Not attracted to him anymore!

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by BrokenHeart 2, Feb 11, 2021.

  1. BrokenHeart 2

    BrokenHeart 2 Fapstronaut

    I think over time his Porn and masturbation and flirting with other women have caused me not to be attracted to him anymore. I use to love my partner so much and was very sexually attracted to him and didn't want anyone else But now i don't feel anything. He normally praises me but a few times he told me i had the body of a twelve year old and then i told him that wasn't funny. And in my head I was like so why would you want someone that looks like a twelve year old? Then i was trying to lift something and a guy said put your ass into it and my fiance said she doesn't have one. That pissed me off. I'm not an insecure person. But I gave gotten smaller since being with him because there were times when i felt depressed after finding out he lied about his porn use and the real cause of his DE. I wasn't eating much. He has lied to me about it for 3 years so about over a month ago I gave up. This guy showed me a video of himself and I've known him for years but suddenly I compare my fiance to him and don't find my fiance very appealing anymore. Not to mention another guy from my past who all of a sudden wants to start talking to me again. I wonder is this how Porn Addicts feel to your partners? Do you lose attraction to your partner thinking about all those other men and women? I guess I finally know how it feels. I don't want to hurt him but I don't think I'm in love with him.
  2. You're not wrong. If he's making fun of you and your physical appearance then I advise you to leave him. He even uses pornography and lied to you about dipping on it. I don't see why you're still with this dude.
  3. second chance at life

    second chance at life Fapstronaut

    Hey this guy is a loser and totally un self aware, throw his to the curb
  4. Pizzer

    Pizzer Fapstronaut

    I have to agree here, he sounds like a piece of shit, if it's not working for you anymore, you have to leave for your own sanity.
  5. Mimi V

    Mimi V Fapstronaut

    If he tells you things like that and you don't love him anymore, do you still have reasons to stay with him? I know people who are insecure about themselves transfer their own insecurity on other people. I'm sure there are guys who would like you just the way you are.
  6. CrimsnBlade

    CrimsnBlade Fapstronaut

    Addicted to porn or not, someone who talks to you like that and degrades you is not worth your time. You deserve love and respect. There is someone out there that will treat you right.
  7. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    Porn and masturbation is something you need to figure out if you want it in your relationship... flirting with other woman is a disrespect to you. That's not acceptable.

    Always trust your feelings.

    He can be just playing. You have to look the way he is telling you this. Maybe he is just having fun with you, and you can tell him some funny comment about his body to return him the choke..

    This is not acceptable, he is making a fun of you in front of another person. Again, that's disrespectfull.

    You are with a man that make you felt depressed.. you should be with a man that make you happy. A man that make you a better woman. He ain´t it.

    You are with a man that lies to you.. he have no integrity, maybe he doesn't respect you because you are putting up with all this crap he is throwing at you.

    Generally when a woman is in love with a guy, don't have eyes for another man... but when she is not she start to look for a replacement.. when that happens is easy to know that his current man is no longer an option and is ready lo move to another man.

    Yeap.. you are definitevely turned off by your man and you started to look what other man are available.

    You are not.. he turned you off in many ways. Move on, you are going to be better off without him.
    BrokenHeart 2 and Pizzer like this.
  8. BrokenHeart 2

    BrokenHeart 2 Fapstronaut

    Thank you all for your advice! Sometimes I just need some opinions from others to know that I'm not just being a hard ass to him.
  9. BrokenHeart 2

    BrokenHeart 2 Fapstronaut

    I didn't see it from the beginning but I am starting to think he is very insecure in himself. People tell him a lot that he dated up or that he doesn't deserve me or that he's lucky to have me. But he cannot seem to realize that I'm not the one saying those things they are.
    +TenPercent likes this.
  10. Mimi V

    Mimi V Fapstronaut

    One of my ex told me the same thing and it was a joke but I didn't see anything funny about it just like you.

    Women tend to tolerate and justify such a behavior from their partner thinking that he probably doesn't mean it like that etc. As I said I think it's their own insecurity or some other issues and not acceptable.
    +TenPercent and BrokenHeart 2 like this.
  11. Pizzer

    Pizzer Fapstronaut

    As an addict, I can tell you that we do project our insecurities on other people, most of all our SO's, in fact I'd feel confident in saying that all of us do it, so it's not unique to your other half.

    I'm getting an handle on it personally, but only the men that want to change will only go through doing so, sometimes guys just don't want to or they can't see past their addiction.
  12. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    I hear you, sister. It's very hard for a woman to stay attracted to a man she doesn't respect. Porn addiction is an extremely unattractive trait; it tells us that a man is unreliable and has no control over himself. Women are drawn to secure men, which is the absolute opposite of someone with a compulsive disorder. It makes biological sense too; why would a woman choose to spend her fertility on someone that's always "tapped out" and prone to mental and physical infidelity? Someone who is in a constant state of low grade depression? What kind of potential father to her unborn children is a man like that?

    Optimism and charm is vital to keep the spark; wankers tend to loose these qualities over time. Hormonal shifts could also be a reason these men aren't as appealing as men who doesn't have these problems.

    So what to do? Well, for you, nothing. This is his work, if he wants to keep you. If you find someone better, go for it. It sounds harsh, but he had the chance to be loyal, and if he can't keep up then there is certainly no reason for you to torture yourself.

    As for the comments about your body, it truly sounds like a man who "in order to feel tall feel the need to chop other people's heads of". No wonder you feel drawn to other guys! He works so hard for you to fall out of love with him it would be funny if it wasn't so sad...

    Many men here will of course imply that you are a skank if you move on with someone else and don't tolerate his infidelities. Porn addicts in general want a saintly woman that conveniently rolls out to form a little absorbant carpet for him to walk all over. But in a world filled with hunky, pleasant and loyal men I think that's a bit of a delusion, don't you?
  13. BrokenHeart 2

    BrokenHeart 2 Fapstronaut

    You put that into words so well! Thanks for your reply! I don't understand the men addicted to porn that want a "saintly woman" and judge the women that want to give up or be with someone else. One day i just woke up and said he let me believe for 3 years that I could not get him there like porn and masturbation. And I said no one that loves me would have let me hurt for that long if at all. He saw how much it hurt me and still lied and continued to do it and let me go through that. Well im physically in the relationship still and i enjoy hanging out with him and going places but I don't get upset anymore because I'm not really attracted to him. I don't have the ups and downs anymore. I don't look forward to him stopping. I still love him but not enough to want to be physical with him. He completely turned me off to him. Some people think I need to work on it but I already did and I can't trust him not to go back to it anymore. I'm glad he doesn't hurt me anymore.
    Starchild5x and +TenPercent like this.
  14. RUNDMC

    RUNDMC Fapstronaut

    It's the whole Madonna/Whore complex that makes porn possible in the first place.

    Women are assigned different roles based on what men need in various contexts, and one thing all designated female roles have in common is that they require a total commitment on the part of the woman (her whole life), while the role she's playing is just one aspect of many that enriches and supports men's lives.

    Porn-performing women are entirely defined by that role and never escape it or live it down, and the saintly Mommy type must devote all her life force energy to prop up the man while trying to maintain her own sanity. Each role dominates the woman's entire existence, while men are understood to be muti-faceted, complex individuals with balanced responsibilities and nuanced psychologies.
  15. BrokenHeart 2

    BrokenHeart 2 Fapstronaut

    I'm just fed up with this society and it's unfair roles to men and women. Women have accepted this for so long that it makes those of us who don't look crazy and then we have to deal with that. And im tired of men who are not faithful including porn use that judge other women.
    Starchild5x and +TenPercent like this.
  16. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    At the same though - as addicts we're also simultaneously amazed everyone else doesn't think like us. To me I always assumed everyone had thoughts like me, they were just better at hiding it or somehow had partners that we're also on board. The addict part of me wanted my wife to have thoughts like me, and thought other wives were like that behind doors. The logical part of me knew I was the one outside the norm and I needed to keep it a secret and if I was honest with anyone about my thoughts they would hate me and I had to hide it or *else*.

    I love the fact my wife is strong-willed and wicked smart and outgoing with her honesty and emotions. I look up to her so much on so many aspects. I pray my kids are more like her than me.
  17. EyesWideOpen

    EyesWideOpen Fapstronaut

  18. John wick's dog

    John wick's dog Fapstronaut

    Hey, I know I'm still a kid, But I'll try my best. Porn has fucked up his mind. His thoughts seem to be not pure anymore. Take it from a guy who did really bad things because porn had also affected my mindset. Before NoFap, my thoughts were turning evil or it wasn't pure anyone. I started looking at women like some objects. Let alone women, I was starting to see my own cousins I grew up with that way I hated that I lost my innocence after I found porn. Slowly, one day I did something so bad that anyone would be disgusted by knowing about it. I knew deep down porn had affected me and realized it's time to stop porn. After 8 months of no PMO( Yes sadly I relapsed, still fighting). My thoughts were purified. During that time, I never looked at women once like some object and start to appreciate her personality and traits. The truth is porn makes us slowly start looking at women like sex objects and it's difficult to love someone if you look at someone like a sex object. If he's mature enough to realize it, Do introduce him to NoFap, Else there's nothing you can do about it than leave him, cuz I think he would be in a relationship just for sexual needs
    BrokenHeart 2 likes this.
  19. BrokenHeart 2

    BrokenHeart 2 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for that! I do believe sometimes he may look at me like that. He has been watching for years. I use to have a really high sex drive but going through this with him has wiped out my attraction for him. In the beginning I didn't mind going to bed with him everytime we saw each other. Tmi I don't know how old you are but now I am only aroused when im thinking about someone else. Honestly it is the best thing that has happened to me. I don't cry about it or feel like I'm not good in bed. I try to leave but it is hard when he keeps coming back. I still love him I just don't desire him physically. After his comments about my body I took a look at him and realized that just like he might have wanted someone with a bigger behind I wanted someone with a bigger penis. Honestly im glad this happened I feel like the old me again. I am confident again. I don't even care about his addiction anymore. Honestly I hope he continues so he will leave me alone physically. Not caring was something that helped me instead of waiting around for him to stop completely! It may be an addiction but I have my own addiction. I'm addicted to the sight of a better looking man. I wonder if he will give me the same forgiveness he expects me to allow him. I understand his addiction now. When your body only responds to something other than your partner. He doesn't even make me aroused anymore.
    +TenPercent and RUNDMC like this.
  20. BrokenHeart 2

    BrokenHeart 2 Fapstronaut

    I still love hanging out with him and i love him. I have tried to leave but he always comes back. I just lost the physical attraction which is not suppose to be everything.
    +TenPercent likes this.