Back to the start I guess...

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Cool Joey, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Cool Joey

    Cool Joey Fapstronaut

    I say so because I gave up on NoFap more than an year ago and I think I have never been worse in this aspect in my life. My porn material choices have been getting weirder and weirder and frankly, it is worrying me.
    So reasons for doing this-
    1.Wasting a lot of time on porn.
    2.Losing a lot of useful energy quickly and becoming drained for the entire day.
    3.Weird porn choices.
    4.Low self-esteem.
    5.Gotten used to this as an easy fix for daily dopamine.
    My goal-
    I want to completely get rid of porn because it is so unrealistic and addictive.
    I want to be free from it's chains and feel free.
    I want to overcome my reclusive nature, which has probably originated from my pornographic use, and become more confident and open in social activities.

    -I hope my fellow comrades who are fighting the same war as me will help me overcome this with their constant support and advice:)
    SolarCaine likes this.
  2. SolarCaine

    SolarCaine Fapstronaut

    You can do it bro! the fact that you made a post its a declaration to yourself! never forget that and remember why you are doing this every time you get an urge. keep exploring this website, there is so much help here!
  3. Cool Joey

    Cool Joey Fapstronaut

    Thank you!
  4. 2 days is a very great start sir!
    Can you do 7?