I gotta throw up my white flag

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by TheLoneWolf88, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    My speed dating result was a colossal failure. 15 years straight of failures overall, and just now realizing there's no one out there for me. This is my coup de grace. The stress over all of these years is bound to give me a heart attack so bad that it could kill me. There's no point in trying anymore
  2. Comrade, to withdraw from the pursuit of women may be a very wise decision. Only time will prove pr disprove this choice.
    Adie1983 likes this.
  3. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    Even an entire day later, my chest still feels heavy, and I was sure I was crying in my sleep from all the stress since I woke up with puffy eyes
    silex_jedi likes this.
  4. I_Am_Strong_54

    I_Am_Strong_54 Fapstronaut

    Could you reach out to the speed dating organizer and ask them to contact the women for feedback on why they did not pick you as a match? I don't know if they would do that, but if you can get some feedback it might be helpful so you know what areas you can try to improve on to attract someone.

    Have you thought about trying a match maker? They would be a little more expensive but your odds of meeting someone might be improved. At the very least, contact a few, go into for a meeting and see what they have to offer.
  5. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I'm sure I know why. I'm too awkward when I talk and the pain I'm hiding can still be seen. I have a shit ton of baggage that weighs me down.

    I've heard someone say to ask yourself if you'd date yourself. My response is hell yeah
    Adie1983 likes this.
  6. Hi pal,
    you write that you have a whole lot of baggage wearing you down. Frankly, everyone your age, including myself, has that problem.
    IMO, speed dating can be a stressful experience. My advice is to try celibacy for a time. Use this period to work on your self-esteem. Then you will better prepared to initiate a new romantic relationship.
    Adie1983 likes this.
  7. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I've been celibate my whole life and no one is willing to help me change that. I'm currently recovering from a full mental breakdown, as I felt my world collapse down on me
  8. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

  9. Hi pal,
    surely your lack of sexual relations can't be the only reason for your breakdown. Do you have a chronic illness? Or money problems perhaps? Or do you have an overwhelming sense of shame about your past life? Please elaborate.
    Adie1983 likes this.
  10. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    My breakdown was due to all of the blood, sweat and tears I've put into finding someone over 15 years, then deciding to pull myself out of the dating scene. All those years for nothing
  11. There are 8 billion people on the planet. Even if 99.9% of the entire population of the world hate your guts with a burning passion, that still leaves more people who might like you than you could meet in your lifetime even if you met a new person every single day from now until you died. Allowing the opinions of some random women to effect you like this is a sign of mental weakness, and I say that not as an insult but a statement of simple fact. You need to work on your mental constitution. Look, I understand rejection sucks and can make you feel terrible, but all the same wallowing in self-pity helps nobody, least of all you.
  12. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I'm aware my mind is weak. I can't learn to forgive myself so I can move on with my life. I guess what's killing me as well is that I have no hobbies
  13. Forgive yourself for what? It doesn't seem like you've done anything. And if you're aware you need hobbies, then get some.
    Adie1983 likes this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    stop listening to this shit, here try this on a loop for a couple of hours, thx me later
  15. Try celibacy Comrade. Apparently if it is truly embraced it can be a true joy. The burden of trying to acquire a sexual partner can be overwhelming. I know this from harrowing and soul destroying experience. Sometimes the flame/light is not worth the expensive candle. But, you must decide for yourself!
    HealingBodyandMind likes this.
  16. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I've been celibate my whole life. I'm sick of it
  17. Yes, but you've been involuntarily celibate. Google brahmachyra. Read what you can on the subject. Then reflect upon it! Snap out of your melancholy or you are doomed!
    Adie1983 and HealingBodyandMind like this.
  18. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I think my coworkers finally understand what's going through my mind now. I told them I was a virgin a little over a year ago. But basically everyday, I have a constant emotionless face where they think I'll snap one day. They seem to understand how it makes me feel, and how badly I need it. They're both my age, married with kids.

    I already figured it out last week that I'm solely responsible for how my life turned out. For years, I would always point the finger at someone or something else. I let my mind get this way. I locked my mind in a prison cell, now I have to find the key
  19. Khri$$ Javan

    Khri$$ Javan Fapstronaut

    Screw what everyone else is saying. You need to get laid & so do I and many of other men. Its funny how they won't legalize prostitution. When technically the highest bider= aka men with most resources get most of women lmao. And you wonder why people stop going to work. No I'm not going to run out here get a bunch of degrees or do all of this self improvement s***t just to get bottom of barrel coochie.
  20. TheLoneWolf88

    TheLoneWolf88 Fapstronaut

    I know I need to get laid. I tried a one night stand with someone local on Reddit 2 years ago, but I couldn't perform. I realized a few months ago that I'm demisexual. She was a stranger so I didn't feel comfortable around her, and that's why I couldn't do it