Will my pp work again? When will X or Y symptoms get better?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by cleaningupmyact, May 5, 2024.

  1. Fellow fapstronauts,
    These are the #1 questions I hear from fellow addicts. Some side effects of nofap can cause alarm and be worrying, because you are removing the potent drugs of dopamine and adrenaline due to PMO from your system.


    Don't let your addict brain trick you into being fearful of recovery.

    Think about the torture and hell PMO has put you through, robbed you of your ability to connect deeply with others, living in darkness with your secret life whacking off to fantasy pixel women until you waste hours of potentially productive activity, sleep, or joy into nothingness. The brain fog, anxiety, panic attacks, anhedonia, PIED financial or legal troubles - these are the "gifts" addiction has given you (and me). It is hell and it will get worse (if you dont stop), because there is no "enough" with addiction. It will take more from you, and continue to do so, until you are utterly ruined.

    Recovery and nofap is the only answer. But...

    ---Stop setting expectations on recovery timelines ---

    over That.

    ---> Focus on what you CAN control:
    staying sober, staying on the wagon and living a better life for yourself and others. The rewards come later, and they are wonderful. But we cannot predict them for you, you have to just dive into recovery with the bravery that it takes. You can do it!

    - Get an accountability partner
    - Attend meetings, here or SAA. Many anonymous virtual meeting options nowadays
    - Start journaling *today* and make a record of your progress and relapses
    - Dont beat yourself up, you are on a difficult journey and there will be setbacks

    Watch this video and educate on what PMO does to your body and the science of recovery, it will help: