does sugar and caffenine cause relapse for anyone else?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Nov 23, 2017.

  1. hi i relapsed a few days ago when i had a large coke and a frozen yogurt a few hours before hand. i typically avoid it as much as possible cause i'm trying to get back into shape. but when i do eat junk with added sugar i get huge urges to fap shortly after.

    It is also thanksgiving today so any advice on how to avoid stuff like pumpkin pie and other sugar crammed deserts?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  2. Hi, I also try to cut down on coffee and sugar (alcohol also for sure!), I think the more healthy and clear/clean body and mind, the more easy nofap also becomes
  3. yes, it does give me a clear mind also. When i have a sugar craving i try to eat fruit but sometimes that is hard when i am not home.
  4. Yeah I know what you mean, I'd think important is to maintain the right mindset.. also 2 wrongs doesnt make a right... if u 'sin' eating too much sugar, try to not continue the sin in other area's/aspects.. but block it off and return to the good mindset (pursuit of purpose instead pursuit of pleasure), I made that mistake in the past, that if I failed something I started binging.. also there's some good youtubers around who go more into detail about the subject of nofap and the impact of food choices, however also I try to think no matter what I eat or drink or high stress levels.. should not be an excuse to fap (easier said than done..), but yeah healthy food defenitely has major benefitting effects..
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. It's important to reboot to avoid completely sugar and caffeine. Since you will reduce amount of coffe to one small a day it's good, but it's important to quit sugar forever. It's a drug that feeds mind so he can send us worst ideas, scenarios, moods and urges as well. Caffeine is plant based adrenaline so I would advice you to quit it. I quit both and after some days of gloom and low energy I'm now clean and don't need both.
  6. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Sugar and lots of heavy carbs are recipes for relapse. Speaking from experience! But..Thanksgiving I will give myself a break. With family as some of you will be, so I stay in front of them and I get so tired no energy to PMO hopefully.
  7. LittleMissMoonlyte

    LittleMissMoonlyte Fapstronaut

    Didn’t really think about that! I think it definitely doesn’t help.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  8. Yeah I'd definitely cut out or reduce sugar and caffeine if it seems to be a problem for you.
    The main thing with a diet. It HAS to be sustainable.
    You have to configure your diet so that you can stick to it for years.
    Like I used to and many others, I'd 'find' a diet, stick to it fully committed, fall off the bandwagon whether it be 3,9,23... days down the line, often not knowing why. Soon afterwards I'd be back to an old way of eating until I felt crap enough to try again.

    My advice?
    Learn ways to curb sugar and caffeine cravings (for sugar, it's about balancing your glucose levels... I craved a sugar fix every time I woke up and it wouldn't go away ... eating more fats, this means walnuts and almonds mainly, cravings are much less intense and controllable).
    Really get to know your current diet and learn all about food ... we can easily be a slave to the food industry unless we take control and take time to learn for ourselves.

    We all pretty much know what's healthy and what's not ... it's not good enough to just know that. It's a tough battle against our survival instincts which are actually manipulated by the food industry. And to be honest, with the amount of sexualisation of food and the whole 'indulgence' ploy... it's no surprise it's associated with your pmo addiction.

    Don't get obsessed with all these problems, mainly just take a good look at your problems. And take a serious look into the solution for you.

    Possible solutions...
    Sustainable healthier substitutes
    A good ratio of fats, low GI carbs and Protein (you can find what's best for you)
    Focus on your diet (not on the unhealthy 'allowances' you will give yourself 'now and again')
    Drink a lot more water (try a lot when you wake up)

    With PMO it's tied in very strongly, right down from our beliefs and thoughts right up towards day to day life and triggers. Stopping PMOing is breaking the top of the cycle, it's the tip of the iceberg ... Nofap is a learning journey, it's going to take time but you'll learn to take control of yourself and your life.
    Best of luck
    Deleted Account and BruceD like this.
  9. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I tried the low carb/keto diet for a bit but found that not very practical. For sure, sensible carbs are good. Of course, with the holidays, I give myself a deluxe pass but will start to dial it in come Saturday/Sunday, lol.
  10. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    If I could I would detox from PMO, booze, drugs, social media , and even caffeine all at once. That would be ideal but would hurt like hell. I don’t drink or do drugs and the social media I could probably stop for 90 days. The caffeine would be pure hell to detox.
  11. BruceD

    BruceD Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    I hear you on the caffeine. That would be the gargantuan feat. I need to at least cut back.