prisoner of my mind

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by the Soul Resetter, Mar 4, 2024.

  1. the Soul Resetter

    the Soul Resetter New Fapstronaut

    I'm 20
    Been trying to quit this since I was 15. I've had my ups and downs, and a couple moments I could even say I was proud of myself.
    But now being in college, I'm haunted by the thought that I'm still so behind.

    When I was 15, I realized that I was living life on autopilot. I was closed-off, ambitious yet scared to go after my goals publicly, timid, and a kid ridden with social-anxiety. Growing up though, I had always been seen as pretty normal. Good grades had a few friends, for the most part except for being a kid who wasn't terribly athletic and went over the top with some of his class-project videos, I was pretty normal. A little cringe, but normal enough to get by. Outside I was terribly self-conscious, which played a big role in me not being a burden on my classmates. But at home, I was just me. No effort, I simply lived life being the me I was without thinking. The split became terribly apparent to me when I turned 15. Hormones hit, and the young me realized that on the trajectory I was going, I wouldn't be the person outgoing enough to get the women I wanted. So, I worked on it; I hit the gym, I participated in an unnecessary amount of small talk, and was a little more annoying in class.

    I grew, undoubtedly, but the more I opened up, the more and more I retched at the me I put out there. I felt slow, incompetent, forgetful, aloof. Only took a couple months for me to start asking whether I was autistic. I learned to lean into the uncomfortable and keep pushing myself. And whenever I did fail, I was reminded I was doing NoFap; that after enough time, my brain will heal, and I'll eventually escape.

    That was COVID year, now I'm a sophomore in college. I'm struggling with the same issues of social anxiety, c*rn, and loneliness. I even did a summer sales internship to work on my social skills. I talked to people all day 80+ hours a week, and I came out still feeling miles behind my peers. It's as if no matter how hard I try, or how much I let go, nothing ever works. I'm still a loser, despite my thought processes not being able to position myself as one. It's as if I know I don't think like a loser, but because I see that I am, I can tell that my thoughts are keeping something from me. And if my own mind is working against me like that, then how can there ever be an escape?
    I know it's never okay to give up, but I can't tell if I'm lying to myself to say there's a way out. I feel like I'm so close to everything I want to be, yet soo far. Like the confident version of me, the outgoing, the respected, the competent version of me is just behind a curtain just within my grasp.

    In fact others see it too. I'm someone who a lot of people expect to be cool, but overtime, the more I reveal myself, the less respect is felt. I've seen awe turn into disgust.

    Every failure, either socially, or privately with images, just feels like a blaring sign that this isn't something I'm built to get through. Am I autistic? What am I missing? How many times must I be reminded how bad this is before I make the permanent decision to quit? Who else my age is going through life like this, stuck being the failure they never thought they'd still be?
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2024
    Syphax, Avanchzel and Just V like this.
  2. Avanchzel

    Avanchzel Fapstronaut

    Wish you the best man!
    Syphax and the Soul Resetter like this.
  3. phoenix2512

    phoenix2512 New Fapstronaut

    i think you are probably normal in a weird world. Be true to yourself and you will never feel a loser. it gets better with time
    Syphax and the Soul Resetter like this.
  4. josealejandro.ven

    josealejandro.ven Fapstronaut

    Bro, me siento igual, me identifique con todo lo que lei, y lo mas probable, es que sea autismo, tengo autismo atipico y siento los mismos sintomas que tu, si quieres me hablas con confianza. Asi nos ayudamos