When is it the right time to tell the SO?

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by Deleted Account, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. I have been doing NoPMO for 3 days now (could be almost 5 since the last PMO event). I am so eager to tell my wife about it, and some useful information that I have found and things that I have been noticing in the porn industry. I know what I am doing is potentially life changing, and there are going to be some serious ups and downs down the road soon, if I can keep up with it.

    Right now, I just want to maintain that balance of wanting to tell her, and waiting for the right time to do it: I want to prove to myself that I am serious about it (that way, I can say that I have been sober for long to show that I am repentant of it).

    Our relationship isn't stable and there has been a lot of other issues (other than PMO), and we haven't been intimate for years. Sooner or later, I am going to have to explain the change of behavior and attitude, and why I am going through some serious mood swings. At the same time, I don't want to do it too soon because it could come across as not being really serious about it.

    When is it the best time to talk about? What is the best approach to it?
    BreakingBarriers likes this.
  2. Hi mate, only you can know when to bring it up as only you know you and your wife. But marriage is supposed to work on honesty and trust, so how much longer will you keep this from her? It could be a catalyst for the disolution of your relationship or it could be the start of fixing and rekindling of your relationship. It's a big what if game but you will only know if you tell her. Good luck brother with your decision.
  3. Well, I figured that now is the time than later. I was pretty anxious about it. I was expecting it to turn out from her storming out, and up to her beating the shit out of me. The response that I got was unexpected and undeserving: she saw it as me having addiction and needing help. If she stays, then I am grateful for it and I really don't deserve it; if she leaves, then I am fine with that and it will be just the consequences of my actions. She knows that I am going to try for a few months of No PMO, then I may switch over to NoPM.

    It's not fair to her at all having to deal with someone like me and my addicitions.
  4. Just do your best for you and for her. Times will get tough but try to show that you appreciate her and her support.