***The Gratitude Attitude Challenge***

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by BushidoWarrior, Sep 21, 2015.

  1. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today, I am grateful for
    - my commitment and resolve to continue my recovery after I relapsed today.
    - having some savings that can provide me for a year.
    - Experiencing some flow-like state while doing an activity today. I was focused and calm.
    - having my sister
    Don80 and S t r a n g e r like this.
  2. Day 10/30
    • My brother.
    • Music.
    • Water.
    Don80 and drmr like this.
  3. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    - clean water
    - managing my last urge in an interesting way
    - having a delicious lunch
    Don80 likes this.
  4. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    Day 5: I am grateful for sobriety from alcohol, that I never got into drugs, my parents still being alive for Xmas, the ability to eat a good dinner out, hot water for baths.
    RightPath and Don80 like this.
  5. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today, I am grateful that I managed to quit social media and control my screen time. It makes me less nervous and anxious. Now, I became able to relax. It's a beautiful state. I am grateful for this sensation. After relaxation, I feel energetic. I feel like I can do anything. I am ready for anything. Full of vigor. Since then I became more able to focus, pay attention.. another big big blessing.. It's feels nice, it pays well. My enjoyment of all my habits and activities multiplied. Also the quality of my work. I can now sense and feel and think and live. sitting in front of screen all the time make me an addict and a loser. It deprived me from life, from my loved ones. I can't be more thankful and grateful for the understanding of the effects of screen abuse on my life and for the experience and feeling of how much everything got better once I took some steps to break the bad habits. Now, I am more organized, confident, curious and enthusiastic. My life is getting better everyday. I am actively taking new steps to improve my understanding and choices related to using screens and internet. The commitment and the momentum really benefits me pushing away chances of reverting back. I do make mistakes because that's what a human do. But I am so grateful for my capacity to observe the mistake and learn from them. And to my commitment and consistency. From now till the rest of my life, I shall use these tools wisely, knowledgably, only to my pleasure, benefit and well-being.
    Don80 likes this.
  6. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for:
    - day 4 - morning prayer for strength works and evening prayer of thanks for the strenght
    - being calm despite a family member trying pick a quarrel
    - sunny winder day - the sun makes it easier for me to maintain a positive mood
    drmr likes this.
  7. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    I am grateful that I discovered NoFap. It's a wonderful platform full of wisdom and support. Support that I much need to feel connected, to feel supported and to feel safe. Today, I am having porn urges unusually. But I am thankful for this amazing platform and the panic button, both helped me survive all the difficult moments. I am building good habits staying here like this really helpful habit of practicing gratitude. I am also fending off lost of bad habits, especially bad screen habits. today i was surprised by my mom (unintentionally ) giving me a notebook with a cover depicting image of an astronaut and rocket that looks so much like the NoFap image.. This offer me a moment of pure fun.. I am learning all the time here.. connecting with helpful and kind people, together we will fight this evil and rescue our future and other's from it. Finally, I am grateful of this technique of gratitude practice that really elicit gratitude inside of me.. the idea of focusing on one main blessing and just sensing its effects on my life... Now that I have completed this exercise, I will savor a cup of tea with biscuits and some fruits while listening to a new song in my balcony surrounded by amazing breeze.. Thankful
    Mangold and Don80 like this.
  8. Mangold

    Mangold Fapstronaut

    Today I'm grateful for ... (5)

    - water and the ability to wash myself at home
    - a healthy body
    - a healthy mind
    Don80 likes this.
  9. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today I had many blessings. I spent some quality time with my lovely mom and sister. We prepared together some plans for the holiday .. I had no urges while we were together..

    I am also so grateful that the current relapse is put to an end. That I am back on track. I am grateful for the valuable lessons gained from this relapse.

    Thankful for having good and healthy food.. I enjoyed lots of fruits today. My eating habits have improved a lot in the last two years. Also, my body is 120 lb less than 2 years ago. I am healthy, fit and energetic. Nothing now spoil my life except PMO addiction and screen addiction. but Here I am.. embarking on a long journey to recovery from addiction. My most gratitude for the awareness that I have a problem, for the courage and stamina to face it and endure the price.

    Today, a power outage happened, therefore, I was blessed with about 3 hour of no screen, no internet, no distractions. I just sat down.. thinking, reflecting, writing, meditating..

    Finally, I am so grateful that I had the power to endure the many intense urges I had today.. and for they disappear.
    Don80 likes this.
  10. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today I am grateful for songs, classical songs in my mother tongue are so full of beauty I have a lot of pleasure listening to these songs.. especial the one that says, the heart admire all that is beautiful ..

    Also, I am grateful for the abundance of arts and songs yet I will discover and for the amazing people who created this beauty..
    Thanks for the happiness and the wisdom in your art..

    I had a routine now to listen a some soothing relaxing songs after meals.. It helps me feel good and fend off all the bad habits.

    I think that filling my heart with a true beauty and art will help me reject po3n .. It will become repulsive to me. so art will help me heal my brain from the addiction.. art can be motivating to me..can lift my spirit.. inspire me.. I am grateful for all the good art we have in the world and for the amazing people that creates it..
    Don80 likes this.
  11. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for:
    - 7 clean days
    - for having done some meaningful stuff today
    - for having a place to live
    - for not being stuck in a hopeless situation - I just need to beat procrastination.
    drmr and ANewFocus like this.
  12. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for new beginnings, opportunities to change, the chance to be forgiven and forgive myself.
    Don80 likes this.
  13. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for my wife and her abundant forgiveness for my addiction, for small groups of friends that want to connect on NYE, music and its melodic poetry and the sound of wind chimes.
    Don80 likes this.
  14. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for:
    -another clean day
    -having done some tasks related to my goals
    -today's mood swings - better this than feeling low all the time
  15. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for
    - day 10
    - being mentally stronger
    - for this forum and the people I met here
    ANewFocus and drmr like this.
  16. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today I am grateful for
    - my willpower and tenacity to do several consecutive difficult tasks.. and more the amazing mood I am in now because of that.
    - A delicious lunch
    - Andrew Huberman and his amazing podcast that provided me with knowledge by which I am gaining more understanding of myself and my problems each day.
    - amazing and memorable five-minute cold shower after waking up .. It was epic. I am so grateful I had the strength and discipline to stay under the water for 5 minutes.
    Don80 likes this.
  17. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    I am grateful for a big bonus at work, returning to a job with new perspectives, the variety of ways to enjoy coffee, seeing my father happy on NYD and achieving 81% of days sober in 2023.
    Don80 and drmr like this.
  18. Don80

    Don80 Fapstronaut

    God, thank you for:
    day 11, my willpower to beat anxiety, a good breakfast, peace in my country
    Great news!
    He's got a good podcast on motivation.
    ANewFocus likes this.
  19. ANewFocus

    ANewFocus Fapstronaut

    I'm grateful for a slow start to the work year, an opportunity to practice compassion with my peers at work, 4 days sober, an appointment with my therapist today, central heating, the health to do more than 10,000 steps each day.
    Don80 likes this.
  20. drmr

    drmr Fapstronaut

    Today I am very grateful for discovering the powers of cold shower..
    I am grateful for having the courage and willpower to engage in important social situations today despite having internal resistance.

    Grateful for a third solid day without any PMO or screen abuse or even sextual fantasies..
    Empty Red Cloud and Don80 like this.