Anyone with Physical Symptoms Due to Over Masturbation?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by ChronicTeen, Aug 30, 2015.

  1. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

    I've been doing a lot of research across the internet about the connection between my symptoms and over masturbation. I have found plenty of other websites with stories of people who masturbated chronically for years (like me) and ended up with various physical symptoms because of it (like me). However, I don't find that many people with such stories here on NoFap.

    Here are my main symptoms which came along with many years of chronic masturbation:

    1. Chronic Fatigue

    2. Altered Vision (floaters, after images, light sensitivity)

    3. ED and flaccid size shrinkage

    Of course I have many other symptoms, but these are the main ones and are the ones that bother me the most. If any of you have similar symptoms, or any other physical symptoms caused by chronic over masturbation, please let me know. I really want to know more about this topic, as there is very little coverage of it on this website.

    Thank you!
    dboy18 likes this.
  2. kriss93

    kriss93 Fapstronaut

    I think my HOCD has came from that...(and from ED of course)
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Well, I developed Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (twice), but I cannot say that resulted from masturbation. I have never had floaters. I definitely had ED and flaccid dick shrinkage though.
    ChronicTeen likes this.
  4. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

    Thanks for replying, your comment is very interesting and informative. May I know what caused your Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (if you've been able to pin down the cause)? And also, have you recovered from it and has NoFap helped?

    If you'd rather talk about it in private, PM me, your response is very much appreciated as I am going through it right now.

  5. Plattiii

    Plattiii Fapstronaut

    I got eye floaters and blurry vision, swollen prostate and frequent urination.
    Pati_ryu likes this.
  6. ChronicTeen

    ChronicTeen Fapstronaut

    Our visual symptoms are the same! I don't know if I had a swollen prostate but during the time in which I PMO'ed the most, I had a lot of difficulty urinating and it hurt a lot.
    Have you found any improvement in your symptoms with NoFap?
    Vision wise, I found that once I go around 30+ days PMO free I have some days in which my vision improves quite a bit. As soon as I relapse my vision goes back to being horrible and altered, so that's quite suspicious.
  7. Plattiii

    Plattiii Fapstronaut

    I haven't been on NoFap for long but so far I haven't had as many eye floaters and I don't urinate as much as I used to, which is one of the main reasons why I'm done with PMO
  8. Amit shah

    Amit shah Fapstronaut

    Under eye dark circles,hair fall,loss in concentration,pain in legs while running these are some of the problem am facing due to PMO
    Pati_ryu likes this.
  9. Robin0392

    Robin0392 New Fapstronaut

  10. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    Mostly raw dick from not enough lubrication and death grip/ED.
  11. MarinoBigFan1984

    MarinoBigFan1984 Fapstronaut

    I'd get the swollen prostate checked out by a doctor.
  12. Jay77

    Jay77 Fapstronaut

    I’m certain fapping is a primary cause of CFS. The energy expelled to reproduce is enormous. The vitamins and nutrients needed for the transportation as well can cause deficiencies. On top of that the dopamine hits to brain similar to one of a hit of heroine can’t be helpful either. I think all this added up over a period of time can send your body into CFS. Of course things can recover over time but the longer you have chronically fapped the longer the healing process.
  13. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    I agree. I'm 99% sure that's what is happening with me. I think for any long-term PMO addicts, CFS is a possible outcome, and trust me, it isn't good.

    I'd like to know how strong the link between CFS and PMO is more broadly - how many in the general population?
  14. Jay77

    Jay77 Fapstronaut

    Experts still believe masturbation isn’t damaging for your health never mind link it to CFS. My highest streak is 77 days and I felt 80% better with my CFS for the past 6 months I am fapping twice a day and I am practically back bed bound this addiction is horrible.
  15. hsvStylist79

    hsvStylist79 Fapstronaut

    Yeah, CFS seems very likely linked, to me. I thought it was my “personality,” it was so bad. My least favorite symptom is definitely the ED and loss of sensitivity due to death grip, making it much harder to perform for real partners I care about. No matter how hot my partners have been to me, I end up relying on mental images of more extreme scenes, and self-stimulation to climax. I’m in recovery for the first time (my ex brought porn addiction up during our breakup, and that was my wake-up call) and I’m only 3 days in. I’ve experienced CFS and ED stuff for at least 15 years but did not know to associate it with porn/masturbation. Didn’t understand why I could only really get it up for porn, and was particularly scared last week when I realized I was starting to not be able to get it up for porn anymore, either. Popular culture really validates and promotes porn and regular masturbation. Maybe it’s okay for others, but for me it has been damaging in physical ways. Having recently quit, I can say it’s been a relief to step away and stop feeling pressure to pleasure myself and look at extreme sexual images of strangers. I hope that over time I’ll regain my sensitivity and be able to function better for future mates. That’s what I’m in this for.
  16. Abzu

    Abzu Fapstronaut

    Yes, i have seborrheic dermatitis which reduces significantly when i'm on a long streak.
  17. Jay77

    Jay77 Fapstronaut

    Thats good to hear I know many peopel have had improvement with their longterm health problems due to nofap. We will get there but its not easy at all.
  18. i_have_pizza

    i_have_pizza Fapstronaut

    My penis is took shape to better fit my hand. It's straight, but turned around on ~10 degrees and squized a bit.