Advice for avoiding relapse when very tired or fatigued? Withdrawal symptom?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by itchbattle, May 7, 2024.

  1. itchbattle

    itchbattle Fapstronaut

    Was feeling super tired (not sleep deprived though) yesterday evening, but too early to sleep. Seem to be at my weakest resisting urges when that happens. Peeked at something I shouldn't have as I just wanted the dopamine hit, then relapse.

    It was weird as before I peeked, I was feeling really tired and low. As soon as I watched some NSFW stuff then I was immediately awake and felt much more alert. I guess it's all just some withdrawal symptoms, as if I was really tired then I wouldn't have any more awake. This was after a 45 day streak. I am starting to feel the withdrawal symptoms never wear off!

    TLDR Being fatigued makes me more likely to relapse, any advice? Also think it's withdrawal from giving up porn.
    ThePerspicacious likes this.
  2. a familiar story / experience. You are in the feedback loop of addiction, in all its ugliness.

    "I feel like shit ever since I quit this drug"
    [does drugs]
    "wow, I feel better!"
    [time passes, drug toxic after effects kick in]
    "I feel like shit without that drug..."

    Eventually your brain will do *anything* to convince you that the drug is the solution, instead of the thing CAUSING the problem. This is why addiction is often referred to as a disease.
    I recommend to immediately get an AP, go to SAA support groups, post here every day. - this is not a winnable fight in isolation. You need community to help ya addict brain not take over.

    Something else that helped me is HALT

    we act out more under these circumstances. Watch Terry Crews, My Dirty Little Secret - he talks about this.

    When you feel that way, go to a place away from computers and technology. I often just go under the covers and put blankets over my head. and remind yourself it will pass. then you will feel better! Good luck :)
    ThePerspicacious and itchbattle like this.
  3. itchbattle

    itchbattle Fapstronaut

    Thanks so much for your reply, it's very helpful and insightful. I know what SAA is, what is AP though?

    Yes also good points, I need to visit this forum more and not try to win this fight in isolation.
    cleaningupmyact likes this.
  4. Hey,
    Yes come back :) This fight is not winnable in isolation, imo, which is also what the 12 steps says. We need each other.
    An AP = Accountability Partner. Someone to talk to about the addiction and be accountable to. I recommend it a lot :) It can be messaging here or like a sponsor or someone like that