My first date

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Hitto, Nov 14, 2017.

  1. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    So I went on my first date ever on Friday I thought ever thing went well me and my date were talking a lot enjoying each other's company she was smiling and laughing. she told me she had plans with her cousins before the date but we ended up taking for like an hour and a half then I had hugged and kissed her good night she texted me as I was driving back home thanks for dinner. I was thinking about texting her today after work just to see when the next time she is free. I don't know I just need advice on not being too attached and getting crushed however the fact that I was able to even successfully get a date and even kiss her on the first night was something I thought I never could do and I'm proud of myself. Any input or opinions would be nice thank you I really love this community and it has helped me tremendously
  2. SolitaryScribe

    SolitaryScribe Fapstronaut

    Just text her back, stop over thinking things.
  3. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    I will thanks I know I'm overthinking it lol sometimes you just need reassurance
    DIYAS1 likes this.
  4. lamstronger

    lamstronger Fapstronaut

    Don't overthink it, take it one step at a time. Focus on here and now. If you start thinking about the future, you will hurt yourself. Trust me, I know.
  5. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Haha bro I know this the crazy thing is your brain will trick you otherwise but she told me she is too busy to date right now but I left the door open so I'm not expecting to her from here again but in instances like this I would have felt bad for myself but I feel at peace knowing I did my best for my first ever date she won't be the last one dust myself off and try again it's hard to be detached from outcomes as a human being but I just got to keep putting myself out there
  6. Chris3000

    Chris3000 Fapstronaut

    This is a great post and I'm happy for how things are going for you
    Hitto likes this.
  7. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Haha thanks things will be going just not with her I guess lol love this community you guys really help me understand why I continue to avoid pmo and should get out of my comfort zone
    DIYAS1 and Chris3000 like this.
  8. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you handled this well man!

    I still find the dating part confusing. Sometimes girls will play hard to get, sometimes they will think we txt back too soon, or they are actually keen but don't want to show it and actually turn us down before they allow themselves to open up. And some dates you will find you're just not compatible but will still enjoy the night out socialising and experience gained.

    All the first dates that don't turn into anything else will prepare you for a girl who's genuinely interested down the track though!
  9. Yeah message her back for sure bud
    Hitto likes this.
  10. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Haha it's funny you say this because she said she is very busy with work and grad school and dating might be too much but I remember her asking me from the app what I'm looking for and I said to date and see where it goes and she said me too lol I think she just wasn't too interested in dating and maybe she just wanted to hook up I have no clue but I felt the attraction there so I just told her I understand but we could keep things casual and told her to text me when she is free and ever want to go out again but I sent this texting knowing I might not hear from her again but I'm ok with that Ill figure out this whole dating thing out it just takes a lot of patience and awareness the right person will come along but this was a major breakthrough for me
    Deleted Account, Reborn16 and DIYAS1 like this.
  11. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    I did she said she is not ready to date I don't what that meant really maybe she wasn't trying to hurt my feelings I guess who knows it's none of my business gotta move on keep trying
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. you got an answer so might as well move on. I have had women not message me back after the first date at all.
    Reborn16, Hitto and DIYAS1 like this.
  13. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    You're right at least I'm not wasting my energy lol
  14. The Wrestler

    The Wrestler Fapstronaut

    Hitto likes this.
  15. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Amazing. Well done you should be proud and I am happy for you. Just try to feel out the situation the best you can. I have often heard not getting too close especially in the early stages can increase attraction towards you. However do what feels right. If it seems like she likes you and enjoys spending time with you then communicating frequently might not be a bad idea. My advice is to ask her out on a specific date during your next text conversation and facilitate more positive interaction just like last time :D. Keep us updated :D
  16. Mankrik

    Mankrik Fapstronaut

    Oops just read the above posts. Glad to see you have a good attitude about the situation and are determined to move forward. No doubt you will find yourself in the presence of another great girl soon and who knows you might just hear from your first date again :D

    PS. I might just be posting a first date thread before too long :O
    Hitto likes this.
  17. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Haha thanks you will
    Mankrik likes this.
  18. ContinueFight

    ContinueFight Fapstronaut

    @Hitto I'd recommend you the same like in the other thread: Occupy yourself with interesting hobbies, be independent and become more confident this way. Be a pillar that can stand by itself and do awesome stuff, the stuff you'd like to do. On the way you'll meet even more people(more girls) and get popular. That's the way to become more attractive. People who have a grip on their career, their interests, their foundations, they automatically become more attractive to others. In the end she'll regret not dating you immediately ;) (it shouldnt be a path of revenge though)
    Hitto and Reborn16 like this.
  19. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    Yeah I wish her the best im gonna focus on my goals career and hobbies
    ContinueFight likes this.
  20. messanger

    messanger Fapstronaut

    CONGRATS! It is a journey and I'm happy you are putting in the work.
    Hitto likes this.