Is there hope?

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by diminuendo, Oct 3, 2020.

  1. diminuendo

    diminuendo New Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone. First of all, I just wanted to say thank you so much for this forum. I've lurked here for a long time but finally decided to take the plunge and share our story. I have been feeling so hurt for so long, and I hope that getting it out to people who might understand can help me at least a little.

    I was immediately drawn to my boyfriend when we first met 5 years ago. I was only 19 and very inexperienced. He was older than me, smart, kind, and funny. We had instant chemistry and started dating within a few months of meeting. For the first few months, our sex life was great too. But it very quickly went from regular, to rarely, to not at all. I'm a very shy and anxious person who hates confrontation, and my first mistake was not bringing this up to him sooner. We just carried on as if everything was fine, never mentioning the fact that we hadn't had sex in almost a year. I loved this man but I couldn't understand why our connection wasn't extending to the bedroom. It was tearing me up inside.

    Finally, I brought it up and we talked about what was going on. He was experiencing ED, but we didn't know why at the time. I cared so much about him that I wanted to keep working through it together.

    In the years that followed, we've gone back and forth between periods where he's absolutely obsessed with sex and wants to make love multiple times a day, and periods where he hardly kisses, touches, or even looks at me. Unfortunately most of the time it's the latter. It has been so frustrating and has hurt me more deeply than I think either of us realizes. There were a few times where I even considered ending it because I couldn't handle the uncertainty and constant rejection of him not wanting me. But he reassured me that he loved me, and was working on it. He always promised he was doing everything he could to fix this problem for us.

    A year ago he found NoFap, and realized what he was going through was PIED. We've gotten so much better at communicating since the early days of our relationship and he immediately talked to me about it. He was so excited to figure out what had been causing him these problems for years. He thought I would be happy about it too.

    But until that point, I hadn't realized he was even masturbating or watching porn. I thought his lack of desire for sex with me extended to all parts of his sex life. Finding out that while I was sitting alone, crying, and wishing I could fix us, he was getting hard and jacking off to other women on the internet completely broke me. I was never the type of girl who had a problem with her boyfriend watching porn. But to know he was watching porn but not wanting to have sex with me was devastating.

    In the past year, he's started on a process of quitting porn and trying to reboot. I think we both thought it would be a lot easier and less painful than it has actually been. He's been flat lined for most of this year, and had a couple relapses (probably even more that I don't know about). Before he found NoFap, I thought it might have been some kind of health issue that caused his unpredictable and low libido. Not that I would ever want him to deal with any health problem, but it was easier for me to accept than this. His porn addiction makes me feel totally undesireable and unloved. It doesn't matter how many times he tells me he loves me or thinks that I'm sexy - he's unable to show it in the way I need him to.

    We've had sex a couple times in the past year. Two of which he suggested we "find a sexy movie to watch". I was weak and desperate for him to be intimate me, so I agreed. Now I stay up at night wondering if watching a sex scene was the only way he could stay hard while making love to me. Everytime we do anything sexy I'm on the verge of a panic attack the whole time. Is he actually in the moment with me or is he thinking about porn? Does he wish I was a sexy porn star instead of his extremely average girlfriend? His porn problem hasn't just ruined sex for him. It's totally destroyed my sex drive and confidence as well.

    Besides his porn addiction, we're mostly happy. He takes care of me, he makes me laugh, he is so understanding of my anxiety. A few months ago he suggested we get engaged. I completely freaked out, and I wasn't even sure why. He was understandably hurt. I think it's because although I love him, it is so hard to promise the rest of my life to someone who has hurt me so much. Until I know he feels completely ready to love me and be intimate with me in every aspect, I cannot marry the love of my life. That hurts me just as much as it hurts him.

    We compromised and decided to move in together before we get engaged. We were both excited and thought it would be great for our sex life. It's only been a week of living together so far, but I'm already feeling disheartened. Before, I would get a little hopeful before everytime I saw him. Hopeful that that would be the day he would finally want me. And everytime I left without him being intimate with me, whether we talked about it or not, I was disappointed. All those little disappointments built up to huge pain over the years. Now, we are together all the time. And every moment is another chance he has to be intimate with me and he fails to do so. I don't even need sex - like I said, sex has become so stressful for me. I just need him to want me. It's not even on a "horny" level anymore - it's a constant feeling of wanting validation I haven't consistently gotten in 5 years.

    We have so many plans for our life together, but I'm feeling so empty about it all. I don't think he realizes how hurt and uncertain I am. I love him and want to fix things. But even if he gets a healthy libido back, how can I ever overcome all this hurt I've been feeling? Is there anything I can do to help him, or just help myself move past this so we can be together? Or is there no hope for the happy and healthy relationship I want and need from him?

    Thank you so much for listening. Sending love and strength to everyone struggling with this pain in their relationship.
    engelman and FearMyDiscipline like this.
  2. eric9000k

    eric9000k Fapstronaut

    Well, that sounds pretty much like how my last serious girlfriend must have felt before my life fell apart. Pretty painful stuff to read through.

    I'm going to tell you to set standards for yourself. First decide whether it is or is not a horny thing. Doesn't matter, because that's separate from validation. So decide whether sex is on your list of things you require because you're horny for it. That's what I'm doing that's what I think everyone in the community should be doing first and foremost, because this whole thing is about sex, as is pretty much everything in life. So once you clear up that little confusion... move on to ..

    Other women! Yeah, does he pretend you're someone else? Yeah. Am I a random stranger on the internet who has no problem being cold about it? Yeah. So, myself, being a male, I'm like.. trying to build myself up in all these ways... like yes I need sex in my life, yes I want to please women, yes to all of that, and more importantly, no I'm not willing to cry about it anymore either. Back on point here... do you want to marry the love of your life who you feel like they pretend you're someone else when they try to *** you. Damn! Hellll no.

    So you just want to help this person be the best they can be for you? Then that's great, and you will have to be honest. Say boyfriend, your porn addiction hurts you and your ability to please me, and I feel less and less valuable every day, this is not good for me, you are being selfish in our relationship and I am not satisfied by you, and I will stay with you and work with you but only if you try to change, because I know that you know what the problem is, and this disease is degenerative and will only get worse if you don't fix it, and all challenges are easier with support so I will stay with you if you focus on me.

    Try that?
  3. DefendMyHeart

    DefendMyHeart Fapstronaut

    I have been with my husband for 6 years now. It was a little over 2 years ago that I found out about his addiction. I was angry, hurt, felt betrayed, etc. Anything that you could possibly feel after finding out your SO had been cheating on you through the entire relationship is how it felt to me. He promised to quit, and he did for 2 years. He did it for me, and only because I didn't want him to do it anymore. Then he relapsed in August of this year, and needless to say, everything I felt from the first time he told me came back 10 fold.
    Here is what I learned. You can tell him how you feel, how it hurts you, that you want him to stop, etc. But he won't hear you. I mean, he will on the surface, but internally, he won't. If he is to stop, it has to be because he wants to do it. I'm in no way saying your feelings about it are invalid, because they are not. Just like with other addictions, he has to want to help himself before you're able to do anything to help him. I have 2 years of working with my husband that was wasted time because he didnt want to quit and felt like I forced him.

    Showing him the science behind what it does to his brain could be an avenue to take. Your brain on porn is a good book to get him.
    After my husband joined this site and rebootnation, he has finally decided he wants to quit. He has made more progress in the last month then he made in the 2 years. It was after he made the decision himself to quit that he was able to hear me, and acknowledge the hurt he caused.

    It isn't easy to stay with someone who makes you feel like you're not good enough. I spent 2 years trying to convince myself that the issue he had didn't have anything to do with me. I knew it did, but he tried to convince me otherwise. After coming to this site and seeing all the stories in the support groups, I now know I was not alone in my thinking of how their addiction relates to the relationship.

    Is there hope? I would like to say yes. But I don't think it will come until both parties have fully healed.
    Mo1989 and FearMyDiscipline like this.
  4. diminuendo

    diminuendo New Fapstronaut

    Thanks, Eric. It’s really interesting to hear your advice from an addict’s perspective.

    I should have been more clear about this part. It feels like the problems we’re having have totally changed my sex drive as well. I went from having a normal up and down sex drive (mostly up... lol). To wanting sex constantly - but not for the same reasons as I wanted it before. Before it was a natural urge to want to be with my bf, aka being horny. Now it’s this constant need for validation through intimacy. I don’t have those natural rises into feeling aroused anymore, it’s just this constant and not at all pleasant desire.

    I’ll definitely mention some of your points when we chat about this again. Thanks man.
  5. eric9000k

    eric9000k Fapstronaut

    That is sad, let me say what I think about that. Others have written similarly, that a general rule of evolution is that it is 10000 years behind the modern enviornment, so what you are feeling is a very primitive reaction, it is no match for the modern world. This is why people feel like using technology is hurtful in a profound way. I am not sure, if you are a user of porn or social media yourself, or not, but you must consider this signal that your emotional situation feels like some central element to your survival or wellbeing is being threatened, yeah, it's not very good, you will have impulses to remedy the situation and put your life on track, and rightly so.
  6. GottaBFree

    GottaBFree Fapstronaut

    PA who never comes to this sub forum I read a couple of posts recently and it shook me up and provided motivation.

    I'd think about what you want. What would a happy relationship for you would look like? What do you need? (Emotionally speaking primarily). You need to know what you need and expect.

    I am in my early 40s. Got married in my early 20s. I have fought unsuccessfully against a PM addiction the entire time.

    I have rarely from my side not been willing to have sex. It's never been more than a day or two. I feel it's important to connect through conversations nearly every day. If you are feeling isolated, that's not fair, even if there is a PA.

    I think there may be some bigger issues for your BF. We all come with baggage but if you don't like the baggage going in, you are not obligated to stick this out. Dudes tend to show worse after marriage. We also feel helpless at times, so who knows what the issue is for your BF?

    In a healthy and loving relationship, you would be able to forgive and move forward. Once you know what you need, I'd start by asking him more about what's going on. You might get a better sense of what you need to do. If you know the relationship is wrong for you, I feel sorry for the heartbreak. But you may find the connection you have been missing through that communication and open a door that leads to healing.

    I'm sorry you have to go through this. It's not your fault and you don't deserve it. To answer on of your questions, P addiction isn't about the partner, or sex. I think my wife is more beautiful than what's in Porn. It makes me want to throw up. I check out of reality completely and my dopamine feedback system is messed up. I feel like crap after not using Porn and I haven't gone forward far enough to heal all the way. It's literally has nothing to do with my wife other than all the pain I cause her :( (we have great kids and a happy life outside of my issues btw)

    You deserve more and I wish you luck in fixing this relationship, or in finding closure as you prepare to move on. In your decision making, I'd consider a possibility the addiction won't go away, but might just be managed for years.
    Last edited: Oct 6, 2020
  7. Mo1989

    Mo1989 Fapstronaut

    He is addicted to PMO like all of us here. Its a bad bad thing that leaves us empty and depressed unless we should fight against it together and and really try to get out of it. Try to motivate and do sports together maybe running?it boosts health and confidence. Sign up for dance classes or activities you guys are together and there is some emotions in public involved and maybe things get better.
  8. MountainInMyWay

    MountainInMyWay Fapstronaut

    I totally understand what you mean. It’s such a strange feeling. After my husband admitted the addiction and devastated my heart, I went about 1-2 days where I didn’t want him to see me in the shower, getting dressed, etc - and then all of a sudden switching to needing to have sex with him all the time. Day/night/anytime. I read about how it can be common to not want to have anything to do with your partner after such a heartbreaking reveal, but how it is also common for some to want their partner’s body/that connection all the time. The therapist in the article said that it was almost a way of ‘marking your territory’, even through the hurt. It is confusing though, because the validation feeling only lasts so long, and may make your partner confused and/or think he is forgiven. (My husband and I had to have some deep discussions about this part). There potentially may be some healing slowly happening depending on the situation, but definitely not completely. That hurt/betrayed feeling still comes roaring back afterwards, at least for me. I still haven’t figured it all out, but wanted you to know I’m right there with you on this.
  9. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    Along this thought, can you explain what it really means to crave porn as an addict? Are you craving and fantasizing about the women because your brain knows they bring the high but you just crave the women (or whatever the porn is)? Are you just craving the high? As a woman, and as a not addicted to porn person, I can only think of it in terms of my husband wanting to see these other women and delight in them to orgasm. And it makes me so so sick.
  10. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    I can speak for myself as two paths

    1. Porn was an escape from any bad feelings (and in reality all feelings). Stressed, angry, anxiety, sadness, etc. Porn never let me down to take me out of the real world and into something where I had control. Through therapy this is the number one trigger for me, emotions I don't know how to express or deal with.

    2. Through porn I found connections. I'll try and explain. The gifs and videos and still images and erotica made my brain think (because it doesn't know the difference between real and digital) that I was there and experiencing the things I was watching. Those digital files never said no, always wanted me, always were available, never were disappointed, never talked down to me or questioned me, they were the most reliably pro-trobone element in the world. On top of that role playing gave me even deeper connections I was afraid of attempting to make in the real world. Don't get me wrong, I had/have friends, but they were mostly superficial and none were deep emotional friendships. So role playing gave me people who seeked me out, complimented me, etc. All of that together makes me feel validated, wanted, desirable, etc with minimal effort and almost zero chance of rejection. This is why I went to porn to escape those feelings, because I found comfort with no effort or pushback.

    To sum it up - it was never about replacing my wife. I still enjoyed sex with her and wanted it often. I never stopped thinking she was smart or funny or sexy. I never told her I wanted her to look a certain way - she's 100000% more hard on herself than I ever was or will be. It's not about wanting another woman in bed or wanting some digital woman more in a sexual way (to me). It was about being unable to deal with emotions and afraid of opening up and being honest because I feared rejection in return.

    For the past 100+ days I'm working on understanding/accepting emotions. I'm working on feeling them and expressing them, and working through my shame I have inside me. So far it's helping me recover, stay sober, and my relationship improve.

    I hope this helps you understand some.
    stegiss likes this.
  11. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for taking time to share that to help me understand what it could be. I can see I need to have some harder conversations with my husband to figure out more what it was for him and if I can live with that or not. I'm really really struggling with this idea of not replacing wives yet going to these digital women for an easier but kinda same thing. This is all so confusing. God I hate porn. This addiction is so painful for everyone involved in it on both sides.
  12. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    Just try and remember - that most likely (vastly most likely) - at no point did he consciously or subconsciously ever think he was replacing you or could replace you or wanted to replace you with any of the women on the screen.

    I suggest you check out Bloomforwomen. It has a lot of FREE content specifically for spouses like yourself. I watched some to learn how I affected my wife. Your husband might want to too. My wife wasn't a huge fan because she's not a podcast person, but seeing a therapist that has experience in addiction trauma has helped her.
  13. used19

    used19 Fapstronaut

    I know I should feel relieved that he didn't want to replace me. It's just the "in addition to" that makes me sick. Trying to gauge and understand that intent is really hard.

    I've done tons on bloom. Mulling paying for the forums. Right now I am working through two of Dr. Skinner's books - the healing from trauma one and the treating pornography add treating pornography addiction. I might consider starting with a therapist on bloom soon. I have very little time during the day because of my kids, I cannot afford to trial multiple therapists and I suspect my trauma is complex.
  14. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    I disagree with you here. Men consciously choose to replace their wife when they expend their sexual energy on porn. Then they are too tired for sex, or lack the same drive to pursue their wife, or can’t get it up because porn HAS replace what should have been saved for their wife. Or worse, they reenact porn scenes or want to “ try” new things they have seen in porn effectively reducing their wife to someone they are using rather than sharing connecting and loving. Both scenarios are very common.
    AngelofDarkness likes this.
  15. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    I see your point. I can only speak from my point of view. I personally, before entering recovery, never said no to my wife, and initiated most of the time, I never had PIED or other physical symptoms, for me it was a escae from anger, sadness, anxiety, etc.
  16. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Yes, my husband used porn to cope with all these same feelings, my point though, is he should have turned to me, his wife, for support. Intimacy is more than just sex, it’s leaning on someone else, it’s trusting someone with your emotions, it’s being vulnerable and open and honest. That’s what I meant by “ choosing” porn over the so, not that you would leave your spouse or even want to. Healthy people don’t turn to addictions to cope. The opposite of addiction is connection.
    MountainInMyWay likes this.
  17. MountainInMyWay

    MountainInMyWay Fapstronaut

    This is what my husband did as well, including the part about never saying no and often initiating with me. After 11 years, PA resurfaced after job stress and got so much worse after being laid off due to Covid. I had no idea. I finally had begun to fully trust him so my guard was completely down. He should have come to me and leaned on me. Psalm you spoke my thoughts, again.
    Psalm27:1my light likes this.
  18. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    100% agreed. It's one of the top things I'm working on with my therapist and wife.
    Psalm27:1my light likes this.
  19. I agree. Virtually having sex with another woman aka watching porn is fueled by sexual desire for that woman. It might not be the motivation to seek out the behavior, as any addiction is triggered by negative emotions and a need to escape them, but a natural physical reaction is taking place that is linked to sexual attraction and desire, which most women feel like should be exclusive to their SOs.
    Luvspin68 likes this.
  20. diminuendo

    diminuendo New Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for all this feedback, everyone. It has been so helpful reading your thoughts and advice and it’s helped me guide some of the conversations my love and I have had in the past few weeks.

    In a way I think it’s the PIED that hurt me the most. If he had been wanting to be intimate with me alongside the porn I might not feel as betrayed by it. Like @Psalm27:1my light said, he chose porn over me time and time again. The way he’s explained it to me, he often used it when he was stressed or upset as a way to zone out from stress for a while. But like you said, he chose that stress relief rather than spending time with me, confiding in me, and making love to me. And by making that choice and effectively causing his PIED, I lost all of that from him as well. It has been a long few years of feeling undesired and having no intimacy with the man I love.

    I totally agree @MountainInMyWay about wanting to mark your territory. I go back and forth from being very shy and embarrassed about my desire for sex (like you said, hiding in the shower or when changing) to back to being desperate for any crumb of desire from him. I think it’s definitely about craving that desire and connection. Him wanting you proves that you are desirable, but him rejecting you when you proposition him makes you feel even worse than before. It’s such a fine line we have to walk.

    Since I posted this thread I’ve tried to talk more with my bf about these problems like you’ve all suggested. It sounds silly, but even just talking with him has helped me work through some of my feelings and understand his addiction and PIED more. He normally hates talking about his problems but he realized how much it helps me and told me we can talk anytime I need to. He’s really proving to me that he is as dedicated to fixing this as I am.

    I finally felt like he was understanding my pain and that we were on a path to finding intimacy again, but a few weeks ago we got some tough and scary news about an illness in his family. He’s going to have to move out of our little home and back to his home province to help take care of them for a little while. It’s so sad and scary to lose him for the time being when we were finally starting our life together and healing some of these wounds. He’s obviously very stressed so these porn and intimacy issues have to go back on the back burner for now so we can handle his move and this health crisis. It sounds so selfish but I’m terrified that he will leave in a few weeks without giving me any touching or sex at all and then I’ll have to go so long without a chance of any physical touch (so silly, I know). I’m worried that when he’s alone there and so stressed he’s going to turn to porn again and make all this worse when he comes back. It’s very scary times, not just for his family but for us as well.

    But I love him so much and just need to trust that he is going to do everything he can to help his family while also working on himself for us. I know he understands how bad porn is for him and us and he really wants to change. In some of our recent chats he’s really made sure to let me know that I am loved and desired but this disease has gotten in the way right now. He wrote me a beautiful letter reminding me of how much he loves me and how much he really does want to change. Despite all the stress and pain I really do have to believe that we are on the right path to healing our relationship.
    MountainInMyWay likes this.