Suggestions on How to Reach 30 Days

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Marcus Aurelius, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius Fapstronaut

    Well, today marks Day 30 of my NoFap journey. I cannot even remember the last time I've gone this long without PMO (or just MO), so this is pretty incredible for me.

    Some improvements I've noticed:
    • I've begun to exercise regularly
    • Clearer head
    • Less laziness
    • More optimistic about a future relationship with a woman (e.g. I'm less down on myself and no longer have the "forever alone" attitude)
    • Increased willpower in general
    • Greater ability to live with discomfort
    • Overall more optimistic outlook

    I figured I would share some suggestions I have for people who are struggling with reaching the 30 day mark because, goodness knows, just a few months ago, I never thought I would be able to last 30 days without masturbation.

    The first tip may not be possible for many of you, but I think it was one of the key factors in my success thus far. First identify your biggest trigger and then try to live for a substantial amount of time without that trigger - or at least keep it to a minimum.

    For me, this happened by accident. My greatest trigger is stress, and one of the most taxing things for me as an introvert is to be forced to interact with people for an extended period of time. When I started NoFap, it just so happened that I had nothing going on in my life - in particular no work or school - so my days mostly consisted of me doing whatever I wanted.

    I know this won't be realistic for everyone depending on what your trigger is, but living without that trigger, allowed me to coast through the first several days without any real difficulty and, by the time I went back to work at a new job, I already had a sizable number on my counter (25 days) and when you have a number like that you really don't want to start back at zero. You will also have already felt some of the positive effects that NoFap can give and you won't want to give them up either. Those desires will work as a powerful buffer against your desire to do PMO once the triggers start ramping up again.

    So, if it's possible, try to take it easy for the first several days of NoFap or schedule the start of your NoFap journey for a period of time that you know will be relatively light on whatever triggers you.

    And the second tip is a warning for when you're further down the road. Don't get cocky. Once you've gone down the NoFap road for a while, you begin to feel like a conqueror. It's okay to feel good about yourself when you achieve success, but don't let it go to your head because it will make you get complacent. When you are able to say "no" when you encounter sexy images, don't think you can look up arousing videos or pictures "just to look".

    In my experience, new arousing images are relatively easy to resist, but the old favourites - the ones that used to comfort you during the bad times - are a lot more difficult. If you look them up, you will regret it. It will make things a lot harder for you (no pun intended).

    Also, remember that p-subs are a gateway drug. Yes, the lingerie section of a catalogue probably won't tempt you enough to relapse (or maybe it will), but it will get you wanting more and before you know it, you will be looking up images of harder and harder stuff. The escalation happens almost without thinking, so try to ask yourself why you are looking up things and if it is to get mild sensual pleasure, turn back. Nip it in the bud.

    I wish you all the best of luck in your journey. :)
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2017
  2. MadmanWithAFez

    MadmanWithAFez Fapstronaut

    Great job on reaching 30 days, Very useful advice!
    Marcus Aurelius, jager and PotentLife like this.
  3. paywithlawv

    paywithlawv Fapstronaut

    30 days is the holy grail
    Marcus Aurelius likes this.
  4. Kenneth john

    Kenneth john Fapstronaut

    This too is very helpful
  5. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    Treat the reboot as a day to day process.
    Marcus Aurelius likes this.
  6. Marcus Aurelius

    Marcus Aurelius Fapstronaut

    Yes, absolutely! It's easy to balk at the idea of giving up PMO forever, but it's nowhere near as daunting to stay away from PMO today. Then just do that the next day. And then the next and on and on.
    MadmanWithAFez likes this.
  7. YorkGO

    YorkGO Fapstronaut
