and definitely join a gym. When you commit to NoFap, if you work out, you'll notice a change faster than those who are avid masturbators.

    So again, great job opening up. All of us can relate to those things, so if you feel bad again, just post honestly like you did... We all help each other by sharing. All you can do is make yourself better 1% each day. If you do that, think about it this way - in one week, you're 7% better! That's better than a lot of people in their whole lifetime!

    Congrats again on 90 days, may God bless you, and I hope you have a fantastic week!

    Best regards,

  18. If you suffer from long term, debilitating anxiety, I would strongly recommend you see a psychiatrist. I know not everyone likes to take medication, but if you had some chronic, physical illness that caused you this much distress, I doubt you would hesitate to take a pill if it would help ease your suffering. Same is true for issues of the mind. There is help out there. You don't need to just suffer indefinitely, without hope.
    FormerFapaholic and ceetee9559 like this.
  19. I highly doubt all of the issues you've discussed here are porn related... Especially since you've seen no benefit after 90 days of abstaining. Seems it's time to look for other help.
    FormerFapaholic and MikeM444 like this.
  20. ReZen8ster

    ReZen8ster Fapstronaut

    I would suggest regular exercise. Should help with anxiety, depression, motivation, productivity, and self esteem. If your not working out regularly give it a try.

    I can relate about not wanting to go out or socialize. Sometimes you got to force yourself. For me like going to the gym you often don’t want to go, but once you do your glad you did and feel much better afterwards.

    Forward March!