Loneliness blows

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Sep 13, 2017.

  1. It blows pretty hard.

    It would be so comforting and wholesome to have a companion who loves you and who you can laugh with and just lean on their shoulder...

    BUT. I must wait for it.

    We have a friend in Jesus, and I get that, but honestly I find it difficult to feel close to him when he makes no noise and I can't see him.

    So yeah, loneliness blows

    and time for the wholesome meme of the day
    Coffee Candy and Deleted Account like this.
  2. Yeah, I die a bit everyday without this. It is often a big component in my relapses with masturbation and porn. *sigh* :(
  3. yeah, but porn is basically the polar opposite of what we really long for. :( a fake substitute.
  4. Oh yes, I agree 100%. That just illustrates the desperation that we would seek such a vacuous vice.

    The same with masturbation - as we stroke ourselves, we imagine the intimacy with another person.

    But when we cum the spell is broken and we are left with nothing. :( Apart from a sticky mess! :oops:
  5. so gross. especially when you use saliva as lubricant. yukko! eww! what would our mothers think!! showers are most certainly required!
  6. Chudmeister

    Chudmeister Fapstronaut

    It took me to the age of 32 to find my soul mate, the wait was worth finding my best friend, my wife is amazing and I'm glad I waited and didn't settle. Trust me dude. Go out with your friends or just hang out. You don't need money to hang with friends. When I lived alone I had a cat, the companionship helped me feel less lonely.
    MeTP likes this.
  7. Thank you I needed it so much today, I'm 31 and still single but overall feel good about that ;)
    Chudmeister likes this.