Just realised that my partner may be a porn addict. Please help. -Possibly triggering text ! -

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by IrmaVep70, Jul 6, 2020.

  1. IrmaVep70

    IrmaVep70 New Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    I'm new here so please be patient as I'm not yet familiar with your terminology or acronyms.

    I have been in a long distance relationship with a man for 2 and a half years (I am a 50 yr old female, he is the same age). When we first met we had an amazing sex life, very adventurous and daring, and very frequent! I allowed him to photograph me and film me during certain acts, which is something I had never allowed previous partners to do. I guess this shows how much I trusted him.

    Porn did play a part in our relationship from the start. It had been a problem in my past relationships as I didn't like it when I found that previous partners had watched it in secret, it almost felt like a form of cheating because it was watched in a furtive way. Therefore when I entered this relationship I decided to try a different approach, so when the subject of porn arose I decided to watch it with him and not be threatened by it. I thought that if I took away the secrecy side of it, I would feel empowered and more able to deal with it.

    Unfortunately this didn't work in the way that I'd hoped. My partner quickly latched on to the fact that I was 'accepting' of him viewing porn, and would text me at all times of the day and night requesting that I send him porn. Because I was trying to keep up the facade of not being disgusted and threatened by it, I would comply. I could be in the middle of cooking dinner or folding laundry (or some other equally mundane task) and I would find myself spending ages searching
    for the kind of porn that he liked (big breasts, anal, women masturbating etc). In return he would send porn back, which would tend to also be the kind of porn he liked, he never bothered to ask if I had a preference of what I'd like to watch, whether I'd prefer something with well endowed men masturbating (as I am a heterosexual woman who has no desire to view women mastubating!).
    Which in retrospect tells me that it was always all about him and satisfying his needs and fantasies... it was never about involving me in order to turn me on sexually.

    Fast forward around a year or so, and the sex really started to wane. I remember being in a beautiful hotel for my Sister's wedding and thinking it was a lovely, romantic setting for getting intimate. He got drunk, fell asleep and that was that. After that the sex became more and more infrequent. I would travel on the train for 3 hours to see him for the weekend, and he would not even kiss me or hold me for the entire time I was with him. I tried instigating sex a few times (wore all the gear etc) and he would perform when I did this, but I then started to feel like I was forcing him to do it and that he was doing it under duress. So I stopped trying. Stopped wearing sexy lingerie to bed. Stopped sending him suggestive text messages or intimate photo's of myself. I lost my confidence completely and went from feeling very secure and desired in the relationship, to feeling the complete opposite.

    Around Christmas time of last year I told him how I was feeling and asked him if he was still attracted to me. I told him that if he wasn't, I would rather he just be honest so that we can go our seperate ways and get on with our lives. He told me that he loved me and still found me attractive but that he was 'tired' and 'drinking too much'. I told him that I had needs and needed to feel desired and wanted. After this he made the effort. Once. He got out of the shower and basically instigated oral sex (me on him) then had (very quick) sex with me. Afterwards I wondered if he had been watching porn on his phone whilst in the bathroom, as he came out of the bathroom already erect (not sure if I'm allowed to use this kind of terminology here, please correct me if not allowed.).

    Then came the lockdown. As we are long distance I didn't see him at all for 9 weeks. A few weeks ago I met with him for the first time in all those weeks, I thought he would be gagging for sex.. nope. He kept saying his foot was really hurting and that he thought he had gout or arthritis. I stayed with him for 4 days. On the day I was leaving I instigated sex. We had sex, it was quick, no kissing, no foreplay. I went home feeling worse than ever.

    I had five days annual leave from work last week, we should have been away on holiday but because of lockdown he asked me to spend the time with him at his home instead. On my first day there I picked up his laptop (he bought it for me, we both use it) and as I began to type in the search bar, his last two searches popped up. Both searches were for hardcore porn, I won't go into a lot of detail as I don't want to trigger anyone, but the titles were explicit and both used the words 'young sl*t'. I turned to him and said "I know what you've been up to while I've been away", he just laughed and said "everyone watches porn". I chose not to make an issue of it and left the exchange at that.

    We then spent another long 5 days not having sex, not being intimate, not showing any physical attraction for each other whatsoever, not speaking any loving or sensual words. Two nights I lay crying as he lay snoring. He drove me home yesterday, we had an altercation over something minor and, as tends to happen when a person lets things fester, everything came out. I told him how unwanted I feel, how I feel that he'd rather have sex with himself and virtual women than his real life flesh and blood girlfriend. He said "I only look at it when you're not there", I said "but you don't have sex with me when I am there!" I asked him if he was no longer attracted to me, he wouldn't answer. I said I feel like your friend or your Sister, he said I was being 'silly'.

    All of this has had a terrible effect on my confidence. I had an eating disorder in my 20's and I now haven't eaten since yesterday lunchtime. I can feel all of my old insecurities about my body coming back, only worse because I'm now old too. I worked so hard to build my self esteem over the years and it has all come crashing down around me. I can't compare with these porn stars and I don't want to have to. I'm 50 years old, I can't compete with a nubile 25yr old who is doing gymnastics all over the bedroom!

    I've never had this problem with any of my ex partners, if anything the opposite was always the case, I would feign headaches etc to get out of always having to have sex. And even though I knew a couple of my ex's watched porn in secret, they could still perform in the bedroom regularly and energetically. I know that many men have a lower libido as they head into their 50's, but that can't be the case here as his is still aroused and masturbating to porn. I assumed that is was an effort thing at first and that it was just quicker, easier and less effort for him to get himself off, but after reading some posts on this forum I realise that the issue is probably much more likely to be porn addiction.

    I understand that as we are long distance he may struggle with not ejaculating for long stretches of time but I really don't know what the solution to that is, other than masturbating to porn. And I truly wouldn't mind his porn consumption if he was still having a sexual relationship with me, but he isn't.

    Please can anybody help me at all. I'm so sorry that my post is really long but I'm at the point where I feel like my only option is to end the relationship. This guy is not a bad guy, he has treated me well and is kind and considerate in many other ways. It's just that I didn't sign up for a sexless relationship. I'm not his friend or his Sister, I'm his girlfriend, I expected to be his lover. I feel so unattractive and rejected.

    With thanks in advance. Any comments or words of advice would be very much appreciated.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2020
  2. IrmaVep70

    IrmaVep70 New Fapstronaut

    I have no replies but please could anyone help. I feel so sad and desperate today :-(
    need4realchg likes this.
  3. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I would agree that he’s a porn addict.. my husband had zero interest in sex while active in his addiction. He’s been clean with a couple relapses the past year and a half. Now, he’s a different man. From someone who literally never touched me in bed, to someone who strokes me, hugs me, cuddles me even in his sleep. He asks for sex now on average 4-5 times a week. He’s 52. This is the guy who told me no two days into our honeymoon. I was a virgin so I was very confused at that time. Sex is far different now. Our life is far different now. Addicts, at their core, are incredibly selfish in most aspects of life. They live in their head too much and don’t see reality. It can get better, but only if you 1.leave and break up. 2. He admits it’s a problem and gets into real recovery. 3. You completely detach and live as friends knowing he will continue in his addiction. Take care of yourself. Focus on self care. Do things that help you heal and build you up.
    TARS, Henryforward, engelman and 2 others like this.
  4. Hello @IrmaVep70!

    First of all, I am sorry to hear that you found yourself in such a situation! Finding out that your partner is facing an addiction can be shocking and disturbing. I am happy you reach out for further information and help. I think, from the way you describe it, it is quite obvious that your partner has a severe issues with pornography. The need to share and receive visual content through out the day is a warning sign of his loss of control over his behaviors.

    Speaking from own experience, the path to realiziation of your own addiction and start to act on it is a long process. Most addicts are not aware of their issues until negative effects start to show. This could include issues like erectyle dysfunction but also problems and fights with their partners. As long as such suffering compontents do not show change won't happen in most cases. Addiction can be battled and control can be gained back but it always must include the mental will of the addict itself.

    I wrote a summary about a book I read that helped me very much understand my own issues. Maybe you can gain some information out of it: https://forum.nofap.com/index.php?threads/summary-junkies-like-us-by-kurosch-yazdi.280446/

    I think the only thing you can do is open up to him once again, tell him the severity of how his behavior affects you and the relationship. That you want porn out of this relationship, because you see how much it wears you both down! If he is able to reflect on his behavior just a little there will be a chance of change.

    Nevertheless, I believe SOs should leave if the addiction is affecting their health and stability in life! In the end we are all responsible for ourselves - he to fight his addiction, you to be happy. It should never be the SOs responsibility to make someone overcome their addiction. Of course it is helpful and nice to be supported by someone but in the end only the addiction himself/herself can beat it. So if it is too hard on you, you can leave, we all deserve to be happy and live a fullfilled life with beautiful moments.
    Henryforward and kropo82 like this.
  5. kropo82

    kropo82 Fapstronaut

    @IrmaVep70 what a heart-breaking post. There's a lot in there, but I'll pick out a few things.

    In some ways the effort you were putting into meeting his wishes shows what a lovely woman you are, but it also shows how willing you were to loose bits of yourself in your efforts to please him. It will be hard to claw back your sense of self-respect and self-confidence but I hope you find the strength to do just that, with his help or without him. I know that sounds harsh. Sorry.

    Yes, this is so telling.

    Regardless of how many men use porn if you need him to stop then he will have to stop or lose you. That's his choice. His porn use has 'helped' him concentrate solely on his own inner world to the exclusion of all common empathy for you. You may need to spell his choice out very directly so that he knows the two paths in front of him and can make his choice.

    It's that first sentence that got me: "all of this has had a terrible effect on my confidence." My wife and I are older than you (56 and 55) but your words took me straight back to 2010, when we were both 45. I'd been using porn surreptitiously for most of my adult life, and she'd mostly turned a blind eye to it (our attempt to integrate porn into our sex life was bad, I hated it). We were out walking the dog and she told me that my porn use was destroying her self-esteem and that she needed me to stop or, to protect herself, she would have to leave. It is difficult to put down in words how upsetting this exchange was. We had been together since I was 17 and yet I could tell from her demeanour that she was really frightened. She was frightened that I was going to choose porn and let her go. That's the extent that my porn use had decimated her self-confidence. Of course, I choose her, but it took me six years of trying and failing to quit porn before I finally found this site and started the streak I am on now (Day 1,377 without porn).

    I think you need to find the strength and the self-compassion to put your own needs first. No, it’s gone further than that, you need to put your own self first as I think you are in danger of losing your sense of self. My advice, and feel free to take it or leave it, is to tell him that you cannot cope with his porn use and that he needs to stop and that if he cannot then you will need to leave for your own preservation.

    He may already have realised, deep down, that he has a problem. He may know how much he loves you, he may not. Being tested is never fun and it is hard to predict whether he will play the victim, get defensive, get aggressive, or step up to his responsibility to become the man you deserve. It could be a very difficult conversation, but it is an important one that will define your future happiness.

    Good luck. I can tell from what you have written and how you have written it that you are an amazing woman. You deserve a partner who brings out the best in you, and who lets you bring out the best in him.
  6. Sending you a hug. Please take time to love yourself ; long distance can mask so much.

    Your heart is beautiful ; please treasure it. Thank you for being so brave to share your story here !
    kropo82 likes this.
  7. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    Your post is deeply touching. From what you wrote you are a wonderful woman and you should not spend your time and energy on such a selfish man. Men who are addicted to PMO must accept this is not normal behavior and devote themselves to dealing with their addiction. With that work to stay clean and sober in place, treating their partner with respect is utmost important in the context of physical intimacy. This means not using their partner as a replacement for porn, in other words no recreation of the porn video environment in any manner whatsoever. This means having fully consensual communicative emotionally connected sexual activity in an environment that is not "produced" to mimic pornography. This doesn't mean boring or unadventurous. It means honest. With each other and oneself. Best of luck to you.
    the_magician likes this.
  8. SequinHistory

    SequinHistory Fapstronaut

    I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Your partner’s porn use is definitely abnormal and I would go as far to say his drinking sounds problematic too. I’m glad you found this forum and you made the right decision raising your concerns here. You need to trust yourself and know that any decision you make is the right one.
    I am confident that my wife would advise you to leave. My wife has said herself that, if we weren’t married, she would have already left. I am strong in my recovery but it has been far from easy and I have damaged my wife irreparably in the process. My wife is only with me now because she loves me and she knows how hard I’m trying. We are both trying to find a way forward but only yesterday she told me that she can’t see how she can, and that she doesn’t really believe any SO could. I have been in recovery for almost a year now and my wife and I are both in therapy. This is a serious issue and you need to put yourself and your own health first.