Hyperfixiation on looks after watching blackpill content

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by StayClean&Proactive, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. StayClean&Proactive

    StayClean&Proactive Fapstronaut

    I watched a blackpiller for three years and he made non stop videos about how your looks determine your value. I blocked him on social media 5 months ago but I still have lingering blackpill thoughts and even peer on his videos from time to time. I will not reveal the name of his channel for the sake of my privacy since I was in contact with this person through personal messaging.

    A lot of blackpillers say you’re too weak if you can’t handle the truth or embrace the blackpill but it’s honestly made the pain so much worse.

    It didn’t turn me into a hateful incel that hates women. Instead it made me feel very bad for ugly people as well as depressed. I even broke down in tears several months ago because I thinking about how difficult unattractive people have it, especially unattractive women. Even making me feel extremely guilty for not being attracted to ugly or elderly people. This person also talked about how you’ll have a harder life if you’re neurodivergent which made me feel more self conscious and embarrassed about having Asperger’s.

    Seeing pretty women in provocative outfits is also triggering to me because I see myself as beneath them due to having autism. I even self sabotaged myself with girls that appeared to be interested in me because of the blackpill dude I watched that convinced me I wasn’t good enough due to the fact that he claims it’s over if you have Asperger’s. I don’t want to end up like other guys on the spectrum. Ever since I watched the black guy guy, it didn’t help me improve it made me hyperfixate and dwell on all my insecurities and flaws as well as increase the level of flashbacks I’ve had of people saying negative things to me. I had to go to group therapy numerous times due to how the black pill has destroyed my mental health.

    It’s a shame that unattractive people are treated poorly based on something that they can’t control but even I prefer to be in the company of pretty women as opposed to unattractive women, no matter how hard I force myself to think otherwise and it makes me feel so ashamed of myself. I wish I could view ugly people the same as I view attractive people but no matter how hard I try, I still can’t help but to be attracted to people based on looks. The black pill guy I was in contact gave me a face rating of 5.5-6, which means I’m slightly above average looking. I also have no problem getting matches on dating apps, it’s just that they usually go nowhere. So I know Asperger’s is the reason why I have trouble with women and not my looks. I was ugly in middle school, there’s even a photo on my grandpa’s Facebook from 2015 of me and I looked horrible (my lips looked too big and my nose looked too small for the size of my head), this was before I grew into my looks. I was bullied and called ugly non stop when I was in middle school to the point where I killed my confidence and caused me to have low self esteem as an adult. Later on after I grew into my looks, a lot of perfect or have said I’m not a bad looking dude, I have even been called good looking a few times and even referred to as “slightly above average looking” by a friend from my old job.

    I had a friend in high school who has autism and dated a girl who was very unattractive appearance wise but also didn’t have a good personality. She stole his money, was controlling, physically abused him as well as cheated on him. I keep having racing thoughts about how guys with autism can only get women who are severely unattractive and have bad personalities due to autism causing us to be ranked at the bottom.

    To make matters worse, my dad is redpill which isn’t as bad as the blackpill but just as bad. He watches videos where men talk trash about women and makes speeches about how women lose their value once they hit the wall. He even snapped at me and told me to “just jerk off” once when I said I was sexually frustrated and feeling empty about my lack of attention from women. He claimed that I don’t need to worry about women and just be on my purpose and they’ll come to me.

    Because of the black pill stuff, I keep thinking about my negative high school experiences non stop.

    Now I think about looks and autism non stop and I can’t stop. Any advice?
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2024
  2. hhh999

    hhh999 Fapstronaut

    Man, f*** the redpill, and the blackpill, and all the other disgusting pills in this bull***t medicine cabinet. The blackpill is just a "pity potty" for people to sit on and blame their immutable characteristics and "lookism" for their problems, instead of going out and solving them. You did the right thing by blocking that blackpiller.

    Most people have flaws they can't control. For some people it's a speech disorder. For others, it's a social/learning disability. For others, it's being short. Etc. Very few people are born with "perfect" characteristics. They way to deal with flaws that you can't control is by maxing out your skills in the characteristics you can control. For example, I once had a friend who was ugly had a severe speaking disorder (a stutter), but instead of giving up, he started going to the gym and became super jacked. He also studied math at an advanced level. As a result, he's able to get tons of girls. Another example is the comedian Bill Burr, who is short and has an unathletic build. However, by learning and practicing his skills of being funny and charismatic, he's able to get with women. My advice to you is this: forget trying to influence the things that you have no control over and max out the skills that you do have control over. Women will still notice your flaws that you can't control, but when they also see that you've maxed out all of the you other characteristics, they'll realize that you're the type of guy who always perseveres and never gives up in the face of difficulty. That's something women (in my experience) find a LOT more attractive than just having an attractive face or being tall.

    I'd recommend starting to go to the gym, with the goal of becoming jacked, and listening/practicing techniques of how to talk to women (a good source is a YouTuber named Denmo). I can't guarantee it, but if you do these things and maintain a hard mode streak, you'll probably be able to get a girl in 2 or 3 months.

    Last edited: Feb 4, 2024
  3. Ninjutsu Jukai

    Ninjutsu Jukai Fapstronaut

    I am blackpill but not because of looks but because of circumstances. When and how you meet people matters a lot.
    im_done likes this.
  4. LongSault

    LongSault Fapstronaut

    I've personally been in your shoes friend. I once had a friend on the Incels forum, and sadly he took his own life back in 2019. Suffice to say, I was beyond devastated, and I began to internalize the black pill messages out of grief. You see, my friend killed himself because he was truly convinced that no woman could ever love him and give him the happy relationship he wanted because of his looks. He also never got over the endless bullying and rejection that followed him for most of his life. I tried to tell him that he didn't need a woman in his life to be happy, but he didn't accept my advice, which admittedly I delivered in a very condescending tone. That was the last time we spoke, but he was already dead before I could apologize. I suppose my internalization of the so-called black pill was a way of making up for the fact that I didn't take his view seriously.

    I believe the term they use is "coping." In other words, you're coping with a lie instead of embracing the truth, but what they call the truth is actually a huge generalization that often lacks nuance. I believe that while it's true that human beings (as you yourself now realize) are biased towards attractiveness, the phenomenon of inceldom is more the result of societal norms, traditions and institutions breaking down. People are inclined to pursue what makes them feel good, without necessarily considering long term costs, which explains why we're all on this forum in the first place. Without shame, strong communities and family values, sacred traditions etc (most of which is looked down upon by modernity, which champions impulsivity, hedonism, and shifting the cultural overton window to the polar opposite extreme), people simply divert back to their base instincts, which means most women (even less attractive ones) will only pursue men they fancy, often neglecting moe important traits such as good moral character, paternal investment, financial security, etc. I'm not saying it's wrong to be attracted to good looking people, but in the past, people didn't have this luxury to the same degree. Life was short, and people had to prioritize other things over attractiveness; matching people based on fleeting emotions is a terrible mating strategy.

    This is my belief as to why relationships are failing, and so many men are missing out on them. Another fact to consider is how industrialized we've become in the develope world; people don't need relationships for their immediate needs the way that they used to, and there's fewer reasons for an unhappy couple to stay together. Notice that feminism and similar movements either emerge after a society idustrializes, in which society is less manual in terms of its labour. On the other hand, here in North America, some Indigenous tribes who were hunter gatherers had women sporting elevated societal roles, since their contribution was so vital, giving them more of a say in day-to-day affairs. This no doubt confused Europeans, who were more used to a patriarchal social structure.

    I feel you, my friend, but be aware that how we look (genetically speaking) is not our fault. We can't control how tall we are, how good looking we are or aren't, and a lot of it comes from the genes we inherit from our parents. Meanwhile, the halo effect is real; we tend to associate positive traits with attractive people, and negative traits with less attractive people. This creates a lot of bias in the human brain, and guys like us might even be on the receving end of it in our lives. The secret is to be aware of this bias, but don't succumb to it; follow the golden rule and treat people you'd want to be treated. If someone hasn't engaged in any behaviour to warrant ill treatment, then be aware that this hardwired bias is dictating your perception, and at least give those people a chance to prove themselves differently. I've actually made some very good friends this way.

    I know exactly who you're talking about; there's only guy you could be referring to! Look, I get that you want helpful advice, but I would heavily advice against a face rating. That guy doesn't know your situation and the nuance behind it, so simply improving your looks is probably not to do very much without that much-needed context. Do yourself a favour and save your money.

    You and I both. Children can be very cruel, because they haven't been trained to be politically correct and keep quiet about such things. That proves that most people who keep quiet about our appearance are just keeping quiet out of politeness. However, this type of treatment (being bullied, that is) can have a lasting impact on our lives, making us self-concious and dminishing our sense of worth. We can't always choose our classmates, but I will always regret not telling my parents when this hapened during my middle school years. They would have most certainly inerviened.

    Wow. Just wow.

    I agree that you should work on yourself, but I advice against doing it for women. Whatever you try to attract women with is all they will be there for. If you try to attract women with money, you'll attract gold diggers. If you try to maximize looks, you'll attract shallow people. If you use fame, you'll attract attention seekers. In every case, you'll attract someone who cares little about you and only about what she can get from you. Some might argue that as humans/animals, this is simply the nature of things, but the key difference between being loved and being used is whether or not the woman herself is investing in you or the relationship. Users generally take and never give, and ironically the "red-pill" community tells men to become the very thing that attracts the very women they claim to steer clear from. Sounds like hypocrites to me.

    Maybe look in your community to find a meetup or service for autistic people. Maybe then you can be around people like yourself and feel less alone. I know that abuse victims do this when hey go to group counselling.


    Be careful with that advice: look what happened to Louis C.K.

    I don't know about that, but my view is that a man should find what he loves because he loves it, whether it attracts women or not. Some men get into relationships and then get mistreated, or they no longer have time to do the things that they did to attract that woman in the first place. In other words, a relationship is only as good as it's occupants; doing all that work for someone terrible is wasted, so it's best to prioritize your own sense of fulfillment over whether or not a woman is attracted. That's how I live my life anyway; to each their own.
  5. hhh999

    hhh999 Fapstronaut

    I agree. Couldn't have said it better myself.

    It's not just politeness. It is also the case that people stop caring about these superficial things as they grow older.
    LongSault likes this.
  6. im_done

    im_done Fapstronaut

    You again? I hate to say it but you’re a broken record. You hate the black pill but you keep posting about it. You’ve claim to have gotten somewhat positive female attention but never took up on their offers.
    Looks matter, people are vapid husks, and life is a brutal mess.
    My advice that you should have stopped watching black pill content a long time ago. Go date like you would’ve before watching WheatWaffles.
    You’re welcome.