I had a bad period. My new journal

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Sheraka7, May 5, 2024.

  1. Sheraka7

    Sheraka7 Fapstronaut

    Hello guys.
    I'm here again after a bad period. Plz support me and motivate me.
    Ammar2 and kenwood like this.
  2. TheLastBattle

    TheLastBattle Fapstronaut


    Sorry to hear about your "bad period". Since you don't mentioning what your troubles are, it's hard for me to know exactly how/what to motivate you with.

    But I suppose it's about porn and masturbation?

    The most important thing is too not loose your spirit and don't be to harsh on yourself when you relapses. Not many people has been able to achieve or accomplish something without sacrifices or/and mistakes. We should learn from our mistakes instead of them making us feel useless or miserable. We aren't machines that can be reprogrammed when something is wrong.

    Choices has consequences, when you start looking at porn the consequences can be that you get to much of the good thing and gets addicted to it. A males brain is programmed to get attracted/horny when seeing a naked girl and for every girl you watches or sees your brain will see it as a potential partner to reproduce with. We have these sexual urges for a reason but porn is making the brain crazy because it gets to much of the good and it realeses dopamine for every new girl you see on your screen, and eventually your dopamine levels will be fucked up and if your really unlucky your brain will start to hunt dopamine kicks and to get those is by watching more and more porn, together with masturbation/orgasm.

    Another consequence from watching to much porn can be that you might objectify women instead of seeing them as humans, and that your true enjoyments in life might get more boring because your brain won't release as much dopamine as it does while watching porn and masturbate/orgasm.

    A tip from me to you is especially to try your absolute best to quit porn, porn is the bad guy in all of this. Quiting porn should stabilize your dopamine levels and make you feel more happy while doing the things you truly enjoy in life. Porn shouldn't be the only thing that makes your brain release dopamine so you can feel more satisfied in life.
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