
Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by The Steadfast, May 9, 2024.

  1. The Steadfast

    The Steadfast New Fapstronaut

    Dear all,

    Nice to be part of the nofap community. I am 28 yrs of age, and have been struggling with porn and masturbation since I reached my age of puberty. I have tried to quit many times, but I always get back. My longest strike was only 10 days. Sometimes it feels impossible, but I am sure with this amazing community around me it will become easier. My motivation to leave porn is because I became socially, physically and mentally inactive. I want healthier relationships, and to have meaningful goals in life. Which I believe is not achievable without leaving porn behind. Thanks for having me, I am really looking forward for this!!
    The steadyfast
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