90 Days - Changes never imagined

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by thel00ker, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. Awesome story!!! Hope the best for you!!!
  2. Anurag12

    Anurag12 Fapstronaut

    This same is with me, This is my first reboot and I am on day 74 of nofap hardmode. And guess I got success and no relapse. My girlfriend offered me for sex as we usually do, but since I am having reboot I told her that I am not ready to have sex just because it will spoil my reboot.
    My goal is to reach 90 days and then I will further carry this streak to 120 days and so on.
    Its not a magic bullet but its all abouy perception and will power, what we see in porn is not reality even female pornstar report how they are being treated during bdsm like porn clips, its bad, females are not really sexual object, they need to be loved. Sex is not everything in life.
    Good Luck to Everyone.
    Deleted Account and thel00ker like this.
  3. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Hey man, I think the whole point of the reboot is to get back to healthy relationships, that includes having sex with someone you like.
    I think having sex with your girlfriend will actually benefit your reboot. It is up to you though!
    Congratulations on reaching 100+ days!!
    good luck!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. Anurag12

    Anurag12 Fapstronaut

    No, its not any kind of sex during reboot is prohibited, because of neuroplasticity occurring inside your brain, you will not be benefited. At least no sex until initial recovery.
  5. Kurenai

    Kurenai Fapstronaut

    actually, from what I get from ybop, having sex in real life with real people, making connections, helps the brain to rewire the reward system on a natural path, avoiding the path built by porn.
    But every one of us has to chose his own path, so if you think that sex is going to slow you down, avoid it. :)
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    I agree with @Kurenai! but it's up to you to choose your own path!
  7. Anurag12

    Anurag12 Fapstronaut

    It depends on your own way of dealing with it, but on nofap many people thought they without watching porn and doing masturbation will improve their life but it did not, then they came to know that they need to stop sex as well. Let me tell you sex is also a addiction, sex should also be in limitation, if your nofap journey is directly or indirectly related to women and sex then I am sorry you will always be addict. You need to start learning true beauty of women and also their behavior but that doesn't mean you stop sex but motive should not revolves around sex only, I also want to have sex with my gf as she is damn hot and sexy but it should be in moderation. You can choose your own path or way.
    Thanks Keep posting your progress.
    thel00ker likes this.
  8. Patillitas

    Patillitas Fapstronaut

    @thel00ker really thanks to share your story, many people are in the start line where you was time ago; and we only dream to reach goals like you reached. It story inspire us and motivate us to follow, don't give up and think and believe strongly that our dream life is possible. We only need discipline, motivation and believe. Thanks again!
    See what's above the clouds. The sun is shining brighter than ever and once you see it going back to the dark will feel unnatural, fake and tiresome. Good `phrase.
    thel00ker likes this.
  9. challengerstreak

    challengerstreak Fapstronaut

  10. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Thank you for those kind words, I'm sure you'll be able to reach your goal with dedication and passion for your life.
    good luck man! I wish you the best.

    thank's! glad you liked it :emoji_thumbsup:
  11. Rey Rey

    Rey Rey Fapstronaut

    It was really a nice read more of what we all should aim for. I do hope we make it there. Thankyou for sharing your experience it was a blessing I believe to me and all who read it
    thel00ker likes this.
  12. Extremely inspiring! Keep it up
    thel00ker likes this.
  13. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Thanks guys! you will get there the fight is completely worth it!
    SwedishViking likes this.
  14. PornFreeMe

    PornFreeMe Fapstronaut

    Inspiring. I hope to attain this too one day. I can definitely relate to feeling out of place in social situations. Hopefully in time that'll fade and I'll just live in the moment. Thanks for your post, it gives me confidence.
  15. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    39 days is a great streak! keep focusing on finding healthy stuff to do and good relationships. you'll find your way faster than what you think.
    wish you the best man! good luck!
  16. ..Anna..

    ..Anna.. Fapstronaut

    Are you taken now or I have a chance?
    thel00ker likes this.
  17. Hola1234

    Hola1234 New Fapstronaut

    Una historia realmente asombrosa voy a tu lado amigo a ese mismo objetivo. Felicitaciones
    thel00ker likes this.
  18. Saber_tooth7

    Saber_tooth7 Fapstronaut

    Your journey emits a very positive light, that is truly heartening... Best wishes to you and your partner!!
    thel00ker likes this.
  19. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    I'm officially taken! I think I've been very lucky to find this girl at this point in life. I'm learning a lot about what having a relationship truly means. It's beautiful and challenging at the same time.
    Thanks for the offer though!

    Muchas gracias! 34 días es mucho tiempo para este desafío!, seguí concentrándose en mejorar tu vida y llena tu entorno de gente que te caiga bien. vas a poder hacerlo seguro!
    te deseo lo mejor y gracias por el comentario en español!

    I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you! the relationship it's getting stronger and I'm learning tons from it. I'm very happy about how things are going :)

  20. thel00ker

    thel00ker Fapstronaut

    Hey nofap people!
    I've been thinking a lot about what to write next. I'm very thoughtful about how nofap has affected me 60 days after I wrote this. But I'm about to finish university so I'm very busy with finals. The moment I finish I'll come back and make another post to talk about how my life kept changing.
    I'm very thankful about the positive response this post got and i'm always motivated by all of you. I always got very good advice from this community and it's the main reason I made it this far so thank you! I wish you all the best and talk to you soon!