I prefer being single than being in a relantionship.

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Ruben J. Soto, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. I don’t get the point of relantionship,I honestly don’t get it maybe I loving living single, I don’t see myself dating or worrying about love,I am grateful that I haven’t dated or experienced dating or worrying about this.
  2. same, I hate standard relationship, but you can have any type of thing going on with other person you want, I have a girl I can call and we can get out or we can stay at my place. she does not want anything from me. if I want company, I can have it, same with her. Its better than nothing, for me.
  3. Scared Human

    Scared Human Fapstronaut

    Okay. This forum is "For people who are looking for a partner, or are in the first, non-committed, stages of a relationship"

    Maybe head on over to another part of the site?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    How do you know it’s better to be single if you have never been in a relationship?
  5. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    I dated and i agree, i like being single, I don't need a relationship to be happy.
    vibemaker and Deleted Account like this.
  6. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Gonna have to agree here...you don't really know if you enjoy something or not if you've never tried it.
  7. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    How long was the longest relationship? I have no issues with being happy being single I was single for a very long time and was very happy. Some people are just cut out to not marry. The problem is that many people are not happy they are just afraid or unwilling to open up to another in that way. This may not be you but many pmo addicts have serious intimacy issues. They can’t get close to anyone. And of course being in a relationship means they would have to stop pmo and they don’t want to do that. Personally as an ex SO if pmo addicts have no intention of stopping I would love them to please stay single!

    So staying single is healthy as long as it’s for the right reasons. Otherwise you are just telling yourself the lie that you are happy being single so you can justify continuing to pmo.
  8. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Last one wasn't long, because it started too soon, and I found out she wasn't the right person. Me being happy single has nothing to do with PMO, though.
    EyesToSeeEarsToHear likes this.
  9. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

    I know few guys like you. For whatever reasons they didn't bother about relationships till age of 30. PMO, prostitutes, but no gf or even friends with benefits relationship. But now, after age of 30, they woke up and it hurts them now that they are single. Their age women most likely won't take them because they are inexperienced, all their knowledge about women and sex is from porn and prostitutes and for younger girls they seem creepy. You should get at least friends with benefits girl, otherwise at age of 30, 40 it could be too late for someone to like you, as most likely you will develop strange things in your character due to fact that you always had been single.
    Ub3rT1m3, Deleted Account and GG2002 like this.
  10. Just no. What you said apply only to woman, not on man. If you are 30-40yo woman, than "it could be too late for someone to like you". If you are 30-40yo man, you can puck from 20yo fresh girls as they preffer mature men to freshmens and they like the fact you have some income, car etc.
  11. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

  12. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

    I don't speak about womanizers who could get girls for FREE from time to time, or even all the time and just wanted to keep staying single. They are attractive at all ages, yes. But my comment was about those, who spends all their youth locked in rooms in isolation and PMOing, visiting prostitutes sometimes, already having socially awkwardness at age 20, 25. When they reach 30, 40 they are even more awkward with women and even with the high position jobs they can't get anyone! Neither 20 year olds, neither their age women with children. Due to aspects I mentioned before.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
    Ub3rT1m3 and Deleted Account like this.
  13. This seems like some pretty bleak and sad advice. The idea that a friends with benefits situation will make him better relationship material is ridiculous. I've known plenty of people who've gone that route and cannot keep a relationship to save their life.
  14. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    What you just said about being able to get a young girl no matter Age because you have an income and car is a massive misconception that men have about women. Don’t believe me? Ask all the 35 and older men on online dating going for women 10 years their junior and getting zero responses. When I was in my 20s 35 was creepy and old to me and I could not figure out why all these older men kept hitting on me when they were way outside my stated age range. Things have changed. Women have their own incomes and cars now, that’s not what they look for in men. And while there are certainly many many superficial women out there, why in the world would you want to be with a woman who was interested in you for your car and income? Guess what’s going to happen when you no longer have that car and income? Are there May/December romances that work sure there are but there are not near as many as you think. And then there is the fact that having sex with a 20yeae old man is a lot different than a 40 year old man. I just read an article about how so many men are playing around and being single and then hit 35 or 40 and want to settle down and no woman in child bearing years will look their way. If you are serious about marriage and a family as a man don’t put it off. Sure you can reproduce at any age unlike women, but you may not find the partner you want or seek. And 20 year old women don’t want to deal with age related ED.

    Someone who is a virgin at age 30 I think throws up a red flag for both men and women. I dated a man when I was 25 and he was 30. He was a virgin and I have to say it was just weird. I wondered did he not want to have sex? Did he have a low sex drive, ed a disease? Women are sexual today almost as much so as men. I am not saying just go out and throw away your body for sex. But don’t let the best years of your dating life slip away get out there!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

    This is what I keep hearing crying from those single men at their grown up age. That they were thinking that once they get managers position, big house, there will be no problem to find someone at their 30ties. Till then only fantasy porn life and paid sex, which a bit differs from the real thing. But when they get this good job, they had become too awkward to make their very first relationships that late and now they all regret that they ignored real life girls in their youth, even the friends with benefits. Just giving some insight about my financially successful male friends, as I have to hear their life regrets from time to time. Have to add that none of them are good looking.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2017
    Ub3rT1m3 and Deleted Account like this.
  16. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

    But if you are good looking with no beer stomach middle class manager or rich even with big belly big business owner, then sure, there will always be some wanting girls around you all the time. If you won't fit in that category at your 30ties or 40ties, then better not to ignore real life options while you can... ;)
    Ub3rT1m3, Deleted Account and Hitto like this.
  17. Their problem is they're thinking that women are easily attracted by superficial things when they're not, at least not the ones with substance. On the flip side of that any woman that would base a man's value on something as base and superficial as his sexual compatibility is not worth a man's time either since her priorities are just as much out of wack as well. Plenty of relationships fail despite great sex.
  18. Devil's Details

    Devil's Details Fapstronaut

    I hear you @ruben J. Soto. I'm fairly similar myself. Simply not capable of rel'ns the way they're normally done.

    What's been working for me the last 7-8 years or so is what I call "weekend" rel'ns. Basically dating women in close-by towns, with a couple of hours of separation between us. Works great. You get 5 days a week to yourself, read, chill with friends, video game without guilt if that's what you're into, etc. Then on the weekends, you head out to see her, mate like rabbits, enjoy each other's company, and take off before we get stale.

    Highly recommend it for introverts. Almost all of the good parts of the rel'n, very little of the parts you don't want.
  19. Sry I ended reading at online dating
  20. Stop generalizing, thats always a sign of a faulty idea