Semen Retention success story.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by Beekind, Sep 2, 2021.

  1. Overthink

    Overthink Fapstronaut

    dont fantasize before bed, dont where boxers or pyjama bottoms and dont sleep on your back, if I do any of those after 7 days no PMO I'm more or less guaranteed to have one
    Beekind likes this.
  2. Overthink

    Overthink Fapstronaut

    It's crazy how pmo has directly covered up those feelings. Quite sad to think how it was an escape mechanism for me as a young kid
    Beekind likes this.
  3. Sylveon389

    Sylveon389 Fapstronaut

    Semen retention is a good way to see life. There’s no sex correlation when it comes to mind, it’s just imagination. Even when I think of it I don’t think it’s really happening. It’s just not a real thought. So, I think just retaining my seed is the best way to do anything. Sure there’s normal and non normal thinking against it but eventually one learns about semen retention after being in it for a long time. I’m thinking. If you wanted to just tell yourself that it’s fine what your doing 24/7 to write about or post on NoFap but what’s not fine is masturbaiting and watching porn because it’s not something you can easily talk about without consequences.
  4. Cryptoh

    Cryptoh Fapstronaut

    So masturbation really makes one fat?
  5. wiseplokm

    wiseplokm Fapstronaut

    Hi Beekind,
    How did you lose 22 pounds and gain 8 pounds at the same time ? Would you please give me some advice on losing weight + gaining muscle? Thanks
  6. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    I used the energy ( saved by doing semen retention) to do pushups ( 200-300 a day or 5 times a week) . I also did light dumbbells exercises while jumping on the trampoline.
    I also did intermittent fasting. 16- 20 hours / day.

    I reduced sugar to about 10grams a day( max).

    Hopefully that was helpful.
    wiseplokm likes this.
  7. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    Indirectly yes.
    It erodes your will power. It dulls a man.
  8. wiseplokm

    wiseplokm Fapstronaut

    That IS DEFINITELY HELPFUL !!! :))))

    So at the same time of losing weight , you gained 22 pounds of muscles simultaneously? have you gained lots of muscle strength with it?

    Have you "cut" first and then buff up the muscles? OR " Buff up the muscles" and then cut?

    OR all in the same time?
    Beekind likes this.
  9. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    Same time bro. i wasn't focusing on any. i was just releasing my energy through exercise.
  10. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    Where did you read i have gained 22 pounds of muscle?
  11. wiseplokm

    wiseplokm Fapstronaut

    Sorry I meant 8 pounds of muscles! I blame my pmo brain
    Beekind likes this.
  12. astronautfrompompei

    astronautfrompompei Fapstronaut

    Thanks @Beekind, that's inspirational. How do you match SR and dating women?
    Beekind likes this.
  13. Beekind

    Beekind Fapstronaut

    I don't avoid women, i just deny them my essence.
  14. LuccaVelez

    LuccaVelez Fapstronaut

    You are killing it you such a sickkunt! Zyzz would be proud of you keep going!, go get them tiger
    Beekind likes this.
  15. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    Never go back to porn. Never. When we feel depressed is when we’re at our weakest. Realise that and don’t give in to porn. It’s a backward step. Keep going forwards. I am clean and it feels great.
    A5SASSIN and Beekind like this.
  16. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    When I first heard the concept of "semen retention" and "superpowers," I thought it was all BS myself. But, then, I discovered there was really something to it on just a biological and psychological level, and I concur with most of what @Beekind states here. It really is something hard to understand if one has never lived a PMO-free life for a significant length of time. I admit, some "so-called" superpowers are exaggerated as stated by others, and semen retention doesn't need to be adopted as with some Eastern spiritualities. Definitely, PMO is not the cause of all problems in life, nor is PMO recovery the solution to all problems in life. However, I have found greater confidence, a change in my voice toward a more masculine register - which doesn't quiver (or rise) when faced with challenges or speaking with other confident men. I have had an amazing surge of testosterone flow through my body and bloodstream, which just demands some channeling - like better exercise, weightlifting, eating better. Sexual libido increases, but one no longer experiences blue balls or the need to self-release. Rather, the semen retention in the testes seems to fill and stabilize the gonads, so one does not feel pain/discomfort there any longer, even though one feels vitality and vibrancy down there - almost electrical - practically every day. It's a powerful force and sometimes scary even, because it's a force that needs to be channeled. Other women, like where I frequent a fast-food drive through, have volunteered comments to me that I seem so happy and at peace all the time. That's when it dawned on me that other people are noticing. Without PMO addiction (basically, semen retention), I am able to pursue more fully and regularly my own spiritual pursuits in life, which bring this kind of peace, too. As far as wet dreams, these don't happen too frequently anymore, but even when they do, there really is not a full and complete emptying of the testes, even when the dream feels that powerful. Wet dreams are actually good things - it's male biology taking care of itself in a balance. At most, there is some wetness, but it isn't enough to destabilize the testes and bring them back to reset, as in full masturbatory relapse. My experience has shown that even in the days when I have relapsed after abstaining for a long period, it would often take 3 full MO sessions to achieve a full emptying, as the semen/sperm thickens when not released for a long time. I think this thickening is what brings better comfort to the testes, as opposed to the loose, milky white semen that occurs when one MOs regularly. This loose consistency seems to swim/swish in the testes, causing vascular inflammation - or blue balls, or at the very least, the ardent need to MO all over again. I might have recovered years ago had only I known that the male body, if left alone and not abused, eventually finds its own balance and then takes care of itself (eliminating old semen/sperm naturally when needed, e.g., wet dreams, leakage into the bladder, sperm/protein breakdown and body reabsorption, precum, etc.). None of these fully empty or reset; they just eliminate old sperm/semen as nature intends. I had always assumed, however, that the pain I was feeling and the uncontrollable urges were going to be a lifetime problem. It is not, however. Yet, there are always challenges, but these are one's that can be faced with a renewed masculine endurance and fortitude that comes with semen retention. Best wishes!

    Kieran2121 and Beekind like this.
  17. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    Here's what I have to say - you said you were stagnant or the same the whole time. It seems like she was improving. Maybe that was part of it. My friend's relationship with his girlfriend went dry after a little while cause he wasn't on the self-improvement grind that he was attempting when he first met her. Once he started getting back to the gym and got a job, their relationship was better.
  18. Cyberpunk3000

    Cyberpunk3000 Fapstronaut

    If getting a degree, working in a high paying job and other projects lined up at work,being a reliable and consistent performer in the job and personally working out 5 times a week, reading books, learning an instrument, no alcohol or smoking. If this doesn't count as improvement i guess you're right.
    Then i guess i need to prepare to fight Thanos. My mediocre life improvements vs the glitzy glam new life. I bet i wasn't imroving much in her eyes.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2022
    Beekind likes this.
  19. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    No porn balances your mood out. You are simply you.
  20. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    Damn, yea that's crazy.