How to get a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Rohitc17, Nov 12, 2017.

  1. Rohitc17

    Rohitc17 Fapstronaut

    I find it really tough to get a girlfriend basically I always think I'm just unfit or not good looking for that girl . But when I see that girl's boyfriend I'm shocked most of the time . I feel like I'm on a new level for no fuckin reason . My level of comedy is very in-depth that's why I never try to talk with girls because sometimes they can't understand which I predict I never talked with a girl in person or like 2 years now . My ego says you're the best you'll get it but it never happens . I do exactly what there boyfriends do maybe even more . I know in-depth things and I don't like drama . I always have mixed feelings when I approach a girl (P.S Never approached a girl before) . Do looks really matter? Share your experiences plz and how you start a conversation with a girl ?
  2. honestly just be you. don't compare yourself to these other guys that shes dating. Cause you don't know what she sees in them. I used to do that shit all the time playing the victim role about how I'm so nice and girls should go out with me instead. You gotta approach a girl and if it fails so be it otherwise you will never know bud.
  3. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

    How to get a girlfriend? Easy, just find a gal to date and then find out if you both mutually agree to being in an exclusive relationship together.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  4. TheBigBadWolf

    TheBigBadWolf Fapstronaut

    The reality is that girls do care what you look like to a certain degree. If you have no attractive features what so ever to a woman almost no matter what you do, say, etc. will not matter. However if she likes even just one thing physically about you, your eyes, your style, your physique, then the rest is up to your personality and what you do when you are with her. Even if she likes a lot of things about you physically, if you mentally are not confident in who you are it is going to be a turn off. That's why it is critical to have a mindset of, "I got this!" rather than, "I'm not good enough...". What I have noticed is girls are attracted to 20% Appearance and 80% Your way of being. If your way of being is timid, fearful, and unsure then you are losing major attraction points. So just focus on improving yourself and then learn how to improve your game. Good luck!

  5. ASD_OZ

    ASD_OZ Fapstronaut

    I suggest to you go out with friends to make it easier to approach.

    However , I think you should go to seek pick-up groups like RSD.

    They a-ton of guys who are willingly to go out in two pairs to approach women and support each other's back when needed.
    Rohitc17 likes this.
  6. Steve Sancteria

    Steve Sancteria Fapstronaut

    girls don't like guys that are freaking needy.

    I always sort of get in touch with girls in moments where I don't wanna have a girlfriend cause I wanna focus something else.

    My uncle told me once that guys that don't look that well, had to learn to impress girls with their words and comedy as well as their confidence.
    A lot of girls don't pay THAT much attention to the look of a guy unless he wears some ripped clothes and funky grooming (none at all)
    Also, I've heard from a lot of very good looking and attractive girls that they have problems to approach good looking men as well, they have the same problems just as we have, they are just less needy.
    Hitto and (deleted member) like this.
  7. I'm trying to get a girlfriend soon but for now I'm a focus on recovery
  8. I did the same thing so nice to girl that it ended the relationship some how I was so good I couldn't believe she left me and maybe she was just looking for a fuck buddy and I want to by not so fast moving so she went else where
  9. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I suppose as a girl I can comment. Women care about looks sure but we all are attracted to different types. Like my best friend thinks a guy is hot I see him as hideous and vice versa. Attractiveness is more in our mind than in our eyes. A good comparison is they say a man decides if he would be willing to sleep with a woman he just met in the first five minutes but the woman decides whether she will absolutely not. So she finds you attractive enough to get to know you better and her attraction grows as she knows you. When looking for long term relationships looks have very little to do with success. I suggest you get used to being around women in a non dating way. Do things that interest you, befriend women it will help you feel more confident . Everyone gets turned down, but the guys who get the girls don’t care. You may have to approach 20 girls but One will say yes. Be okay with that. Some of my good guy friends that are just average looking get tons of dates because they have high self esteem. The men I have fallen most deeply in love with are the ones I would not have given a second look to on the street.
    Mankrik likes this.
  10. Thomas Smith

    Thomas Smith Fapstronaut

    This is something women don't generally have to deal with - this amount of rejection. They would never approach 19 guys, suffering rejection, until the 20th said yes. It sucks to be a guy. But we have no choice. Women can sit back and don't have to get rejected time and time again. We guys have to stick our neck out and suffer a lot of rejection usually until we find success. Keep that in mind - that will help you a lot as you look for a woman.
  11. boldludo

    boldludo Fapstronaut


    The best advice I can suggest is to read Models: Attracting women with honesty. By Marc Manson.
    I swear it is worthy
  12. EyesToSeeEarsToHear

    EyesToSeeEarsToHear Fapstronaut

    These guys aren't lying. Try to pick women wisely. Best wishes.

  13. ShatterTheCeiling

    ShatterTheCeiling Fapstronaut

    Instead of trying to "Get a Girl" just focus on being the best "You" that you can be. Get clean of porn, exercise, dress nice (be well groomed and smell nice), and cover the basics of life like financial stability. Doing those things will give you confidence, and they will sense it.

    Also, work on your people skills in general. Ignore what your mother said when you were five years old and talk to strangers. Walk up and strike conversations with people. Figure out what your interests are and learn to talk about them. Learn to show interest in people in general.

    When you learn to talk to people remember that women are people and apply your skills accordingly.

    When you do get ready to talk to girls, remember to bait your hook accordingly. Go where the girls who would share your interest will be. Are you religious? See if your church has some sort of young adults group.
    Into anime or comics? Live at conventions.
    Also, don't look at a woman as "I must date her!" Focus on her as a person, she might have friends who would like you if you convince her that you are a decent and fun guy.

    Remember there are over 3 billion women in the world, you only have to convince one.
    Hitto likes this.