Tired of trying

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Sadwife, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. Sadwife

    Sadwife Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Hello. It’s the first time I write here. I don’t know if this is the correct place to this post. Mu husband is or was a porn addict. This destroyed our marriage totally. We had sex like one per year and because I asked. I felt so alone and even when I had the chance to cheat on him, I didn’t do it, because the respect I owe to the marriage. I always tough he had a problem but I never imaging it was porn. Once I found out, I felt so disappointed, angry, disgusted and I couldn’t take it anymore. He asked for another chance, and because we have kids, I tried to support him. I found a lot of information about porn including this site. He said he was not going to need a therapist. Stopping will be enough. So far, 6 months and he is doing again. I don’t even bother to ask because he will deny it anyways. He is a good guy but the porn tramp him and made him a piece of s..hame. No honor in a men like that. I’m so sad because I don’t want to destroy my family but I don’t think he will be able to quit completely. What a waste of time. I has so high expectations for mu marriage. I’m very sexual and I tough we were going to have a fun marriage. But I feel so alone, neglected and abandoned. Other guys appreciate me better and their compliments are the only thing that helped my self esteem not to be destroyed. I feel trapped. I don’t feel sexual attraction for him, still love him but the love is slipping away like water in my hands. I want to be supportive and to think that is just a relapse. But I’m so exhausted. I’m sure if porn didn’t exist the way it does now, we would be very happy in all sense. Hopefully someone can give me some light.
    Bloody Mary likes this.
  2. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    It's not uncommon for someone to think they can quit a deep habit like porn usage without help.

    I tried myself many times. It wasn't until I got help from professionals and group programs like SAA I was able to really understand what was going on.

    Porn is most likely the symptom, not the disease. I know I was using it to numb feelings and avoid conflict and avoid being present with emotions like anxiety and stress. Having professional help to realize this (slowly and through workbooks and homework and conversations) is what made the difference. The question he's going to have to answer is the WHY of pornography. It was a hard realization for me, and seeing the denial I had was another tough moment.

    This will suck for him, but you need to sit down and write down your boundaries and potential consequences. Write them down so you don't move them or let them become soft or forget one. Them sit him down and tell him and make sure he knows this is out of love and as a last ditch attempt to save your marriage. Tell him that seeing a therapist, going to SAA, or whatever you decide, are your new lines in the sand. They may be internet blockers, reduced phone usage. My wife's included removing all games from my phone and some other items. He can choose to do them or not, it's his choice, but you're going to stand by your boundaries.

    At that point, it's up to him to make decisions and changes. You can't force him, drag him, guilt him, etc into doing something. He has to want to make the change. Do what you need to protect yourself. As an addict who got probably too many chances, I believe people deserve chances. However, from reading here and talking to my wife, etc - I have also learned partners need to eventually draw that line in the sand.
    MountainInMyWay and Sadwife like this.
  3. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    First of all, you will not be destroying your family by asking him to be the husband and father he promised to be. He has destroyed your family. Now he needs to face it and change, but he needs to acknowledge it and make sone life changes. He will not be able to simply stop. If he could, he would’ve. Find help for you, a good csat if possible. Then tell him exactly what you just wrote and set boundaries. Otherwise you will be in the same place 10 years from now.
  4. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    say it with the rigth world, HE destroyed your marriage. Don't take responsability for something he did.

    This is on you, you accepted a sexless marriage for many years. If you like sex and be desired by your man don't accept any less from your partner. Remember he is the only one you choose to be your sexual partner, if he is not willing to have sex with you then you choose poorly and need to look for someone else.

    You did the rigth thing, you have integrity so you didn't cheat on him. But.. because of this you are stuck with a man that is not into you and is making you feel alone.. miserable..

    Good for you, you stood up to him and tell him this was not what you wanted.

    A lot of people stay together for the kid but doing this you are teaching to your kids that a relationship between a man and a woman is one without love. It's better to broke the marriage and go and date a person that make you happy, were you can show your kids a really good example of a lovely relationship.
    Of course, is ok to give the other person another chance if if you feel they deserve it and know they are going to work hard to work things out.

    Is not your job to fix him, no matter how much you try to help him, he is the one that need to do all the work to fix himself. Your only job in this process is to support him and see his progress.

    This is what he did with the second chance you gave him. What would you think he will do with the next one? and the next one?

    You also know he is a liar..

    Remember, he destroyed it. He is doing something wrong and the consecuences is that you are no longer in a healthy relationship. You are just roomates with kids. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't waste the rest of my life with a crappy/sexless realtionship.

    This happens a lot, not only with porn. Woman/man think they can chance the other person, that it will all come back to the first year of marriage when all was perfect. But the reality is that normally and in most cases things don't change, they normally get worst.

    This is another mistake. You can have spectations, but is going to be really hard for another person to meet them if they are really high. Is better to go into a relationship/marriage to enjoy the other person and share moments and see how things develope. Now that everything is terring apart your spectations are not been met and you are devastated. Remember.. is not the end of the world. More than 50% of marriage file for divorse so is not something rare that a marriage didn't work.

    Sometimes a relationship just don't work with that person. It migth be really good for some years but most times the fire goes to ice and the relationship is over and is time to move on. You need two people to dance tango.. he is dancing with porn rigth now. Are you going to keep waiting for him or are you going to go out there and dance with another man?

    That's why I'm not into marriage. You are still with him because you are married. If he were just your boyfriend you would kick his ass long time ago, but now that you married him you are putting up with all this crap just because you are married.

    They are giving the validation that you need to feel wanted.

    You feel that way, but you are not. Accept the fact that your marriage failed, you didn't failed. He was the responsable. Let him go and look for another man that is happy to be with you.

    You feel for him like every woman feel for a friend. You can have a lot of friend but only one partner. Choose a better one.

    Again.. you gave him another and he blew it. how many chances are you going to give him? how much time are you going to waste with him? how many time are you going to expose your kids to a loveless relationship?

    Reality is what it is, accept it and move on. If you get stucked in wontherland when you were happy together like years ago in hopes you can go back to there in the future you are going to keep waisting time on him that you are not getting back.

    Move on, you already gave him another chance and he showed to you that his addiction was stronger that you, your marriage and kids. There are man out there with their shit together, don't waste your life with crappy people.
    becomingreat and Sadwife like this.
  5. Sadwife

    Sadwife Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Thank you. I will try to see if he is willing to take help from somewhere else. Hopefully he will do it. He doesn’t want to loose his family. I know he is trying but maybe he didn’t realize that the addiction was stronger than his will. He is a good guy with a bad addiction.
  6. Sadwife

    Sadwife Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    The true is hard and the life so short to be wasted. We have a pretty family, he is a good Dad and good husband in other aspects. That is what is stopping me right now. I think the most part of the guy are into this disgusting habit and some are worst. I understand now why a lot of women change to lesbian. I don’t want to deal with another man and expose my kids to many situations that come with a new relationship. Thank you for your words. I can see you already passed through this or doing it right now. What a awful nightmare.
  7. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    Addiction means he can't beat it on his own.

    He will either need to accept that - and make different choices - or stay in denial and accept losing what he has.

    It's really up to him.