1 year PMO free

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Fishsammich, Jan 9, 2018.

  1. Fishsammich

    Fishsammich Fapstronaut

    I'm 34 years old and have voluntarily wasted an incredible amount of time to PMO/edjing. Was extremely depressed and had bad anxiety/social anxiety problems.

    Before I knew about porn/dopamine addiction 2 1/2 years ago I started trying to quit on my own with the idea to break up with my current girlfriend(porn) to get a real one. Couldn't stop MOing (about 2 a week which was a huge cutback) at the time but had a strong resolve to drop porn. Long story short after about 6 months no P I got with a girl I was crazy about. We were friends with benefits and slept together about once a week for 6 months before I slowly went back to porn and things started to fall apart. Was PMOing for about 3-4 months and feeling horrific again before remembering why I wanted to quit and finally finding yourbrainonporn/nofap. I am PMO free 1 year this Monday.

    Still have some bad days but have seen a lot of positive changes:

    Started smoking at 18, 2to3packs a day, have been quit for a little over a year

    I'm 5'9 went from 200lb to 165lb with regular excersise

    Have been meditating almost everyday for about 2 years

    Eat better

    Drink less

    Graduated from local community college year long HVAC program and have been working in the field for 7 months

    Generally feel better and have a much easier time interacting with people

    Didn't consider ever dropping M for good when I started this journey 2 1/2 years ago but at this point that's my mindset. Urges are easy to deal with now but I know for certain my brain can relearn PMO much faster than it can unlearned it.

    Mostly have lurked here but I appreciate all the advice, insights and success stories as they have helped me a ton. Still have plenty I need to improve on but thatd be a different thread. Good luck everyone, once you decide to quit it is just a matter of time.
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2018
  2. Deadlihood

    Deadlihood Fapstronaut

  3. 5adn8m8

    5adn8m8 Fapstronaut

    thanks for sharing your inspiring story!
    best of luck mate.
    Asgardian36 and Fishsammich like this.
  4. The Prince of Persia

    The Prince of Persia Fapstronaut

    OMG, 1 year free from PMO, that's amazing!
    Thanks for sharing your inspirational story
    Freeddom_Taker and Fishsammich like this.
  5. NewLifeForGood86

    NewLifeForGood86 Fapstronaut

    Thanks! Those are Some pretty crucial improvements and successes you’ve gained. Congratulations.
    Fishsammich likes this.
  6. gijohn116

    gijohn116 New Fapstronaut

    Good job bro amazing effort, I am sure you will see continued improvement over the coming year
    Fishsammich likes this.
  7. Fishsammich

    Fishsammich Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I appreciate the comments
  8. hiitsme

    hiitsme Fapstronaut

    wow congrats. great victory. keep going.
  9. sakeen

    sakeen Fapstronaut

    Congratulations and thank you so much for this inspiration. How do you feel meditation was able to help the reboot process?
    Fishsammich likes this.
  10. Fishsammich

    Fishsammich Fapstronaut

    Seems like by meditation and rebooting both being intentional practices on the opposite side of the spectrum from instant gratification. They go hand in hand in strengthening impulse control. I started on headspace, then on insight timer, now use mostly headspace
  11. THEdally_llama

    THEdally_llama Fapstronaut

    Good shit dude, hopefully I can get on your level someday. Must’ve taken some serious restraint to go a full year.
    Fishsammich likes this.
  12. Did you ever get back to where you once were after that 3-4 month pmo relapse? What was your frequency of use like before reboot and for how many years?
    Fishsammich likes this.
  13. Fishsammich

    Fishsammich Fapstronaut

    Thanks, if I can quit anyone can, urges become much easier to deal with after a while
  14. Fishsammich

    Fishsammich Fapstronaut

    I'm single and have no friends with benefits right now if that's what you're asking.

    I started M probably about 12 but wasn't a real problem for me until years later when I got a computer in my room with high speed internet. When I discovered web cam sites it was over for me. Edged for hours with multiple Os everyday for many years.
    Son of Midgaard likes this.
  15. Little kitty

    Little kitty Fapstronaut

    Thank you . . . .
    Fishsammich likes this.
  16. No not asking that, because after relapse people tend to lose “superpower”, that place mentally where you were to get these “superpower” and get a friend with benefit, did you ever get back to that feeling
    Fishsammich likes this.
  17. Gideonite

    Gideonite Fapstronaut

    Congrats brother! A year of no PMO is really admirable. I haven't really tried meditation but heard sooo much good about the topic. The reason I haven't done it is because of my faith. I'm a christian and I feel that it would interfere with that a bit when both prayer and meditation is combined. What is your point of view on the topic. You might not be a believer in christ but i'm curious to know your aspect of it all. Thanks in advance and wish u the best in your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

    Fishsammich likes this.
  18. Fishsammich

    Fishsammich Fapstronaut

    The main problem before that binge was that I still had a huge monkey on my back that I only just suspected was there. I eventually got that feeling back but I was relapsing and struggling to quit for 2-3 months after finding ybop/nofap. The turning point for me was finding a giant thread by a poster named William/Will I Am(called Gentlemen now we begin), which convinced me to go hardmode and made me realize that actively fantasizing always eventually led to me relapsing.

    Thanks man, I appreciate it. Meditation and prayer seem like pretty similar activities. They're both formal practices where we set aside a certain amount of time to focus our minds just the object of focus is different. In the kind of meditation I do the focus is on the breath with the importance being the attention and the main goal of formal practice is for it to bleed into everyday life.

    Meditation is metal exercise that helps train the mind to be less reactive. Books by John Kabbot Zinn and Mindfulness for beginners were helpful to me
    Deleted Account and Gideonite like this.
  19. Son of Midgaard

    Son of Midgaard Fapstronaut

    Yes, It was the same for me, Getting full access to high speed Internet at a computer at home was like the kiss of death for my sexual health, testosterone, social life and also emotionally. Now, in reboot, I have recognized just wasting time online has been a contributing factor in different ways in PMO and I am glad that I recognized this early on when it comes to identifying my triggers.
    Fishsammich likes this.
  20. Son of Midgaard

    Son of Midgaard Fapstronaut

    Congratulations by the way.
    Fishsammich likes this.