Help me if you can

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by tharaka, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. tharaka

    tharaka Fapstronaut

    i have addict to porn when i was @age 6.cuple of month before i face to strange change in my life.i took medic for depressin since 2016 12 28 after that i didnt watch porn until i stoped my 3 month medic time.after that i watched some porn and i feel somthing is wrong and after 2 week i couldn't sleep @ night and i feel like my mind is block and i cant think whole body was shake like i fear for somthing.after three day its gone and i alway have a pain on my left i couldnt think clearly alway have temper whats happen to me
  2. Karimtolstoi

    Karimtolstoi Fapstronaut

    Maybe you should see a doctor. But as far as I am concerned on can surely worsen your case because I have never deemed depressed thank God but whenever I watched porn I feeled like I want to die.

    Good luck for your journey.
  3. Never Again

    Never Again Fapstronaut

    There is such a thing as somatic symptom disorder (SSD) in the psychiatric community. However, that seems rather extreme and doesn't quite fit, though it is something you should look into. I too have felt extreme anxiety after porn usage, but I did not have SSD. This is not something you should come to NoFap for, given the nature of your condition. Perhaps consider seeking professional help.
  4. tharaka

    tharaka Fapstronaut

    ok sometime i feel like i m in my past age.this is not happen everyday but once a week, my left brain had a pain and i feel weird when it happen.btw how do i tell a doctor that porn is the reason for my will think that i m a pervert.
  5. Never Again

    Never Again Fapstronaut

    I actually go to a psychiatrist who knows about my problem with porn. The shame of it (which kept me from going to seek help for a long time) isn't so bad once you make the plunge. I am currently prescribed paroxetine and naltrexone for both depression and porn addiction. They have helped tremendously and I am well on my way to recovery. I urge you to seek help as well. It can save a lot of time
  6. tharaka

    tharaka Fapstronaut

    Ok thanks.for your help.
  7. Hey man, first of all doctors aren't there to judge. They are there to help you no matter what. And after quitting your meds there is always side effects maybe not being able to sleep is one of them. I was on anti depressants for a good amount of time one day I decided to stop and learn how to be happy naturally and the side effects were deep depression anxiety etc. for about 6 months. Once your dopamine levels are hightend off of medicine your brain stops producing a natural levels (creating depressive side effects) but now of days I feel way better and you will too. It's a steep mountain but it doesn't take long. Hang in there brother.
  8. tharaka

    tharaka Fapstronaut

    ok i m suffering from this at least 4 month.some days i feel good but suddenly i feel weird my face change like i m in sad and its hard to i cant trust about my mind.what happen to my life
  9. The truth is that there is no easy answer my friend. The brain is so complicated no one can say for sure. But the only thing I can say is that if it keeps getting worse you should try the meds again. Stay strong, message me if you need anything
  10. tharaka

    tharaka Fapstronaut

    ok now i do have good sleep all night and i didnt have any temper.i feel normal but i have little pain in my left brain/near my ear.i hope i'll be ok.