Urge control techniques

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by topjobm8two, Apr 2, 2024.

  1. topjobm8two

    topjobm8two Fapstronaut


    I have been struggling for year. I have low self esteem about it now.

    I am thinking about my blind spots, and have made progress in many ways. One big blind spot is urge control.

    What are some of your fav techniques?

    I have been meditating fairly consistently on my commute, so I can lean on that / have a reference point.
  2. Meditation, internet blocking, avoiding peanuts cashews coffee, sleeping enough, pre- bed time routine including prayer and mental calming, calming herbal teas, peaceful rain sounds, hating and avoiding all sexual stimulation
  3. topjobm8two

    topjobm8two Fapstronaut

    Ty. Why avoid coffee?
  4. It always gives me a shot of sexual desire. Probably because of the caffeine jolt. It might be just some people but I have seen others in here say that
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