Marrying Divorcees

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. What do you think of marrying divorcees?

    It says this in Matthew 19:9:
    I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.

    Does this mean it's wrong to marry someone who's been divorced?
  2. MajorTom

    MajorTom Fapstronaut

    It says this in Luke 16:18
    "Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

    So, yes. Exactly that.
  3. calvary94

    calvary94 Fapstronaut

    Well if you say so have you done this??

    And if your eye causes you to fall into sin, pluck it out. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into
  4. MajorTom

    MajorTom Fapstronaut

    So are you saying that Jesus' teachings aren't true unless I have literally followed every single command?

    I reject that.

    Jesus' words are true and His teachings are correct no matter what I've done.
  5. calvary94

    calvary94 Fapstronaut

    Yes but none of us can do it and that’s why god sent his own son to fulfill all god’s law for us

    Under law god says you must love god with all your strength,heart and soul

    Under grace god says
    We love him because he first loved us

    Now i approach god with the blood of jesus not my own works to please him

    And that’s why god bless me
  6. MajorTom

    MajorTom Fapstronaut

    True all that. Still, the question was
    And the answer is still yes
  7. Revolutionroad

    Revolutionroad New Fapstronaut

    What if you marry a woman that is divorced not because of her own will, i.e. that her husband left her? Would that change the picture?
    Cristuziu Emanuele likes this.
  8. MajorTom

    MajorTom Fapstronaut

    The context for divorce in the bible is such that it absolutely does not assume a woman is willing to be divorced. The word for divorce in the OT is "Put away" which under no circumstances implies that the woman wanted to be put away.

    Oh heck. I'll just stop being lazy and unpack it a bit.

    The problem is that when a marriage is consummated, the two become one flesh, and a woman is bound to her husband (divorce or no) as Paul says, until he dies.

    It doesn't matter if the woman left or they had irreconcilable differences or if the man bought a plane ticket to Belarus and never came back. She is still bound to her husband. It's a very difficult doctrine, and both Jesus and Paul acknowledge that it is difficult and that it is better not to marry in the first place, if it's an option for you.
    Blekinge and Cristuziu Emanuele like this.
  9. hej då

    hej då Fapstronaut

    Uhmm...I mean if your spouse left you then why would you be the one to suffer the loneliness? It makes no sense whatsoever. I was civilly married and she left me. Yes I know we should've marry in church but if we did and she left me anyway, should I stay alone for the rest of my life? It would be very wrong to give another person such a power over your own destiny and I reject it. There must be something else to it and I truly believe that the God would give you the right to love again despite the way the words of Jesus are interpreted. I think that you should not leave eachother, but once it's done you should continue with your life and look for another spouse if that's what you need.
  10. MajorTom

    MajorTom Fapstronaut

    I think the biblical teaching on how the sexes interact are going to be difficult for you, because your mindset is fairly modern and entitled. (I'm not even trying to be insulting but you are not looking at the question the way Jesus is, or you wouldn't be asking the question like you are)

    But check it out. If you did not grant her a divorce, but she left you without your consent: Well, then this particular commandment doesn't apply to you. You didn't put her away.

    However it is she who should remain celibate and unmarried or else be reconciled to you.

    I have more to say, but I already know we're too far apart.

    That... is very different from what the bible teaches.

    That is the mindset of people who want to tell the bible what it should say, instead of letting the bible tell them how they should live.

    Oh I know! I know! It's always the interpretation question. Whenever Jesus says something that rubs you the wrong way, since you can't call Him a liar or say He's wrong, you have to place the blame on the interpreters when all they did was quote Him. No. You read Jesus' words and you let Him tell you how to think. Or learn Greek and become a bible scholar, if you think somebody missed something. There are many online resources that can help you get started.

    But whatever you do, don't insert your own fanfiction when the Holy One of God is talking real talk about what is and what is not adultery.

    My advice you you is that you crack open that there bible and read. You have a lot of ideas that have no place in the scripture.

    That's one of them. The bible says exactly nothing about marrying in a church. That's a tradition that men came up with for whatever reason. Who even knows. If the bible has anything to provide as far as guidance for marriage, it's that you should give her father some money, throw a party, and have sex with her and boom you're married. No church or pastor required.

    I think it would do you some good to really focus on what the bible actually says. I think it would clear up some misconceptions you have about rights and responsibilities.
  11. hej då

    hej då Fapstronaut

    Her father is dead but we did throw a party.

    Now let's put you in a positin where you are young and your wife leaves you out of the blue (it's never out of the blue but but let's say that it is for you). So you have two choices: Stay single for the rest of your life because that's what you think Jesus said OR move on with your life and find another woman and maybe start a family with her?

    Jesus said "What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

    Which I really agree that it says that you shall not leave your wife BUT once it's done if she/he doesn't repent and come back to you, you are by no means supposed to stay alone for the rest of your life just because the other person decided to leave for whatever stupid or good reason. Would you really deny yourself that right? To ruin your life over someone elses decision?

    And please answer the question truthfully if not to me at least to yourself and be careful of who you judge because life is long and it can turn upside down at any point.
  12. MajorTom

    MajorTom Fapstronaut

    Hey, just because I've got a different, hidebound, take on it doesn't mean I'm judging.

    I'd marry another woman and if my first wife wanted to reconcile than I would have 2 wives. I'm free to do so because I didn't divorce her, she left me, and I'm always at liberty to have as many wives as I please.

    UNLESS it is I who divorce her. By breaking faith with my wife, I forfeit the right to marry any others.

    And for crying out loud. Who care's what I think? I just quoted him. If you don't like it, take it up with Him. I can't change the meaning of words.
  13. hej då

    hej då Fapstronaut

    LOL. First off nobody cares what you think but given that you posted what you did it shouldn't take you by surprise if somebody calls you out on your posts generally speaking.

    Is your answer sarcasm or are you just being ignorant on the subject?
    Since you didn't come across as an ignorant I am just going to assume that you are implying that you shouldn't marry another woman in case your wife reconciles one day which could be from anytime soon to never or maybe in 10 years with three different children from two different fathers and with hepatits C. You should of course take her back with your arms wide open.
  14. MajorTom

    MajorTom Fapstronaut

    Enough. Quote some verses and teach me true doctrine.
  15. hej då

    hej då Fapstronaut

    He answered, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So they are no longer two but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”

    So it is two. Not three, not four but two. There are instances in the book where poligamy was practiced and it usually led to no good.

    And besides, good luck talking your second wife into polygamy ;)
  16. MajorTom

    MajorTom Fapstronaut

    I see. You are aware that the 12 tribes of Israel are all the descendants of a polygamous family? You are aware that Israel is the nation through which God revealed His Christ? You are aware that Samuel's mom was a second wife?

    Uh... Yeah if I get a second wife, she'll have to be ok with polygamy. Because my first wife already is. ;)

    But listen, the two becoming one flesh isn't a problem. My wife and I were two. Now we are one. We can never be two again. If I find another woman, She and I will be two. But you'll say "No! you are three because of your first wife", to which I must say "Why are you still counting my first wife as a separate entity? Do you not know that she is not her own number but one with me? She and I can no longer be counted as 2." Therefore if I marry my second woman, she and I will be one. We will be one.

    And if you have a hard time with the concept of three being one... well I guess not everybody has to be a strict trinitarian...

    But if the idea of many being one is appalling to you, then the Lord's prayer in John17 is really going to disagree with you.

    However, I think we should stop this. This thread was not created for me to discuss polygamy. It was to answer a very simple question about marrying divorcees.
  17. Minsc

    Minsc Fapstronaut

    While I don't call myself Christian, here's how I see things.

    The aim is for the union of one man and one woman, until death (not at the hands of one or the other). Both should enter the union with this intention. For one reason or another things can go sour and going separate ways can seem like the only option. In such instances divorce and don't look back to one another. While not the desirable outcome, this can happen. Learn from the lessons of the previous relationship and take comfort that they now better know themselves and what they look for in a partner. As for marrying a divorcee, I see no issues. One has to have faith said person has learned from their previous marriage. Some may say marrying a divorcee is risky, I say that risk is there regardless.
  18. Wow, this thread is comical. Here's the deal. It doesn't really matter what we think is right or wrong. What matters is what the Creator intended, and His standard is revealed in the Scriptures. It clearly states that HE HATES DIVORCE! Isn't that enough said? A stable committed family is the basis for a healthy society. We all have to live the consequences of our actions. The fact is that all of these "remarriages" and "blended families" has created a dysfunctional society, a huge mountain of confused children, hurting people, depression, addictions, etc. This is clearly NOT what God intended! So, yes, make sure, when you marry, to ask the right questions to each other, and make sure you take your vows SERIOUSLY! No, I would not re-marry, absolutely NOT! At least for my children's sake, but first and foremost for God's sake. Whoever said life was easy?
    MajorTom likes this.
  19. hej då

    hej då Fapstronaut

    And if you didn't have children? Would you remarry?
    I agree that God hate Divorce one houndred precent.
  20. No, I wouldn't. I think it was Major Tom who said something about the marriage ceremony, and that it wasn't necessarily needed in order for God to recognize the union between a man and a woman. I understand that the sexual union between the two is consummating, however, at the same time, I think we need to consider the traditions of men and how they affect our lives as well. We use traditional ceremonies for recognition among each other in society, and, in light of knowing God's will for us, I had always intended that, if or when I ever got married to a woman, I would never agree to a divorce, and never re-marry. Most people associate marriage with a ceremony and license, and a contract between two parties for life. If one person breaks the contract, does that give the other person the right to break the contract as well? Maybe from a legal standpoint it does, but not according to my conscience. And I'm not going to be super critical towards those that re-marry, because I know that most Christians who re-marry are doing it because they don't want to have sexual relations "outside of marriage". Listen, I will always consider the one woman I made vows to my only wife. Out of respect for the institution of marriage, whether it be defined by man's standard or not, I will not vow "until death do us part" more than once in my life! If my wife left me, I would rather have sexual relations with another woman "outside of marriage", but better yet, none at all! That would be my goal, actually, to stay celibate for the rest of my life.