Any good breathing techniques to practice to last long during sex ?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Islanders190, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. Islanders190

    Islanders190 Fapstronaut

    FYI I'm single and have been for a while but I would like to learn breathing techniques to last longer and to be able to control my ejaculations during sex. I would like to practice breath work now so in in the future if I meet someone I already have established a good breathing pattern.
    Is there any apps you recommend, or YouTube videos you guys recommend for practicing breath for during intercourse ?
    OH yea and I'm aware of kegels I do them btw
  2. Jslim

    Jslim New Fapstronaut

    Hey Islanders. Just to get an understanding, you´r saying that you struggle with pre-ejaculation right? Or is it just that you want to deliver like Ron Jeremy... anyhow, breathing or not - what worked for me was actually simple. It made my sexual life sooo much better, and that was just to slow down in early part of penetrating. I mean sloooow down, its not a race, like work that (w/e you´r working) rly slow at start, and speed up...get the rythm, breath and just chill. I think that´s the main issue with guys pre-ejaculating is becouse they´r so stressed up and thinking too much. Just relax, take it slow at start...after a while, your mushroomtip will be a bit anesthetized and you will be rdy to as hard and long as you want...Hope it helps, gl brother!
  3. Scottyboy860

    Scottyboy860 Fapstronaut

    Don't go balls deep off the rip it's a disaster waiting to happen! Triple 3's. Three shallow three medium three deep.
    And take your time dude. Your running a marathon not a sprint. Unless she's into that shit lol some are. Try stimulating in between the threes, I've never met a broad who only likes the D and no stimulation. I also throw some distractions in there as well. Try focusing the feeling off your dick too, I know it sounds funny but it works for me. This Thursday I was with a woman and I just kept thinking about how soft her blankets were haha