Porn doesn't just reveal fetishes, it creates them.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    I don't necessarily buy that. Cos if that was the case we'd all go gay. The idea of gay sex to me is like being raped. That fills me with fear. Definitely not something I would do just because it is easier.

    I personally feel what you two are describing are just excuses. You could equally date a f-ugly girl of which there a loads of.
  2. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    @Neophyte you talk about burying attraction. But what exactly is attraction. I mean you say you can fap all night to gay porn. Lust is not attraction? Are you not attracted to what you are fapping to?
  3. that's an understatement! :)
    I think the problem with a site like that is that they pretty much are encouraging escalation behavior, they by and large refuse to even acknowledge HODC and attribute all sexual behavior to identity.
    there is clear evidence that chemical imbalance can affect sexual tastes, and that sexual tastes can change - sites like the above say your sexual tastes defines your identity where on these sites (below) and NoFap we many see pursuing sexual pleasure as a means in itself as ultimately self destructive - and traditional religion and philosophy across most cultures would agree with our take - the kinsey/pursuit of pleasure is usually the sign of a civilization or individual in serious decline.
  4. Neophyte

    Neophyte Fapstronaut

    Sure. But that attraction doesn't necessarily carry over into reality. I just love looking at sex, the weirder the better, but that's not something that makes me happy or a better person, so naturally I can't take it to the next level by acting out what I see. If I eliminate porn from the picture, all I'm left with is my natural attraction to woman.

    I know it may sound like I'm making excuses, but the fact of the matter is, I'm not happy when I'm alone fapping to porn, but I am happy when I'm focused on self improvement or interacting with real people, and there's a powerful good feeling that woman give me when I'm around them that no porno could ever replicate, that's what I've decided to follow. If I ever meet a man who gives me that same feeling then fuck it, I'll fuck him too, but I won't do it out of idle curiosity, desperation, or because of porn, I'll do it because I like him.
  5. Plutonium

    Plutonium Fapstronaut

    I think you are right that porn can implant fetishes in people's minds.

    But worth remembering that fetishes can arise from many other real world situations too. The simple fact these fetishes existed long before internet porn makes this quite obvious.

    The question then becomes whether any fetish that came about through non-porn related triggers is legitimate. That is a hard question to answer.
  6. Round Robin

    Round Robin Fapstronaut

    Sigma frued along time ago before the 19th century suggested that ALL fetishes are caused by traumatic experiences in childhood that are imprinted into the brain

    will do a topic about this after Thursday when i meet a physcologist
  7. Fleeting

    Fleeting New Fapstronaut

    I agree with the OP. And it’s more accessible with so much free porn.

    I shared my story in another thread. But back in the 80s and 90s when you had to actually get up to go out to rent something choices were limited and there was a bit of a shame factor. It was like “I’m renting straight porn because I know the stars and the production company. I’d like to get something more extreme but I don’t want to spend more money and also have the clerk think I’m even more of a sex addict than I probably am.”

    With the internet you run across stuff in the mix of content on free sites and can look for more.

    So many times I’ve seen something that I was never into before and think, “That was hot actually... I can’t believe I fapped to it”.
  8. recoome

    recoome Fapstronaut

    Porn influences our tendencies. If porn wouldn't influence our minds we wouldn't be watching it.
    But the effect is gradual. Think of your tendency as a tree that grows from a seed. Porn is sunlight. Whichever direction sunlight comes from, the tree will grow towards it. I don't think porn can make someone straight or gay, but porn can make someone addicted to sex or bdsm or make one believe that sex is all that's there in life.
  9. ukbritishbloke

    ukbritishbloke Fapstronaut

    I'm absolutely sure it both implants brand new fetishes in people's minds, and distorts and escalates "real" fetishes. You only have to read these threads to see it.

    I agree with this. Knowing porn causes and distorts fetishes doesn't mean you have to think *all* fetishes are caused by porn. I know they're not. I may be part of a tiny minority (I don't know) but my fantasies when I was a 13 year old before the internet were as extreme as any porn I've seen.

    Saying this does *not* mean I'm trying to defend or justify porn. I'm not.

    I don't even understand this "question". I don't think fetishes have to have a "trigger", and I don't know what a "legitimate" or "illegitimate" fetish would be.
    ivanhoe likes this.
  10. Astrocastle420

    Astrocastle420 Fapstronaut

    Sex education wasn't the best when I found P, so I was a confused youth and this was the first P I found. Even though this is "induced", I feel like this fetish has become a part of me, even if I abstained forever from P. Just happened at such a young age. (Close to pre-teen)