I need help stop watching porn and masturbating

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jan 2, 2018.

  1. I promised myself back in October that I will stop Fapping. I unfortunately broke my promise so many times. As many of you can relate, I felt so down and disappointed in myself each time I fapped but ended up doing the same a few days after.

    I can't afford to waste another second of my time fapping because I have my Step 1 coming up in 6 months and need to do really well to get into residency that I want.

    Every single day of my life I regret having spent so much of time during my undergrad years in my room fapping when I could have studied more and gotten into a way better medical school. My life would have been so much better by now. Even with these thoughts in my mind and even after I made a resolute determination to stop wasting my time once I got a girlfriend and got into a medical school, I still relapse and it's driving me crazy. I'm afraid the same will happen and I might not get into residency of my choice due to my inability to control myself.

    I really need help but I can't seem to confide in my family, girlfriend, and friends because they see me as a nice, diligent person and wouldn't believe me or would leave me if I tell them I have a problem fapping. I really hope you guys would be able to help me by making me more accountable here. Thanks for reading this. I really appreciate it.
    XxAccelerate and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Second_chance

    Second_chance Fapstronaut

    i feel you brother, im struggling with this shit, for almost a year, we have to be stronger than our urges, make strategies for when they come. Because beign motivated is not enough. I have a girlfriend and i know my performance downgrades when i whatch P, still cant help it sometimes. If you see the bigger picture we look like animals, acting on instincts, only wanting our daily fix. One strategie that is working to me is to get out of your computer or place when the urges come. Go take fresh air, do something else productive. And recognice your triggers and avoid them as much as posible.
    The most important thing is to never give up this fight and get back on track, once you know watching p is against your own health you cant go back. Keep at it you are progressing in this even if you cant see it i know it.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Thank you so much for your kind and encouraging words, bro. I'm glad that I'm not the only one dealing with this problem. It must have been hard dealing with this along with other problems that you might have had during the past year. Congratulations on not giving up and keep on fighting. I have a lot to learn from you and so many others in this forum. Cheers!
  4. When the temptations come, we need to have a mindset that will help us navigate past them. We must remind ourselves of the choices we're making, step back and see the big picture. Which is more important? An all-nite fap session that will leave us feeling tired and remorseful and empty? ... or doing something else more productive/positive towards a better future, such as reading a good book, excercising, challenging our mind with a tough crossword puzzle, talking with a friend, or even just getting a good nite's sleep?

    In the moment, when the urges are there, it is so easy to fall right into a default fapping behavior. If you look at how pervasive sexual imagery is in our media and how much P is easily accessible in our immediate digital world - frig, it's almost like society wants us to act out. But what we must remember at these times is that there is always a choice before us, and we have the freedom and power to make the one that's right for us. We can choose a path which will cultivate inner strength, a clearer mind, a healthier body, better relationships, a more productive life. We have this power, and responsibility, and we must dig deep within ourselves to make this choice again and again.

    The good news is that it does get easier over time, like building up a muscle - at first it sucks and you feel weak and everything hurts, but as you continue to work out it gets stronger and more resiliant and the benefits make you want to keep going with it.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. Install a blocker in your navigator´browser
  6. theBornAgain

    theBornAgain Fapstronaut

    I am in the exact same situation brother i have wasted years consumed in PMO. I dont want 2018 to be another year in 2018 I need to crack competitive exams to get myself the job that I desire and get out of this jobless situation which only increased my fapping. I want 2018 to be the happiest year of my life and it starts with taking action. getting rid of PMO once and for all is one such step to lead a better life. The journey will be long and slow but we have to try to enjoy the ride.
  7. Recon

    Recon New Fapstronaut

    I have an idea install a Porn Website Blocker and type on a random long Password and do the things u like or Consume Energy like Exercises like that u are wasting ur energy on Something Useful for ur body instead of Fapping Hope this Helps Brother
  8. Thanks for taking your time share your thoughts on this matter. Everything you said hit the spot. As you said when there are urges, it is so easy to watch pmos and fap even though if we know the results of doing so. It's so hard to choose the right path when faced with another path that we have been accustomed to for a very long time, but (as you said and) I wholeheartedly hope that it gets easier over time just like how it gets easier to build up muscle as we continue to exercise and repeat the process.

    I really want to make the right decision even when I have random urges, but it does not help that pmos are so accessible nowadays and triggers are pervasive in our culture.

    Once again, thank you so much and I also wish you the best of luck in your journey.
    chiyu likes this.
  9. What do you guys use?? Is there a chrome/safari extension that has an anti-uninstall option?? If there is one free, then I would really like to try it.
  10. Ah man. It must have been tough for you! Hope you stay strong and know that you are not alone in this journey. With much-needed effort and determination, there is surely a way for you to crank out your competitive exams. Going to a local cafe/panera/starbucks (or anywhere there are people) to study does help me achieve something—definitely more than when I study at home.

    Thank you for sharing your concerns! It helps to know that I am not alone here.

    Cheers to your success!
    theBornAgain likes this.
  11. I use Blue Coat K9 which is free and has the benefit of working in the background across all browsers, thus harder to circumvent. It lets you block various categories as well as individual sites and urls with whatever keywords you choose. It's not perfect but it's a reasonable deterrent. What I do is make a really hard password for it, print it out, and store it out in my garage so I can't so easily be tempted to login and unblock stuff.
  12. culion

    culion Fapstronaut

    Be active in the forum. If you are in the urges of masturbating or watching porn take a look at the forum and post to other users. Hope it helps.
    MyOwnControl2018 likes this.
  13. MyOwnControl2018

    MyOwnControl2018 Fapstronaut

    Yes, definitely come to this website! I'm on the same boat as you (as are many others). The urges are there every day, especially after I come home after a long day and it would be so easy to just fap and go to sleep.

    But getting on this forum lets me see what my goal is and see how many other people are posting, liking and supporting me. Reminds me of a bigger picture.

    Good luck buddy! Don't hesitate to reach out when struggling.
  14. Thanks chiyu for your suggestion! I tried downloading and reinstalling it many times but it keeps telling me that it's corrupted and doesn't work. It would have been nice had it worked since it seems very promising. Thanks again!
  15. Thank you guys for being supportive. You guys are definitely right. Coming to the website to read about other people's experience and stories has helped me a lot since I started this thread. I hope you guys are staying strong and achieving small, daily victories at a time to realize your goals! Good luck and thanks again for your support!
  16. Damn, that sucks! Check around here, I'm sure there's other suggestions. Do whatever you can to put the odds in your favor. ;)