Signs of a venous leak?

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunctions' started by Chrispaul, Dec 13, 2017.

  1. Chrispaul

    Chrispaul Fapstronaut

    What are some signs of a venous leak? My erection is usually strong for about 2-3 minutes maybe longer but it begins to fade. I thought I was cured from ED until I was watching porn and the video froze a few weeks ago,I was so pissed off that I lost my erection and I started having problems again.

    Now I am anxious before every time I jack off,not knowing whether my erection will last.
    rostronaut and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Stop watching porn, then maybe you’ll find a cure.
  3. Chrispaul

    Chrispaul Fapstronaut

    Im not a sheep like you that just believes whatever they are told.
  4. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Why are you even here then? Do you know what this forum is about? Maybe if you tried not watching porn or jerking off, you wouldn’t have a limp dick problem to deal with.
    theMotivator and Deleted Account like this.
  5. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Clearly signs of a venous leak. No hope for you, Chrispaul. :-(
    Immature and Deleted Account like this.
  6. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    You can say that you are not sheep, but you are a slave to your inclinations. You say that you can do whatever you want, but try to abstain from porn for 30 days. You will soon understand that you are indeed a slave and you can't do what you want. No offense, but that is the truth.

    If you go to the doctor and he prescribes you medicine, and you say to him: "I'm NO SHEEP, that I listen to you, I KNOW BETTER". Well then, that is just foolish.
    Immature likes this.
  7. DM79

    DM79 Fapstronaut

    Maybe you should go to a Doctor then rather than asking random on the internet.
  8. Chrispaul

    Chrispaul Fapstronaut

    I am asking what the usual symptoms are like basically since this a penile centric community.
  9. ItalianMan

    ItalianMan Fapstronaut

    You have a terrible disease, I think that your penis should be amputate. I'm sorry.
    Deleted Account and Immature like this.
  10. Poseidon

    Poseidon Fapstronaut

    Pfft. That’s what? A little over a month? You didn’t try hard enough or long enough to have any legitimate results.
  11. theMotivator

    theMotivator Fapstronaut

    7 weeks is a joke. You only get to understand what you're into after days 100 - 200.
    My opinion is not equivalent to doctors in no way, but I can only share what I've been through these 8 years and what is my experience. Doctors can say a lot of things. One doctor says that drinking milk is good, others say it's terribly wrong to drink it.
    Ming may be good, but it causes a lot of side effects. The benefits of Ming is not worth the deal. It's just like coffee. You get an energy boost, better blood circulation, but at the end of the day, you get your kidneys broken. Was worth it? No.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2017
  12. That is an absolutely terrible thing to say - even to this guy - but I can't help myself! LMAO!!!!
    Deleted Account and ItalianMan like this.
  13. Lol y’all being mean here. But @Chrispaul, you should stop doing pmo, that’s probably why you have ed, or pied rather. Should do hardmode 90 days and see if anything improves, I’m sure it will
  14. I've heard so many times, during discussions of testing one's junk: "You can't have performance anxiety with your hand"!

    Congratulations, @Chrispaul - you have proven us wrong about something, at last. I'd have to call that a Pyrrhic victory, however.

    BTW, I see elsewhere on this thread that you did NoFap for 7 weeks last year. Did you notice any difference at all?
  15. r_ryan85

    r_ryan85 Fapstronaut

    Hey man, the body (especially the brain - are far more complex that we might think). Sometimes things work completely the opposite in the brain and body to what logic would suggest.

    I had no issues masturbating to porn or getting it up for real girls for over 15 years. I'm 32 now. My dick was hard as a rock. It was so hard to get it to go back down.

    However, 1.5 weeks after I quit porn (didn't quit porn due to ED issues or PIED, just because I got a GF back in Aug and obviously its better to have sex with her), however I went into a flatline 1.5 weeks after quitting porn and my erections have been nothing like they were before.

    To me, this was nuts. So crazy. I have experienced something major here and by taking porn away, it's had some changes to my sexual function (massive changes). Therefore, porn has done something to my brain. Also, I read lots of other guys posting on here about flatlines (thank god for that, otherwise it would be far more terrifying).

    I felt the same way as you about all this, I'm so skeptical about all this NoFap shit, but after going into that flatline, I'm starting to think differently.

    It's a really strong and important characteristic to not think like a sheep and not be influenced as much by other people or be socially conditioned, but at the same time it is also sometimes good to be socially conditioned. Both are true.

    If your dick is on the line, and not just for sex, but being able to maintain a healthy relationship with a girl (best thing in life - not just the sex), I'd really encourage you to go all out and try everything.

    We shouldn't be arguing on here, or fighting. This shit is hard and scary enough by itself to deal with. I would be so happy to trade the fact that I was wrong by trying something I didn't think would work if it fixed my dick. I'd gladly trade that for a working dick. Any day of the week. The goal is fixing it, not winning at anything else.

    Best of luck to all of you
  16. To be specific: your EQ (Erection Quality) with women has decreased since you quit porn, and it has not recovered? And you quit porn in August?

    I'm a newbie, but I've spent a lot of time reading here and at I don't know that I've read or heard of this sort of thing. So many who come here already have PIED, so there is no "before" EQ.

    I can see where this would be distressing as hell.

    The only thing I can think of is: how often do you orgasm? Perhaps backing off on frequency would help? But that's just a Wild Ass Guess on my part.

    If I were the kind of guy to make suggestions, I would suggest making a new thread in the Rebooting forum on this issue.
  17. r_ryan85

    r_ryan85 Fapstronaut


    Yes this is correct. I was rock hard with women (except times with performance anxiety, but as soon as that went away, usually on the same night, rock hard).

    Porn, in my case, did not cause PIED. And I watched porn for 15 years - or just over 15 years - mostly every day, or every second day.

    If you keep reading posts you will probably come across a few guys entering flatlines after quitting porn and only having ED issues after quitting porn.

    I didn't quit porn porn because it was causing an inability to get aroused. I quit porn because I got into a relationship, and also, I was sick of wanking so often that sometimes I couldn't get it up with real women because I had just recently wanked.

    The brain and what porn does is quite complex, and as you can see, impacts people very differently. However, I know that porn is very fucked up and it certainly MUST do abnormal shit and bad things to the brain because I literally felt my libido and erections slowly fade the longer since I had watched it.

    Also, I now remember a few times in the past where I didn't watch porn for 4 - 5 days, and even then, I can now remember, my erections and ejaculations were slightly less. I didn't think anything of it those times, because I didn't leave it long enough to enter a flatline, and I knew nothing about any of this, and plus, I just kept watching porn which probably pulled me out of that mini flatline shortly after.

    Well from what I've read, yes, orgasms can set you back into a flatline - but apparently, the flatlines last for fewer and fewer days the longer into the reboot. I feel that I went into a worse flatline from Tuesday, when I had sex with my gf and O'd.

    Also, I have ruled out any physical causes of my penis not working, because if I take the yellow pill, I get rock hard erections, and can go 3 times a night (sometimes for 30 mins at a time). But my sexual performance has been very up and down since I quit porn. It was getting a lot better, but now it's a bit worse. Apparently progress is non-linear.
  18. Estus

    Estus Banned

    Just whatever you do don't let a doctor stick a rod down your penis to check.

    I read some guy on here was being a hypochondriac with his dick and everyone told him he was fine. Went to a doctor and got a rod shoved down his urethra to check and the doctor told him he was fine too.

    Sure didn't feel fine after that. Regretted it like the fool he was.
  19. That seeems to be a very common statement.