8 years... see you when I get married.

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by FLowex, Jun 5, 2023.

  1. FLowex

    FLowex New Fapstronaut

    well I wish I could say a. lot more about the past 8 years but I didnt journal or take any initiative in what would've made a great story, what I can say is that love has taken the place of my past actions, I feel clean and love is clean.

    I've come to understand intercourse and I realized that civilization is doing ok with the messages it tries to convey... GET MARRIED BEFORE INTERCOURSE" is great advice. get to grow with someone before you stain it with the dangers of lust.
    "virginity rocks" is a good campaign to keep kids involved and responsible.

    I didnt tell anyone not my friends not my family about my decision because I didn't wanna hear "you dont have to do this" "its normal" or any of that. I feel pure now and spiritually strong I realized what lust is and is great to overcome it, lust gets worse and worse you do something kinky and you do the next thing even worse, before you know it your doing things you never thought u would do... its great to be celibate for this long and I will stay until the day I get married. thank you for the warning signs parents and teachers. thank you God keeping the enemy at bay and walking with me year after year till I recovered all this love that I rather be looking at.

    Alex Peña
    8 years and counting
  2. tim slim

    tim slim Fapstronaut

    That is beautiful!

    I wish I could enter marital covenant soon. And even when my future bride and I doing it, it is out of love, not lust.

    Thanks for inspiring me. It means a lot to me.

    Hope your relationship with your wife and God gets closer and closer everyday.

    God bless you both!
    again likes this.
  3. Kn0wbie

    Kn0wbie Fapstronaut

    Well done bud! Great decision and will power! I’m guessing and (hoping!) gets easier as time passes and soon this becomes your “normal”

    still a bit of a struggle at times - but my decision is for life!
  4. I don't personally share such a stance on virginity, but it's positive that you stand true to yourself and to your principles. People might be snarky or even malicious with those who adopt these ways of living. Just keep a strong mind towards what you believe to be right. You're conquering lust day by day, something they so far were not able to do.