Rewarding yourself with a treat after reaching a specific number

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by vlaw, Sep 19, 2014.

  1. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    Well I might end up marrying one in south east Asian. There's a HIGH possibility.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2014
  2. Vision

    Vision Fapstronaut

    Good plan. I would do the same if I could.
  3. Vision

    Vision Fapstronaut

    But try to skip the prostitution part :)
  4. snrub

    snrub Fapstronaut

    As Beatles put it out, can't buy me love. Love is kinda those things which come from genuine, long term connection and trust. Not from worshipping random hookers and putting them on pedestal. That is called oneitis. Lame. Really, really lame. Stop mindfucking and mental masturbating with illusion of love and harden the fuck up vlaw. Seriously.

    MKMMJAG Fapstronaut

    If you were in love with her the one with the one from South East Asia you wouldn't run off visiting temporary prostitutes. Period. That's all that's left to say
  6. lion123

    lion123 Fapstronaut

    great said bro . we shouldn't replace a bad habit with other by calling it a reward . reward should be positive and pure
  7. vr002sh

    vr002sh Fapstronaut

    None of my business and I will just leave this response and run (will not respond in this thread again). Rather than treat yourself to an Asian prostitute (since you don't like western women), why not treat yourself by starting a long term loving relationship with an Asian woman?
  8. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    Says the guy with less than 24hours under his counter. That's all that's left to say.
  9. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    South east Asian women!

    Well I'm areadly working on that... by going back to school to purse/have a career in a health profession I'm interested in. You see I believe a man should be settle/have a steady job before entering into a relationship with any woman. Call me old fashion or something.

    Like I said earlier...there's a HIGH possibility I might/will end up marrying a former/prostitue in south east Asian.
  10. Mótus

    Mótus Guest

    Hm... This thread went slightly off topic ;). As far as the question goes. On day 90, I'll extend my goal to 120 :). That to me is my first reward. My second reward would just be 'life'. This may sound lame but the fact is that NoFap gave me the energy to keep my room clean, learn a foreign language, have way more confidence and willpower, workout, stay organized, be (way) more active and the courage to talk to girls without getting red, tense, nervous etc. So for me personally it's not about giving myself a treat, it's about being in control of your own life.

  11. vlaw

    vlaw Banned

    I like that. Btw I think you and another were the only ones that actually answer the question. The rest completely ignore the question and was/were trying to guilty trip me for visiting cute prostitues.

    Mind you most of white knights in this forum who are against willing prostitution are not practising HARD MODE. I doubt they can last 90days without sleeping with their feminized western wife/girlfriends!
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014

  12. Living without porn and without orgasms ***IS*** my reward.

    I'm feeling free, I can do all the things I want, it's like flying, so I don't need a reward!
  13. Captain B

    Captain B Fapstronaut

    I went partying on my 90th day but that was more of a coincidence really. Nobody around me knew about it but I was secretly celebrating my reboot haha!

    It's true though, the best reward is seeing all the benefits I've gained through NoFap. Recapitulating my progress and looking at where I got was (and still is) a fantastic feeling.

    But I think looking forward to a reward at a specific day might keep you a bit too focused on your counter and I believe NoFap works a lot better when seeing it as a life change rather than a (temporary) challenge.

    As for all the side-topics that popped up in this thread: I know you didn't want to start a conversation about prostitution, vlaw, but you have to admit that there are similarities between porn and prostitution. And since this website is about quitting porn, it's just natural that people will question your ways if you say you want to stay away from PMO and reward yourself with a prostitute afterwards. If your goal is to rewire with real women and get a grip on a real sex life again, it sounds counter-productive. Much like saying "I'll reward myself with watching porn after I stopped watching porn for 90 days."

    Also, the way you reply to any post on here that questions your beliefs, is very interesting. In most cases, instead of considering an argument made, you bend around it and try to find something else to attack the person with, such as pointing to their lower number on their counter or quickly jumping to the conclusion that they must be feminists - which also isn't even a counter argument but simply an observation. Why are you avoiding a decent discussion?

    "Do you believe that feminists crap about women being paid less than 30cents than men in the west?"
    I can't even believe I just fucking read that. Yes, women ARE getting paid less. Do you believe they are being paid the same? What makes you think that?

    "You see I believe a man should be settle/have a steady job before entering into a relationship with any woman."
    That sounds like a pretty good idea! Getting your life in order and then enhancing it with a relationship is way better than trying to get your life in order through a relationship!

    And the entire thing about how you don't like "western women"... Dude, like, do you even acknowledge what a gigantic amount of people you are refering to with that expression? It's like you're taking hundreds of millions of women who grew up in hundreds of thousands of different places and then claim they're all the same and you don't like 'em. I mean, I get why you would favor southeast asian women, everyone has a different taste, but I don't get why you would be so negative about women in the western world. Shit, if they're all so alike, then why do I have to start over with everything I thought I knew about women whenever I meet a new one? If you refuse to get to know western women, in my opinion, you are missing out!
  14. wotawanka

    wotawanka Fapstronaut

    I'm not proud to say that I have a lot of experience over the years with prostitutes. I'm glad to say that it is well and truly in the past nowadays and I hope that PMO will be one day too. I also took time out to get to know some of the girls and in the latter years of my punting experience I would very often call a halt to proceedings and ask if they minded if we just chatted. As I got to know the industry better and better paid for sex just seemed more and more ridiculous and it was even worse if there was a connection of sorts going on. I was OK if I felt distanced from the situation. Anyway enough said on all that but I got to know a few girls quite well in a way that I couldn't otherwise have done.

    I'm all for a woman being able to decide what she does with her body and mind even if I don't get it. However what willing really is is so hard to define in prostitution. I remember a vigorous debate on a forum used by prostitutes after Harriet Harman had proposed that she would criminalise punters in an attempt to crack down on prostitution. She had portrayed the girls in a particularly unfavourable way and had also suggested that many were trafficked or pimped. Many of them posted about how they were fully independent and empowered and were doing the job completely of their own free will earning money they couldn't possible earn elsewhere. This made the punters feel better about things as some actually had a conscience. I actually had an inside line on what was going on through knowing a few girls well and in almost all cases there was a controlling interest at work.

    Finding a willing prostitute is like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You can find ones that have learnt to look willing after something inside them has broken and they don't care anymore. They are all actors.

    So sorry to derail the thread again. Back to the topic, I don't know what I would reward myself with at a certain point but I'm sure it won't be a prostitute.

    And as for vlaw, I don't really care why you are or how much pain you might have suffered to become as worthless as you obviously feel in everything you do. If you used less vitriol in almost everything you post I'm sure you would get more from this and any other forum you post on.

    Most of all don't hate women just because they hate you. That's OK when you're 5 years old, but at 30 it's more than a little pathetic. Oh and I know they started it............

    Man up.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2014
  15. MelancholyWeightlifter

    MelancholyWeightlifter Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Wrong. Try again.
  16. Dad

    Dad Fapstronaut

    I'm with you Freedom Flight. What more reward could one need than reaching freedom from the bonds of PMO?
  17. scotth4613

    scotth4613 Fapstronaut

    If someone reaches 219 days of no PMO, you listen to WHATEVER they say…. Lead me captain!
  18. Titanium

    Titanium Fapstronaut

    This is a support group you should not be knocking people for how many days they have or do not have under their belt. You come across as immature and lacking in intelligence not old fashioned.
  19. IGY

    IGY Guest

    You are 100% right and this was perhaps one of many reasons why he was banned by the moderator(s) within 48 hours of this post!
  20. Titanium

    Titanium Fapstronaut

    Oh good, I didn't realize. Miss him already.