Girlfriend Broke Up With Me Today

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Vishal0809, Nov 30, 2017.

  1. Vishal0809

    Vishal0809 New Fapstronaut

    Whats up guys, so to sum up basically what happened today, my girlfriend of 2 years decided to break up with me. She said it wasnt because of my personality but because of my penis. She's loved my little guy ever since we've been together, but my porn addiction which has caused my erectile discussion and my pre mature ejaculation has finally got to her and hasn't been able to give her full satisfaction. I have tried to stop masterbating, but something inside of me keeps making me do it. Has anyone else experienced this, or knows anything I can do to make this better on myself?
    Leikan, Empty Red Cloud and Ssaun like this.
  2. Nuka-Canada

    Nuka-Canada New Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry to hear this, Vishal.

    As the act of masturbation releases the chemical dopamine in your brain, it can be addictive. This is what causes you to relapse even though you want to quit - you crave that release. Since masturbation can be an addiction, quitting should be the about same as most other addictions.

    NoFap is a website dedicated specifically for porn/masturbation addiction. There are resources on this site that you can utilize, as well as other websites that you can easily find via a web search, and a supportive community to combat this addiction.

    Best of luck!
  3. Ssaun

    Ssaun Fapstronaut

    Hi AuraQ. Sorry for your loss. You could possibly express to her your desire to overcome the addictions all men and some woman are chained to. It takes more then one thing for aid. This site is helpful, group therapy is effective, s.a.a. and p.a.s.g. are good. The best help is from a higher power.
  4. DJM

    DJM Fapstronaut

    Man why she dumped you doesn’t matter

    She’s not into you


    No what’s more devastating?

    Sitting in your shit and whining

    Process it
    Grieve it
    Believe it

    Now get to the gym and push yourself and tell yourself in the mirror how good looking you are. Then get a girls number.

    Don’t call her.

    Repeat that shit

    Then get a girls number get some ED help and smash!!!
  5. Erm... I didn't make this got the wrong person
  6. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry to hear that. It must be embarrassing and painful. But let this be a lesson to you. Let this be the day you quit fapping forever.

    The worst thing you can do is masturbate because you're heartbroken. You'll only end up feeling worse and not get stronger.
    FormerFapaholic likes this.
  7. Yeah, you can respect yourself and forget about anyone who doesn't respect you.

    That thing inside you that makes you masturbate? As soon as it starts up, just say no and shut down the computer or whatever else you need to do. Don't give an inch. Just say no.
  8. KayaKaiju

    KayaKaiju Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry to hear about your breakup, Vishal. I went through something similar very recently too.
    Give it your all to break free of your addiction. If you relapse, don't beat yourself up about it, just reset your counter and get back in the saddle.
    I've relapsed 3 times since I started, I try to view it like beating a challenging boss on a video game. It's frustrating when the boss wins but you just restart and keep trying until you win.
    I've found it helps to keep a kettlebell or some dumbbells near my desk. Swings or curls or pushups, etc... when you get that urge. It really helps. Plus you'll just start to feel better all around, and there's an old adage "breakups make bodybuilders". So try to view your current situation as an opportunity for growth and to evolve as a man.
    If you feel yourself getting down and obsessing about your ex, stand up, stand tall, force yourself to smile and stand in a powerful position, and say to yourself "I am in the perfect position right now to grow and evolve for the better, I am grateful for this opportunity and will take full advantage of it!"
    Even if you feel horrible. ESPECIALLY if you feel horrible. Force it until it gets easy. This works really well for me and lots of other men, and none of us are special. Just regular dudes like you.
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  9. Maybe talk to her and tell her everything? She might be understanding, and might even support you through the nofap process..
  10. qsnf

    qsnf New Fapstronaut

    Hey Vishal,

    Sorry to hear this dude. I am new to the forum just like you, this is my first post. Whilst I am learning about NoFap, porn, masturbation is one of the fundamentals that that ruined my relationship.

    First thing is first, you've gone through a breakup. Dont dwell over it bro and watch Coach Corey Wayne on YouTube, searching she broke up with me or something by Coach Corey Wayne. - This will help you improve your dating skills with the women for sure!
  11. You gotta go full on 90 day reboot NOFap. Start the new year off right.
  12. Leikan

    Leikan Fapstronaut

    Break up is something annoying, frustrating and sad. I'm sorry for that. Now you have to face your problem, this place will help you. In my case, I'm starting a relationship with someone who has ED because porn and is not easy. I can't say it was two years like you but use this time to understand yourself and try to get better for you and if its needed seek help.
    The best for you!
  13. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    So she broke up with you because you preferred the porn over her?
  14. spylight

    spylight Fapstronaut

    I feel your pain brother. I just just stopped seeing my girl, and it fucking sucks. Especially not having a release through porn to fall back on. Then again, I haven't felt these feelings of depression over the loss of someone close to me in I cant remember when. So these emotions ARE healthy and we need to experience them from time to time. Do what you gotta do, cry, exercise, be productive. These are whats helping me to get through it.
  15. Iwannaquitplz

    Iwannaquitplz Fapstronaut

    Best advice out there 100% for NoFappers!

    Kill the past, it will do you no good!
    Kill the past and become something more, something better.
    Screw all that happened, focus on what CAN and COULD happen!
    You cannot change the past but you can direct the future.
  16. You should write self-help books. I will make you rich.
    Iwannaquitplz likes this.
  17. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    if you do a decent reboot you'll even forget her name for how horny you get. And your dick will start working again, i swear!