Who is your go to for NoFap wisdom insight

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by FastNCurious, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. FastNCurious

    FastNCurious Fapstronaut

    out of all the voices out there on the topic of "NoFap" or dopamine and human sexual behaviour. i find listening to Andrew Huberman to be the most claritive in how he talks about dopamine and human addictice behaviour.simply put our brain is a huge dopamine prediction computer . And porn has trained our brains to simulate dopamine as opposed to finding it for ourselves.

    we have hyjacked and trained our brains to simulate dopamine which has become a.dangerous addictive behaviour

    theres a whole other aspect about prolactin and bonding after male ejaculation aswell which you do not get from porn .and causes only stress and a decrease in testosterone

    the issue i believe NoFap is so difficult is because of the training your brain for no longer chasing dopamine naturally we have now switched to simulating dopamine creating pathways that confirm its continuation.as useful

    i am not as eloquent as these guys but ahould listen to "masterbation has dangerous effects on dopamine Jordon peterson and Andrew huberman discuss

    jordon peterson for most part seems to me to be alot more pseudosceince so i tend to be more skeptical.

    Andrew huberman is a neuroscientist and i never get the sense of any kind of bias which is exactly what i think people need . there is so much bro science around this
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2024
  2. drac16

    drac16 Fapstronaut

    I use the Bible. In the Book of Romans, it says to use our body parts as instruments of righteousness. Masturbating to pornography is hardly righteous, so I take inspiration from that.
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