Conspiracy theroies

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by truthseeker17, Dec 16, 2017.

  1. truthseeker17

    truthseeker17 Fapstronaut

    For the most fanatic conspiracists and those who object it. This thread is for you, so you can leave your thoughts here about the one-eyed Antichrist, The Illuminati, new world order, aliens and some other interesting conspiracy theories.

    Your opinions are most welcome, especially if it's well argumented, with some logic or some (trustable) source.

  2. What is a trusted source nowadays? Idk what to believe :/ there’s controlled opposition and we will never know who is what

    And who is the one eyed anti christ? I heard of the anti christ but never the one eyed
    Hitto and truthseeker17 like this.
  3. I believe the one eyed anti-Christ is the Quran.

    I think it's likely the anti-Christ was Nero.
    truthseeker17 likes this.
  4. I didn't really think of aliens of a conspiracy theory. I don't believe in ghosts or any of that, but we aren't the only people in "existence."

    We may be the only people in our universe but there's countless other universes. I didn't think people believe that there's nobody else in these other universes.

    Probability speaking there has to be other lifeforms out there, besides earth. We have our solar system, which is a part of our galaxy (milky way galaxy). Then there's a ton of galaxies inside of our universe. Then there's an infinite amount of universes. If there's an infinite amount of universes, then that means there (technically speaking) has to be other lifeforms out there.

    This is a philosophy argument bc theres an infinite amount of universes, which means there's an infinite amount of options. So yes, this means (technically speaking) there is a parallel universe. Statistically speaking there are aliens. The real question is are they in our galaxy? If not then are they in our universe? We don't know yet. Also this means in some (or at least one) of these universes, there has to be no lifeforms.

    And I'm not necessarily talking green aliens with antennas on their heads. I could be referring to people (sorta or exactly) like us. We just don't know bc we haven't seen them. But if you're talking out of all universes ever, yes there are other lifeforms out there.
    truthseeker17 likes this.
  5. truthseeker17

    truthseeker17 Fapstronaut

    @theMorningSword, even if you have no source, you can also express your opinion. Nobody will bite, I promise :)
    I will post soon more info about the one eyed, anti christ.

    @Surfing Poet You are right about your first statement and I wish you was also right about your second one.

    I do believe there has to be some intelligent creatures out there, in the universe. However they don't have to be these small little creatures called "aliens". I link this to God, one of his name is "The Creator". He creates creatures. Some of us are known to us, others we don't know about. Also I don't know if we will meet these other creatures in this life. It is possible though.

    I don't believe in ghosts or that some people are stuck between this world and another. I do believe in Jinn, which is another creation like human. Jinn are physically stronger then us and they can see our world/dimension and enter to our world/dimension, but we cannot see their world/dimension nor enter it, except of a few. Men is granted more knowlegde then the Jinn, men is also more advanced in terms of technologies.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    I've been told by Americans about how interesting the Las Vegas shooting was. It wasn't covered for weeks on end like other major shootings were like Orlando or Columbine, all while the story changed day after day, from a "hero" stopping the shooter to that "hero" being killed minutes before it all happened. They think it's a conspiracy by the anti-gun lobby to get guns banned or at least restricted/controlled, but honestly it makes sense whether it's actually true or not.
    truthseeker17 likes this.
  7. Well some Bible scholars have concluded that he was due to recent archaeological discoveries that he was. It would kind of suck for those preachers who try to exploit people through end time teachings if the Book of Revelation was so obviously about the past rather than the future, since they wouldn't be able to make the amount of money they do now. But of course no one really knows... Well the only people know are those who've been in a time machine and have seen the the future and since such things aren't real no one truly knows. There are four different interpretation of the end times in the Bible. Then of course there what other religions say about the subject. So who's right? I don't think we can truly know.

    truthseeker17 likes this.
  8. truthseeker17

    truthseeker17 Fapstronaut

    I will definitely watch the video and see what it say. As for the little knowlegde I have about the bible, particularly about the anti christ, I find it very similar to the one eyed false messiah, also named Masih ad-Dajjal (Arabic: المسيح الدّجّال).

    In Islam, we believe there are many dajjals. Even in the time of the prophet(peace be upon him), there were some dajjal. From that time, many dajjal have been coming. But the greatest of them will be the one eyed false messiah. For this will be one of the biggest sign of the end of the world.

    Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم told us that, " No tribulation on the face of the Earth since Allah created Adam will be greater than the trial of the Dajjal. Verily, no prophet was sent who did not warn his people of the Dajjal..." (Ibn Majah, Ibn Khuzaymah, and Al-Haakim).

    I will soon post more info about the matter
  9. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Aliens are the fallen ones the ones castes out of heaven and they procreated with humans and made nephilim demons entities that have no physical form but can posses things the devil is the prince of air and is using things like wifi and frequency to control the population and things like cern and all these different technologies are trying to lift the veil between the spiritual and physical realm
    truthseeker17 likes this.
  10. truthseeker17

    truthseeker17 Fapstronaut

    Hmmmmm, that's one interesting theory.
  11. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    I believe they have been here since civilization since Noah they have seen empires rise and fall and they have given humans knowledge for example I think people like Zeus and other deities may just fallen ones distorting the truth
  12. Isn't the Quran a book? Who is Nero? I think the answer lies in the middle east somewhere, history is not true, its been fabricated
    Idk what to believe! I thought our government was working with aliens, but people are saying that there is a war in the galaxies with these same aliens that work nefariously with our governments. What I am thinking now is, if this is true, why don't the good aliens come down and just tell us what is going on? Everything is so ambiguous, except for a few things out there that are obvious and more direct, but it still doesn't give us answer or that not enough information given for us to fully believe and to invest in it.

    but in lieu to your comment, I think there are aliens, unless we are the one universe in the multi-verse where our universe only has one planet inhabitable and it's Earth XD
    I was watching somewhere on the Joe Rogan Experience, that the universe is expanding and the observable universe, where our universe resides in, is blocked off by something that is going faster than the light in our universe and that beyond what is faster than the light of our observable universe may lie another universe? Found the video:

    I find it strange that everytime something happens ISIS is always to blame..

    Are you into the teaching of Dr. Malachi York?

    Who is the prophet? Jesus?
    Also, from what I have been researching, Islam and middle Eastern nations, are cousins to the Egyptians, but before Egypt was Nuwabian, a black race that everyone has descended from. What do you think about all that?

    OKAY, now that I have all your attention, have you guys heard of the spell of Kingu?
    truthseeker17 likes this.
  13. truthseeker17

    truthseeker17 Fapstronaut

    It was Muhammed(peace be upon him), but I believe Jesus(peace be upon him) also warned about the dajjal in his time just like every prophet(from Adam,peace be upon him)

    No, never heard of that spell...
  14. Muhammad came before Jesus? Jesus is a prophet too? How do we know who was a prophet and how are they chosen to be prophets?

    Do you think the Bible is a book made up of many books? Then distorted

    A spell.. a leviathan.. spell of Kingu, putting everyone asleep

    Read around and I guess leviathan means snake or serpent which means pride? Idk about the last part though... i just don’t know...
  15. Dajjal isn't mentioned anywhere in the Qur'an. It's illegitimate hearsay, just like everything else in the hadith.
  16. Prophet Muhammad was a real person, but you’re saying the Hadith, a compilation of what he said and daily practices which I read what the Hadith was on google, is a lie. Muhammad real, Hadith a lie?

    Why would they lie about his actions and stuff, just curious
  17. To lead people astray from the word of god. The Hadith was actually written by the Persians 200 years after the revelation of the Qur'an. The whole reason why they created the Hadith was because they lost a war to the Arabs and they needed a way to systematically neutralize them. The real question should be; why do Muslims follow the Hadith regardless of it being true or not? It's blatant idolatry and hearsay with absolutely no merit.
  18. Hmmmmm maybe a Persian person infiltrated Arabia and got into high position and promoted that, but why and they not just doing anything, they are destroying the word and image of god, I’m not Christian or like that, but I’m thinking god and Jesus may be real people but not like what we think they are or portrayed like they are. I hope I don’t get heat for this, but I think they were normal people just like us, except maybe god, but Jesus was like us. Their stories may be true but slightly fabricated one way or another, one element changed of the true story
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Yes, you're right. All the stories have been fabricated. Even the name "Jesus" comes from Greek origins. His real Hebrew name is "Yeshua" and if you translate that to English, you get "Joshua".
  20. Do you know dr Malachi z York? And do you believe in his teachings? Or he just another false cult leader