I'm here because of PamAn

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Sebastian Drew, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. Sebastian Drew

    Sebastian Drew Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    I came to this site after reading Pamela Anderson's opinion piece, in which she said that "porn is for losers - a boring, wasteful and dead-end outlet for people too lazy to reap the ample rewards of healthy sexuality." The moment I read that, I knew that she was right, and that I needed to stop this bad and overwhelming habit. After all, when Pamela Anderson starts calling you a loser, it really is time to buck your ideas up!

    I've never considered porn a problem before, but I've noted and experienced virtually all the problems that this site talks about, and never traced it back to the source. But taking a long hard look at myself, it explains an awful lot.

    I have experienced the desensitization, had to excuse myself and cry alone over failing to ejaculate with a beautiful partner. I have recently lost a relationship in which I loved my partner to pieces, and wanted to have sex, but ending up frustrated and more down than ever afterwards. I've experienced the transition from soft core to some the extreme end of the spectrum. Women being sodomised and literally choked for example. It's repulsive, I know it is, and yet I do it again and again.

    So this is day 1 of my journey towards rehabilitation. I want to break the challenge down; 90 days seems like a long time. But if I can go 15 days at a time, I'm confident that I can get there, knowing that there's so many of us going through the same thing.

    Hello, Fapstronauts, and thank you for having me.
    Sursum Corda likes this.
  2. Septimus

    Septimus Fapstronaut


    I started the same way. You can do this!
    Sebastian Drew likes this.