Paypal transactions......

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by babybunnybex, Apr 8, 2021.

  1. babybunnybex

    babybunnybex New Fapstronaut


    So mid December I discovered my fiancé had spent nearly 2k in under a year on only fans.. (He left his phone on the bed with the private browser open by accident). We had a massive fight, broke up, he begged me back and he agreed to put a stop to it all. To my knowledge he has, his behaviour of sneaking off to the toilet for hour long constipation sessions multiple times a day have stopped. And things are getting back on track...

    This week we put in an application for a new rental property which inc 3 month Bank statements for each of us. Submitted.

    Im worried about if we can afford it / worried how much money we don't have each month. So I did some number crunching and then I looked at his bank statements and since mid December he has 26 PayPal payments for odd amounts from 92p to £27.99 a lot of £14.99 and some quite obscure amounts (like as if it was currancy converted) but I don't understand what he's been buying....... We share an amazon and he doesn't do ebay or any other sites like that. He hasn't purchased anything I know of that's come in the mail.. As I usually get the mail and its never for him.. We discuss all our purchases before making them to ensure we are OK for money... So what has he spent £362.18 on?

    My brain can only think he's on porn sites paying for porn..??

    I know IF I ask him about this he will just get mad that I looked at his bank statements (which he sent to me by email for the purpose of proving our finances to the letting agency).

    I had a look and only fans doesn't accept PayPal but plenty of other cam / premium sites do.

    I'm torn what to do, but I honestly I can't shake the feeling like he's been upto something. - The only way to know for sure is to sneak his phone when he's asleep and look at his PayPal transactions. And that's easier said than done as he is a super super light sleeper.. OR ask him outright and see how he lies / turns it around on me..

    What would you do?
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2021
    Gurdev Thakur likes this.
  2. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Why would you need to sneak look at his phone? He agreed to stop it all, so there really shouldn’t be any reason he can’t let you access his phone. Ask him outright to hand over his phone and look. That is what I would do. The. I’d call the bank and ask what this transactions were for. IF he turns it back on you this is a sure sign he is using still. The anger that you don’t “ trust” him is classic addict behavior. Does he really want to stop and heal his relationship with you? Then he will happily hand over his phone and he will be able to prove what those expenses were for.
  3. First of all, never ignore what your gut is telling you. It's very rarely wrong. Addicts lie, and when they get caught, oftentimes, they find a way to become even better liars. As @Psalm27:1my light said, he shouldn't have any issue with you seeing his phone if he's keeping his word.

    If it's agreed that you discuss all your purchases first, then why hasn't he already told you about those 26 transactions? If it just 'slipped his mind,' again, he shouldn't have a problem explaining them to you. After all, if you're about to sign into a rental agreement together, you deserve to know the truth before that. I would ask him about it, and his response, whether honest and forthright or angry and defensive, will tell you what you need to know.
  4. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    Sadly my bank account also reads a lot like how you've described ...
  5. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    I'm going to be honest here.. porn is FREE.. only the worst and dumbest guys in the world pay for this contets, only the typicall simps.

    I don't buy this.. i really think you sneak in it. When you trust the other person you don't look at their phone, no matter if they leave it open. What happens in his phone or laptop is their own buisiness and privacy. The fact that you are his fiance don't give you the rigth to see it.

    I think you did the rigth thing here. For you only fans was not something you want in a relationship so you stood your ground and dump him.

    He is showing you he is weak, he is into onlyfans and is going to give up something he likes for you, only weak people do that.. and he is only going to do it for a shot time.. people do this things when are getting dump but eventually when the waters get calm they go back to their own behaviors. He didn't change because he wanted to, he only changed because it was the only way to keep you around.
    This is a low value man, you are better off without him.

    I'm sure they are for some time or he is going to change the way he conssume his stuff without been cought.

    I would ask him directly the source of this charges.

    He crossed one of your boundries with onlyFans but once trust is broken.. is broken.. is really hard to earn it back. Are you happy thinking about he consuming that thing again?

    Now you are becoming paranoid and investigate. Insted of living a healthy happy relationship you are unsecure and fearfull of him been consuming again and basically lying to you again.

    So, as you don't trust him you are going to sneak and see what is happening in his phone.. again not respecting the privacy of his phone.
    In what shape or form is this a healthy happy relationship??

    I would definitivelty would dump him after the onlyFans in his phone episode. Not only you don't accept it, he showed you he is a simp that pays for something that is free. That's not the guy you want to pursue a life together.
    Also you lost trust in him, that is something is not going to come back easily. Everytime you see something is not rigth you are going to think about porn or only fans. If you are willing to sneak in his phone you are probable and unsecure person and this type of relationship (where you no longer can trust him 100%) is going to eat you alive.
    If you still think that this king of man is the man of your dreams go and speak to him directly and ask him were hi spend those £362.18 on, no matter what he says it can be a lie or the truth.. if you choose to still be with him you need to start trusting him, a relationship is not posible without trust.. so or you trust him or not.
  6. thegeneral

    thegeneral Fapstronaut

    You are planning on getting married to a guy who spends 2K on OnlyFans. If you get married and have kids, you are having kids with a guy that wastes money looking at other women's naked bodies. Imagine you have two little girls running around the house, while this guy is in the washroom stroking his dick to women he wishes he could be with. Sounds crazy, but from what I've heard, porn/sex addicts end up doing much worse.

    What is going through your head? I'm not making fun of you, but this is confusing for me. Have you not read what other women and men have gone through on this website?

    If you were male, you would be called a simp by the guys on this site. Harsh but true. Please, reconsider marrying someone like this. You will go through so much regret.

    I don't know you, but you need to leave. This guy is literally walking all over you. Why, for the love of God, are you allowing it?

    It's tough to leave, and the fact that you are paranoid means you still care and are trying to change him.

    Let me tell you something about men. Nobody can change us. That's how we are. When we are set in our ways, whether they are good or bad, you, the queen of England, or even the holy Mother Mary, cannot change us. Women like to think they can try. You can't. Only WE can change ourselves.

    Marrying someone who pays for legalized prostitute's pictures. That's what you are doing. You are marrying a guy who you will probably end up unhappy with. The cards are on the table. You need to make a decision based on what's important to you.

    Last questions: What do YOU want out of committed marriage? Can you have that with this guy?

    Remember woman, people don't just stop. Just because it looks like he has stopped does not mean he actually has. People will find the most creative ways to get their addictive pleasure, all without you noticing. Women on here have been married for YEARS, before realizing the extent of this addiction. What does your gut tell you about that money? Paying for porn almost guarantees addiction. You can't just stop when you are that addicted. When guys simp like that for OnlyFans pornstars, it is a mindset they have. For them, simping is natural. They don't see women as humans, but prizes to be won (another "body" for the count, or another "notch"). You can't change that
    mindset in one day, and definitely not over a break up with someone they don't even value (ie. you).

    While this guy jerks off to the girls he actually wants but can't get, poor old you keeps on chasing him. You probably just want to be loved but please, open your eyes. He probably settled for you, and meets his deep sexual needs by jerking to girls he wishes he could be with. I hate to be harsh, but you need to hear this. People say it gets better, but for guys who act like your "fiance", it does not get better. It gets worse. I am almost 100% certain he does not want you as much as you think. If he did, OnlyFans would not be on his mind (OnlyFans is a lot more personal than porn addiction. Those OnlyFans guys fantasize about being with those women). If he could be with those women, he would, and you would be left with nothing. Please woman, don't fuck with these simps, you have no idea how toxic their mindsets are. He would probably cheat IF HE COULD. If one of those OnlyFans prostitutes approached him, he would fuck her so fast. But that will never happen. He does not have options, and is probably not confident enough to have options, which is why he jerks off to the pictures of what he actually wants, while staying with you out of fear of being alone (which is why he begged you to come back after breaking up). I am a guy. I know how guys like this think. As I said in your last post, there are many strong men out there who would potentially love you. Don't settle for less. You should be with someone that views you as a straight 10/10.

    Again, I'm so sorry for the harshness. The truth stings, but it also frees you. Sometimes love, or the need for love, blinds you from what is right in front of your eyes.


    Women on OnlyFans themselves know that their audience is a bunch of lonely desperate men. They don't care because they make money off those guys. Your fiance is one of those guys. OnlyFans is a very different issue compared to simple old porn addiction, although you might think it is the same thing.

    P.S. Ignore that satire at the beginning of the first video, the introvert thing is just rubbish.
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2021
  7. thegeneral

    thegeneral Fapstronaut

    My man over here spitting hard facts