Life was peak in the Middle Ages

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Itsuki, Mar 20, 2024.

  1. Itsuki

    Itsuki Fapstronaut

    Yeah, of course modern times are better, 80s seemed pretty decent. Trust me, I know I'm the delusional one here. But just like how technology is better now than it was 20 years ago, for some reason my hatred for it only augments as innovation continues. I don't need a robot to drive my car for me. In the middle ages they were very anti science apparently and those are my homies because I feel the same. Is there not part of you that is just like, "stop trying to improve everything and live your life?"
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2024
  2. LostSon41

    LostSon41 Fapstronaut

    Oh alright I agree with you there. I think technology kinda already hit the point where it helped us most and now AI is just going to make everything more complicated and less human.
  3. GhostRider@11

    GhostRider@11 Fapstronaut

    Believe me, human brain is capable of suffering almost anything. People who live in modern world feel overwhelmed, alone in middle of crowd. They are tired of running behind money and fame.
    On other hand, people who live in villages, feel tired of living same life again and again, no thrill, they feel they are just wasting their life, their parents died doing the same things again and again, eventually they will die doing the same thing again and again, they want to move out and experience the world.

    As a guy, who spent most of his lifetime perfecting technical skills and not focusing too much on physical skills. It would be horrifying to get thrown into that era suddenly. I don't know sword fighting, not good at sports, no computers so my programming skills have no value. I built my life around the things that will be needed in this era, weren't people of that time too much focused on masculinity, damn whoever have larger first decides the law.

    Also, I dream about a future when we can venture into space like those scifi movies, I don't know whether it will be possible within this lifetime or not, but compared to going to past I would love to goto future. I just want to take a spaceship and float in the eternal darkness, that is a much better place to rest instead of being trapped in a planet. I would love to travel to different parallel universes or time travel.

    Can you imagine in olden era, most people spent their entire life in a single village, never ever going out and meeting new people. That's how I feel about spending my entire life on this planet.

    Even though AI will take a lot of jobs and create unemployment, but for the first time in history we have a way to make thousands of human like brain(AI) work on a problem without any break 24/7.
    Recently, deepmind AI found 350,000 new materials, it should had taken 800 years for humans to compute using conventional methods. It's a continuous cycle, AI improves technology, technology provides more computation power to AI, using that power AI further improves itself and technology, and the cycle goes on. The humans are no longer comparable to AI productivity. And we didn't even start talking about quantum computer.

    The singularity is much closer than we think, we are just one research paper away from a major breakthrough in space exploration sector. But the only question is, will there be ever a time when common people will be allowed to venture into space.

    Don't get me wrong, I do had times in life, when I simply wanted a peaceful life without having to worry about money or other things. A simple wooden villa in a foggy moutain top, spending about a month or two in seclusion, daily mediation and simple life. I will simply handover my entire business to my younger brother, weekly once the driver can drop the vegetables to the villa or maybe I can do little bit farming.

    I know this is short time motivation type of thing and eventually I will get bored or even tired of this space thing. But still right now, I am filled with thoughts about all those amazing scifi novels that I read. We have already started walking on the path of technology and there is no turning back, to achieve all our dreams we will have to walk till the next checkpoint, when we are capable of traveling between parallel universe or time travel. You can go to the past era and I can become a captain of a galactic pirate spaceship or more better wage a galactic war.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2024
  4. nellywilk

    nellywilk Fapstronaut

    If you put it that way it does sound good. Now people with the 30-40 years can easily start studies again (me for example) and struggle with the few hours of sleep at night. I am on that stage right now and without help of , no idea what i would do. When i was younger, i could easily party whole night long and next day could work or study, no issues. In older age it is a little more difficult.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2024