Anybody here with visual snow symptoms?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ZenPool, Aug 31, 2014.

  1. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    Hi im looking for others on this forum that are suffering for visual snow. Mine started about 6 years ago. I thought it was drug related for the longest time, until i found this about a month ago :

    This made me very hopeful to try nofap and ive been doing well so far. My visual snow has not gotten better. But i also have symptoms of derealiztion, which is a way of seeing reality as if its not real at all, pretty much like your inside of a dream, which completely sucks and is very scary. But ive gotten over it after a year or two. But anyways back to the matter at hand. Ive been seeing reality at a more vivid and clear state which is giving me some hope that im recovering. I've also noticed that ive had less all around anger.

    THe bad symptoms of withdraw ive been having is, brain fog, mood swings, irratability and depression. Ive also suffered from social anxiety and anxiety in general and ability to concentrate on a task for very long. But since ive started NoFap i have not suffered any anxiety or panic attacks while being through situation where i know i would have had it. So that is a major plus so far, but on the downside depression has taken its place somewhat, which between the two id rather deal with depression than anxiety.

    So if anyone wants to talk id like to make this an offical thread for people with visual snow and are curious to see if this will help alleviate it.

    If not i will just continue this as my personal journal and report the progress i make to the best of my ability

    some other things im going to do to hopefully allow this to be easier on me and to help me recover

    - drink a lot more water everday
    - finish p90x3 (im on the final week on the first month out of three months)
    - just bought a vitamix and will be eating a lot more raw fruits and veggies
    -thinking more positively (which is very hard for me to do, have been pessimistic my entire life)
    - learning new things everyday
    - cutting down bullshit in my life as far as wasting time doing things like watching tv, computer, videogames
    -meditation, yoga, pilates
    - quit overeating, eat slower and savor the flava!

    Update: 9/1/14
    - Noticed that my dandruff and dry facial skin have cleared up tremendously. Ive suffered from this for over 10 years! woot woot
    -Ive decided that everytime something like this happens (a recovery or positive change) i will add more to the list above for myself to do better as some sort of "anti-reward" reward system.

    Last edited: Sep 1, 2014
    Sarkov and HydeX like this.
  2. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Derealization... So there's actually an official term for that. I have that sometimes, walking down the street looking around at people and having an impression they're some kinda preprogrammed bots and that I have basically no idea what I'm doing at that specific time and place. Like I know I should be somewhere else, but don't really know where.

    Or maybe that's not the same, lol.

    ~80 days here.
    Bliss12 likes this.
  3. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    8 This is a pretty good explanation as to what it is like. To quote "For sufferers of derealization the surrounding environments may be hard to experience fully." Its kinda like you can only focus on a narrow way of sensing reality, like once you look at something like say a door or a tree etc. once you turn around and its not in your field of vision anymore, in your mind you still know its there but you cant sense it, like its completely dissipated from your senses.

    Lol i think your just seeing and sensing some sort of paranoia, which is completely natural in this day in age where everyone is dependent on technology and most people are robots because they dont think for themselves any more, they let the machines do the thinking for them.
  4. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    update 9/13/14

    Had my first wet dream ever in my entire life. Im pretty sure it was from waking up a little before dawn (my weakness time to resist temptation) and thinking about girls entertaining the thought of you know what. Then I went back to sleep, the weird thing is is that i could feel it happening in the dream as if i were only half asleep. Any way im still learning not to focus on lustful thinking, Its my most major weakness i think. But this is a great lesson learned so i think it is a positive experience.
  5. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    visual snow, floaters, stars and blurry vision is very common among masturbators.
    I had severe visual snow before I started my reboot - it has gotten a lot better.
  6. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    Really? I havent seen many threads on it here. but if what your saying is true then this is a big relief for me. how long did it take of nofap for yours to clear up, and how long did you have it before you started nofap? Its been about a month for me and it really hasnt changed much.
  7. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Had it for 3 years and I noticed small benefits after 2-3 months maybe, I still have it but its improving very much! And also shifts from day to day. remember that visual snow is not because of your eyes but the brain is tired or something. I'm almost a year into my reboot and I've only seen improvements, I still have it.

    However I have read about guys on YBOP, you can google it "ybop visual snow cure" and one guy reported he cured it after 3 months of no PMO, but he had only had it for a couple of months.
  8. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    cool well even though it does suck to have, its good to know someone else has this and is recovering, you sir have given me a lot more hope and drive to see this thing though. I think i posted a link to the guy who recovered in my first post, but i have yet to find anymore recovery stories like his, they have a forum dedicated to visual snow and they seem to think nofap and VS are unrelated. I have been pmo since like 11 or 12 so this will most likely be a long recovery. thanks again for your time
  9. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut


    I've had floaters my entire life... Don't think quitting PMO will erase that reality. But it's a comforting thought nonetheless I suppose, and if it stands as an incentive, by all means, believe!
  10. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Floaters is one thing, nothing compared to visual snow. Ive had floaters in my whole life also, but they have too, improved.
  11. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    This is true, visual snow is quite the annoyance, and its even worse that you cant turn it off. Its especially worse at night, I think ive had it my whole life but when i was younger it was only visible at night, i remember staring at the ceiling being able to hallucinate different colors or even faces, i dont know if that is connected to VS or not. I also used to have perfect 20/20 vision and now I wear glasses, Im hoping my vision will also improve from nofap but it seems like a longshot in that aspect. I have also have had floaters my whole life as well but it did not bother me as a kid I thought it was completly normal. Since then i dont have as many
  12. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Well it's normal to be somewhat hypnotized by staring at something for too long, especially if it's dark.
    My visual snow started when I began to masturbate. And symptoms appeared before I even was addicted, now they are slowly fading away. I also see auras around lights, specially at night. Carlights etc, it's really annoying, silent migraines I have heard.
  13. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    Yes ive experienced that as well, i see trails a lot of the time from things that pass by my vision. Mine crept up on me years after masturbation entering into the daylight hours. I remember the day everything changed, I had high bouts of anger throughout the day, When i got home I had a sensation in the back and top of my head, for some reason i pushed it to the point of my first full blown panic attack, I also remember hearing a loud pop inside my head as it happened. Needless to say I thought i was dying, I had no idea what anxiety or a panic attack was at that age. My dad gave me a Valium and i went to bed. Woke up the next morning and it was like my entire reality shifted, heavy snow, de realization, de personalization, I was scared shitless. I suffered through that for months until it started to stabilize into somewhat of a dream state. Now i can feel a change that im finally coming out of it little by little
    Strength And Light likes this.
  14. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    What is visual snow...?
  15. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

  16. beauty

    beauty Fapstronaut

    Oh my gosh I have that when I am in a dark room! I noticed it a few years back whenever I would go to sleep, I would open my eyes into the darkness. I thought I was going blind...
  17. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    Yes i believe everyone has it a a minor extent when they awaken in a dark room. I had it as a kid but it wasnt a bother really, I considered it natural. Hardcore VS is like that execpt it is with you at all times.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
  18. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    Well This is news to me, very interested news. Taken from Wikipedia: "In May 2014 the results from the first major research trial into visual snow were reported.[2] The study described strong evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) that the disease is caused by hypermetabolism in the right lingual gyrus and left cerebellar anterior lobe of the brain. The researchers stated that pinpointing visual snow (and its related symptoms such as afterimages) to a functional problem in a specific brain area may open up possibiities for targeted treatment and that treatment trials will follow."

    It would be very cool to see nofap become a legit treatment for this. we could be the first success cases :)
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2014
  19. Clumsy

    Clumsy Banned

    Hm interesting. When I quit PMO, after some weeks it would feel like a silent explosion in my head, like a wave of air wanted out, it was a really terrifying experience, like a minor explosion in my head, it felt like an electrical buzz.

    I also noticed, during the time I got VS and DR/DP (they are very well connected to each other, it's like a brother and sister diagnosis) I had strange sensationsa t the top of my head, and if I pushed it it would cause some nausea or something.

    Very, very interesting.
    Strength And Light likes this.
  20. ZenPool

    ZenPool Fapstronaut

    Well now, it feels like we're getting somewhere with this, connecting the dots is the main reason I felt when I started this thread. I would definitely describe that 'pop' as an explosion, like a movement of air. I swear for the longest time i thought all this was from taking shrooms or triple c's as a dumb teenager. Even my therapist diagnosed my as to having HPPD which is loosely linked with VS and DR/DP. Literally this nofap thing completely has got me back into the hopeful attitude I used to carry, and really when i think about it, it all makes clear sense to me, with the worn out receptors in our brains, the anxiety, both social and general, anger, and brain fog