People begrudge me having a girlfriend

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Zephon, Sep 26, 2017.

  1. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    I have the feeling, that people around me don't like it, when I get the chance of having a girlfriend.

    This happened a lot in the past: when I get along well with a woman and get the chance of a romance (and this doesn't happen often), people around me ruin it.
    For example they start talking bullshit about me, let me represent as a bad person, so that the woman distances herself from me - I think she became unsure because of that or feared about her image.
    Another example, they dragged me from a woman with the reason "we need another player for the game!" and I resisted because I had a great conversation with her (that was on a trip in England at my time in evening school). But for all that they dragged me with all they have from her without special reason - I guess they were jealous because later I found out, that they said something like "seriously, he didn't deserve her" or "It's the best for her".
    That frustrates me very much. I find a woman, the chemistry between us is right and then BOOM! - it all goes worst because some people don't like to see it.
    I know, maybe it could be possible, that the woman herself is an idiot that she believes that, what the idiots say. But I can't imagine that this is every time the case. And most of all that happens, when the woman is attractive.

    I don't know how to handle this. It is fucking annoying and frustrating. Any tips for me? Do I something wrong?

    PS: I hope this section here is the right category for my problem - because it has to do with some kind of dating. If not, I apologize for that, I'm new in this forum.
    Temujin likes this.
  2. mcgrim

    mcgrim Fapstronaut

    Be strong and be yourself. People can do strange and hurtful things with all kinds of reasons to justify why they did it.

    I always trust that most people will do what's best for them first. This isn't always the case but it has been my experience in many cases.
    Hitto likes this.
  3. messanger

    messanger Fapstronaut

    It seems that no boundaries are in place ? Or that certain things you do not do gives them permission to proceed.
  4. TheBigBadWolf

    TheBigBadWolf Fapstronaut

    Yo whats up Turel?

    It's not easy to constantly be nagged by friends or people in your social circle about your love life. Especially if they go out of their way to ruin your conversations and interactions with women. If I were in your shoes, I would think about why my "friends" or whoever these people are, are trying to ruin my game. I guess they were jealous because later I found out, that they said something like "seriously, he didn't deserve her" or "It's the best for her". It is clear that these people you surround yourself with don't have a high level of respect for you. You want people in your social circle or group to be supportive and or indifferent about your relationships with women. These people are clearly toxic and unhealthy for not only your game, but your mental health. You have to be willing to stand your ground and cut these people loose, and if they try anything like this again tell them you don't think it's ok and that they have to stop. You will find out quickly if they value your time or not. Good luck my friend and keep up the good work with the ladies!

    A leaf and Zephon like this.
  5. Temujin

    Temujin Fapstronaut

    Used to happen to me all the time. These people are not your friends, seriously

    You need to find a better social circle

    But also you need to stand up stronger for yourself. If you are talking to a cute girl and people are calling you for a game, just straight up tell them to give you a minute and continue talking to her
    SilentJay313 likes this.
  6. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    @mcgrim that's why I'll never understand their motives. I mean what's the point of doing that, can't they just care about their own business? I'm rather a person, who don't give a fuck about who is in a relationship with somebody.

    Idk, maybe meanwhile I'm too restrained and conservative to other people and maybe I wear clothes that don't fit to the normal. What do you mean with boundaries?

    @TheBigBadWolf hi there! Yes, sometimes I thought, I have a behavior they don't like. I changed it, make it different then before. Maybe the mistake I did was after the bad behavior: I changed it to a conservative behavior - I thought, I couldn't do anything wrong with it - but it changed nothing.
    But your message helps me very much, thank you bro!

    @Temujin I noticed that they are not my friends, most of all this happened in evening school, education and sometimes on festivals. But also it happens sometimes in university. The only true friends I have are far away and I meet them only, when I make vacation or visit a concert of bands and see ma friends.
    mcgrim and TheBigBadWolf like this.
  7. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    I would never try to associate myself with people that bring me down to bring themselves that's a huge indicator of insecurity
  8. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    I cleaned my "friends-list" after I noticed such idiots. However that also means I become more and more lonely, but I guess this can be much better then having friends who makes me sick.
  9. messanger

    messanger Fapstronaut

    Boundaries meaning expressing disapproval when 2nd rate behaviour comes your way.
  10. antycorpo

    antycorpo Fapstronaut

    They see a potential in you and they are jealous. Consciously or not.
  11. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    But this jealousy seems to be very hard, if they bedruge me having a girlfriend. But some of these people are better then me (have a job, girlfriend, a hell lot of money, travel where ever they want etc.) and still bedruge me - and I don't have any of these options because I study.
  12. gingeralan

    gingeralan Fapstronaut

    Sounds harsh, but i think u need some new friends, they sound like assholes!!

    Get doing some hobbies. You don't need people who make your life difficult.
  13. Zephon

    Zephon Fapstronaut

    As I told before, I removed these people, who bedruge me. The few "true" friends, which are left, lives far away from me, either in a different city 300 miles away from me or in a different country.

    I have a few hobbies, that make me feel better, for example videogames, festivals, Capoeira ...
    But everywhere you have one of such dickheads, that ball you up.
  14. Mavricko

    Mavricko Fapstronaut

    People are jealous about anything and a lot of people will try to sabotage successful people. My friends and family get jealous at anything I do really where I succeed. It's what most people are like, you'll have to accept it and get used to it.

    Sounds like you need to stop introducing girls to friends or people you know.
  15. strggl

    strggl Fapstronaut

    I'm no expert at all, but after reading all of your posts Turel my first impression, is that you have issues with being insecure. You look at other people acts and focus on how they will/might hurt you. Trust me: most people around you do not give a f.. about you, what you do and whether you have a girlfriend or not. World does not revolve around you. The fact that you are over sensitive to things they do and interpret everything as targeted at you, is a problem in your head. Ignore the surroundings and do your best.