Betrayal Trauma?

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Deleted Account, Aug 24, 2021.

  1. I joined this morning after seeing someone recommend this site on a facebook post and I have been reading incessantly ever since. Your posts (SO's and PA's) have answered so many questions for me - and raised many others. Though I haven't posted my own circumstances anywhere (yet) as it will inevitably be the length of novel, the one thing I came to this site for was because I feel like I am going crazy at times. Reading through the posts here i am wondering now if what I am experiencing is betrayal trauma - I feel incredibly insecure, my self-esteem is through the floor, I ruminate about all the 'incidents' of porn discovery etc. The one thing that I am finding very difficult to overcome (and I feel embarrassed to confess this) is that I worry, even panic about leaving my partner alone in the house as I know/suspect that he will watch porn when I am out. This is becoming a real issue for me as I am seriously restricting my social life, fitness etc but I don't enjoy being out of the house when he is home alone as I spend most of my time worrying that he is watching porn again. Is this common, is this part of betrayal trauma? I need to sort this out as I am going back to work in a couple of weeks (after working from home for 18 months) and my partner works from home so will be here alone most of the week. I know that this irrational but I can't seem to get past it. Just for some context, I discovered the extent of my partners porn use when we went into the first lockdown and I started to work from home too - he hasn't stopped using porn (despite promising he would - he hasn't got a problem and its what all men do) so he tends to use it when I leave the house but denies it.
  2. Psalm27:1my light

    Psalm27:1my light Fapstronaut

    Yes, I unfortunately it is very common to feel this way.
    BlackDahlia likes this.
  3. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    First. Just know that I'm sure every woman on this forum will tell you they had similar thoughts. You're not alone and what you're feeling is not unique or weird or wrong.

    Second, it makes sense to be worried. He hurt you through his actions and with the trust gone, something as simple as him being home all day can bring up those emotions. It makes perfect sense.

    Third, it sounds like there needs to be a hard conversation. You see it as betrayal - that porn use as a whole is bad and wrong and maybe you'd classify it as cheating. You can choose your own words. He, however, disagrees. He thinks it's fine and under control and while bad enough to lie about (maybe simply to spare your feelings), it's not bad enough to stop. At some point, there's going to need to be a conversation so you're both on the same page. Otherwise, it's going to be an endless cycle. You can't make him quit, he has to want to, and sometimes we have to accept the things we cannot change, and instead focus on the things we can.

    Lastly, go read or talk to someone about boundaries in your relationship. There is nothing wrong with saying "this is what i'm OK with and this is what I'm not." It can be really hard though and can lead to fights and breakups and divorces. But it's also about securing your mental health. Setting up and communicating strong boundaries, and ENFORCING them, is something you can control.

    I didn't make meaningful changes until I thought my wife was about to walk out the door. I thank god for triggering something that made me make different choices instead of falling into the same old traps and patterns. Some people need rock bottom, some people need an awakening, some people are lucky and don't get close.
    BrokenHeart 2 and Tannhauser like this.
  4. Thank you for your response and confirming that my response is not weird or wrong. We have had the hard conversation (what feels like a million times) but on his part I think he does not want to see porn as a problem and I never have until this relationship. My ex would occasionally watch porn, we would watch it together - there was no secrecy and it created no issues with our sex life. With my current partner there has always been what I saw as a lack of sexual compatibility. He had a lower libido than me, is inhibited, just seemed to have a take it or leave attitude to sex. It wasn't ideal but I could cope with this as every other aspect of our relationship is great. There were occasions where we didn't have sex for weeks early in our relationship - he put this down to stress etc. He had occasions of ED (again put this down to stress). When we eventually moved in together (approx) 5 years ago things improved in terms of frequency of sex and then when moved house a couple of years ago an I was at home for an extended period and the sex was even more frequent. Things then changed rapidly when I went back to work, he lost interest in sex and we would only have sex on a weekend, usually in the day and only after he had been in the bathroom for 10-15 minutes. The ED started to get worse and I eventually discovered he was regularly watching porn (though he only admitted to every-now and again). He promised to stop but didn't and we have had many arguments about this - the ED got worse (he blamed me, my weight and also my emotional outbursts after each porn discovery) and he eventually started taking something to 'help' (but this was only after he was having difficulty getting hard when watching porn too). Finally this year he admitted to it being a compulsive behaviour and appeared to have stopped. But he hasn't and the last time I caught him he outright gaslighted me and turned the whole situation round making me feel like I was crazy - he even asked if I wanted to leave and 'just get it all over with'. I understand that he may be confused, he is scared of losing me (I did threaten to leave when we were in the worst of it) but he is also scared of giving up something that he 'enjoys'. I also suspect that because he now has something to 'help' with normal sex and we now have sex more frequently (2-3 times a week) that he doesn't feel its that much of an issue.
    Starchild5x likes this.
  5. Trobone

    Trobone Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the additional details.

    If I'm reading you correctly, it sounds more like the big problem is your sexual relationship as a whole (frequency, enjoyment, ED, inhibition, overall libido and sexual compatibility) and the lack of such makes you feel undesired physically. That's obviously a big deal, if it wasn't there wouldn't be roughly 253 billion articles and companies and such that promise to give you the secrets to fix the problem. The second BIG problem seems to be the lying and hiding. In my experience one of the biggest issues my wife had with my acting out was the lying.

    It also sounds like you believe (and he may as well) that porn is one of the underlying causes of the main problem, if not the cause. It makes sense and fits the symptoms. It's not the only possible answer - testosterone, naturally lower libido, sexual trauma in his past, anxiety, stress, etc. But, again, it makes sense to have porn usage as a possible cause of the big symptoms.

    It may be helpful to find a third person to bring into the conversation as an impartial person. A professional of course, not a parent or friend. It's not unfair to say "the path we're on is not something I can do. We need to figure it out and if since we've been going around in circles I found this therapist (or whatever) to help us find a solution."

    As I said, you can't make him want to quit. If you're ok with pills and bathroom breaks with his phone - that's up to you. You set your own comfort levels. If you're not, then you need to stand up for yourself. he has to want to quit - if he feels like you're forcing him he's just going to lie more and get better at hiding it. That's what I originally did and it blew up in my face.
  6. This is exactly how I feel, if there was no involvement of porn then the fact that we are not on the same page when it comes to sex would not be an issue. I believe the libido is related to his porn use, when he was using all the time this was pretty much zero, when he isn't it is OK.

    This is something I suggested previously and he said he would just stop and there was no need to involve anyone else. This is something I will consider but as we at the stage where there is constant denial that he is using porn still we aren't at that stage. I need to work on my response to the next time I found out he has used porn and this could be part of that - I am struggling to be calm and empathically communicate with him when it happens - I tend to go into an emotional spiral of detachment followed by rage and despair.

    I am not sure where I am at with this in terms of my own comfort. At times I feel that I could accept it if he was just honest with me at other times I need it not to be a part of our like. I need to work on myself first (I think). Thank you again for taking the time to reply. It is useful to have the perspective of someone who is dealing with this.
  7. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    @BlackDahlia yes is normal to feel that way. When a person lie to you constantly and you don't trust him anymore this is exactly how you are going to feel.

    Two options.. accept the fact that he is into porn and he is going to do it.. or don't accept it and break up the relationship. In my opinion is imposible to have a healthy relationship without trust, yours is none existing with your partner and is impacting negativebly in your life.

    Lot's of people here hold on to the hope that maybe their partner can quit porn.. he is probably not going to change.. most people don't change.. how many years are you going to waist with a man that is making you feel so miserable? There's plenty of guys that have his shit together.. don't waist time with guys that don't.
    BlackDahlia likes this.
  8. TroutMaskReplica

    TroutMaskReplica Fapstronaut

    I question this framing. There is an implication that the OP is not asking for what they need in the sexual relationship, as if the OP is the one that needs to express and act on their need for a healthy sexual relationship when the partner is the one who is not acting normal. The lying is a bigger deal. The big problem is the partner is not open and honest about his porn use, is not meeting commitments, is not discussing it, and does not have integrity. 99% chance the ED is related to the porn use.

    @BlackDahlia All of your feelings are normal and valid. The behavior you are witness from your partner is not normal. It can and will take time to sort out your feelings. There are good resources for partners including this forum. I hope you find some peace and closure in due time.
    BlackDahlia likes this.
  9. Thank you @TroutMaskReplica you are correct that the big problem is the lack of honesty.
    Starchild5x and TroutMaskReplica like this.
  10. Starchild5x

    Starchild5x Fapstronaut

    Hi iam glad you came here,no your not crazy or irrational your story sounds alot like mine,after finding out I cant thinking about everything hes watched,how long for,I don't see woman & teenagers the same,I cant watch TV with him without seeing half naked girls on every advert & show & feeling upset,feel stupid for not knowing but so much makes sense now,his anger & lack of emotion,him calling me ugly.I too couldn't go out or visit my mum without crying knowing what he'd be doing,I felt like I was Nutts,I tried competing with porn and been always available but he has ED with me its heartbreaking,so despite saying he won't he always finds a way to continue & only sleeps with me twice a month.everytime I try to talk iam stupid,so much denial! It seems he's mostly embarrassed & just doesn't want me to know but if given the choice would just continue to do it behind my back and me not find out! I too havent put my story up yet as felt it would be too long haha.Iam not sure I can cope with the pain anymore its a long hard road to recovery but I think its only possible if the addict accepts they have a problem and wants to work on it,otherwise like me your dealing with it alone,I probably understand whats going on with him more than he does because he won't even entertain the idea.