Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by 2525, Aug 28, 2017.

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  1. Keep grinding guys.we don't need this shit in our lives.we are better then that!
    Marcus Oz, Eduard911, 2525 and 2 others like this.
  2. BFE

    BFE Fapstronaut

    On day 7 now (1am in UK here) I hope to see ya'll around the forums still, it's been a crazy intense 7 days but I definitely notice a difference - I just feel more "present". To the rest of you battling - three tips I can give you that helped me reach to this point.
    1. POST in the Forum thread here and make a journal - seriously - this was the BIGGEST aspect that kept me on point. I began looking forward to making a post about update/progress and be sure to LIKE or comment on others - it keeps you in the "community" and provides support to others. Felt really good seeing people like your posts - you feel noticed, accountable.

    2. INSTALL New Tab and BlockSite to your Chrome browser if you use Chrome or an equivalent. New Tab means each time I open a new tab on chrome I have it set to open NoFap Forums - like a mantra to remember what I am trying not to do. BlockSite I use (and is suggested by NoFap in threads actually) to help prevent going to Fap inducing websites.

    3. Listening to Female/Male Hypnosis Sleep audio. Plenty on YouTube I suggest Fiona ClearWater, Rapunzel and some others you'll find on there or search for ASMR. Basically, when you listening to them with Headphones on - it creates 3D audio like the person is there with you.
    I would listen to "head rubbing/scratching" to "bedtime stories" and stuff, it sounds odd, but seriously at night looking forward to curling up and listening to someone "close" by if you're single or partner is not there - it's healthy as it is not P and because you get sleepy you actually feel more real than you'd imagine. Play around with the audio's I found them a great help.

    I leave this thread later today confident and charged up ready to push on. The urges are still there, but I look forward to FEELING them now rather than ACTING on them with myself.
    Thank you!
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2017
    Marcus Oz, Eduard911, 2525 and 2 others like this.
  3. Congrats bro! are you gonna join the 14 day challenge?
    2525, Marcus Oz and Jack Throway like this.
  4. Jack Throway

    Jack Throway Fapstronaut

    Challenge 1 complete! I would love to be added to the wall of fame, and I'll see you all at the 14 day challenge!
    BFE, Eduard911, 2525 and 1 other person like this.
  5. Rizsupertramp

    Rizsupertramp Fapstronaut

    Day 2 morning....yesterday I one of my friends tried to show me lap dance video but i said no... Going good.. Going great
  6. Jack Tarleton

    Jack Tarleton Fapstronaut

    Four days total, two days in the challenge. "No one expects our lives to be easy: not in this decade, not in this century." --JFK
    Marcus Oz, Eduard911 and 2525 like this.
  7. B12rent

    B12rent Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Day 6 done. Being with others all the time is helpful. Not alone much the last two days and it's been good
    2525, Marcus Oz and Eduard911 like this.
  8. Chris3000

    Chris3000 Fapstronaut

    Day 7 done. This is the farthest I've gone in a long time and surprisingly it wasn't that difficult. I no longer spend so much time on social media (to look at girls) and I keep myself busy. Good luck to everybody else.
  9. vastsa

    vastsa Fapstronaut

    Day 6 Completed
    My flatline continues, but only during the day. At night I wake up with an erection. My little friend began to awaken from his sleeping flatline.
    I restricted my aimless clicks on the internet. I decided to sit on the computer only when I had to do something meaningful or work, like writting this post :)
    Jack Tarleton, 2525 and Marcus Oz like this.
  10. Day 4: done.
    Day 5: In progress...

    Had a morning wood this morning. First one in a long time so Reboot is clearly working. I'm so excited... :D
    Navdeep, 2525 and Marcus Oz like this.
  11. Day 3 done. Keeping busy through the day was the key. To complete day 4 i have decided to take a long run.
    Keep on, buddies.
  12. Eduard911

    Eduard911 Fapstronaut

    Day 7 started. Today I'm going to the gym, because I need a habit to keep me going on and I have more energy since I stopped PMO. I never thought that this forum can help, but it did, so I'm very grateful for this guys. Thank you very much for the support!
    Navdeep, 2525 and Marcus Oz like this.
  13. Tanner

    Tanner Fapstronaut

    Day 6 completed! One more to go!
    Navdeep and 2525 like this.
  14. AV007

    AV007 Fapstronaut

    i feel lethargic dont know why.. i had no pmo in last 3 days except sex on 2nd night.
    Navdeep and 2525 like this.
  15. Bring it!
    Marcus Oz, 2525 and Deleted Account like this.
  16. I'm waiting for my counter to update haha. 3rd day of this completed. Cold showers are giving me the discipline to carry on, even as the weather becomes harsher. I will have under 6 hours of sleep tonight, on a day where I had a full-body workout. Tomorrow is a new life. Every day is a new life. This life of mine is about to end as I rehearse death in sleep.

    Every day I try to think of it as my last day. I don't want to spend it PMO'ing.
    Desperate_Warrior, Marcus Oz and 2525 like this.
  17. Napoles

    Napoles Fapstronaut

    4 done
  18. Lucas Hood

    Lucas Hood Fapstronaut

    Thanks mate.... Will try to focus more before starting a challenge.... Next aim would be to aim small hit small
  19. AV007

    AV007 Fapstronaut

    relapsed.. guys I've to begin again... but i controlled myself for porno.. i did masturbate but without porno.. i will continue without P..